Noutoe, Now Tio, Now Tu

Referring to Cory tells Forbes 1965 PTSA 88 O.A. 'In 1810 Preparations Were Made At Nuisto For the Establishment of the First Permanent Military Headquarters in the Zuurveld, But The Site was Abandoned Shortly Afterwards in Favor of the Position Where Grahamstown Now Stands'. The starting point was undoubtedly the river, 'closely river' at Meijer. Of the river, the name went on the place and then on the farm, it looked after it. The question that also made Mr Severad to us is whether the name is adapted from Khoekhens, or it was originally Dutch / Afrikaans. If we go down on the old spellings, it no doubt that it was Khoekhens. It comes eg. With a suction consonant before, so on the top producer series 1965 sheet 3326 East London, there as the name of farm No. Q.5-7, spelled 'T'noutoe or Table Farm', district Albany. About the meaning we do not indicate in our material. Many farm names in the area are given N.A.V. A color, and the area is rich in ocher soil. In fact, the eccapas nearly uncovered such colored layers laid down in the eccath period. If we have to give a statement that is first and foremost sound association and look geographically, then it will be (s) now / noutoo / now TIO etc. ǃ Now- [ǃ Nau-L = 'Ockernein' (Rust 1960 DNW 46), to agree with the first member of the name, and as Namaǃ HU- = ground, earth, bottom (Rust Aid. 18), Already in 1655 by De Flacourt next to holding as TA (Hott 368), to agree with the second member of the name. Of course, the statement is open to correction if it happens that more and better data is obtained. Meanwhile, Mr Severad shows (to whom the above was submitted) in a letter GED. 21 3 1977 note that according to Mr Francis White's drift on nook where the wagons strung, 'in the old days the names saved Drift and Red Ground'; Mr Francis White's brother, Mr TC White, farms on the adjacent farm Hilton whose name was originally 'Roode turn'. The said Lord considers the derivation of now as 'oker ground' as very likely.

About this item

Noutoe, Now Tio, Now Tu
Alternative Title
Noutoe, Now Tio, Now Tu
Georeference Sources
K 3326 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Table Farm
eng Paterson 1779 NFJ 93 'We Arrived At The Now Tio Towards Evening'. Veldwagmeester Lucas Meijer 1783 VRV 34 164 'Consulted wise to De River narrowly called'. The same 166 '...' Noodoos River ... 'Foot note of PR Kirby 1958 VRV 34 192' This Place ... was On Table Farm (Formerly Noutu), Through Which The Noutoe Stream, A Tributary of the New Year's River, Runs ... '' Now 'also comes in Heligert Muller 1783's report, there. Wildschutbook 1784 E.V. From RLR (Receiver of Land Revenue) as told by Prof. VS Forbes by Mr CJ Severad 1977-04-11: 1784 32 199 'The utility'; 1785 33 143 'Now, Nutoe'; 1785-87 73 19 'WELTOUWS BERGH'; 1798 52 117 'DE NOW'. STOCKENSTROM Sir A 1812 in Autobiography 1887 1 62 ' Member 'The' in addition . The Widow Nei sold the farm in 1828 to Mr TC White, a 1820 settler, and he named it to Table Hill Farm (now Table Farm), because in the middle of the farm is a flat-headed Tafe ǃ was. The water was there, the suburbs were there ... When the Wavers arrived, they shouted, 'Nowǃ Tighten Name ... '[Mr Severad doubted the truth of the story.]
afr Paterson 1779 NFJ 93 'We arrived at the Now Tio towards evening'. Veldwagmeester lucas Meijer 1783 VRV 34 164 'Vertrokken wij tot aan de Rivier Noutoe genaamd'. Dieselfde 166 '...aan de Noetoos Rivier...' Voet- noot hierby van PR Kirby 1958 VRV 34 192 'This place...was on Table Farm (formerly Noetoe), through which the Noetoe Stream, a tributary of the New Year’s River, runs...' 'Noutoe' kom ook voor in Heligert Muller 1783 se verslag, aldaar. Wildschutboek 1784 e.v. uit RlR (Receiver of land Revenue) soos meegedeel deur prof. VS Forbes per mnr CJ Skead 1977-04-11: 1784 32 199 'De Nutoe'; 1785 33 143 'Noutoe, Nutoe'; 1785-87 73 19 'Noutouws Bergh'; 1798 52 117 'de Noutoe'. Stockenstrom sir A 1812 in Autobiography 1887 1 62 'I...reached the Nan- too...' Daarna meestal met, een keer sonder die bepaalde lidwoord 'the' daarby. Skead CJ 1977 Brief '...Noutoe is ’n welbekende plaas 11 km noordwes van Grahamstad. Volgens mnr Francis White, die eienaar, was Noutoe die oorspronklike naam van die plaas wat aan ’n Gert Nei behoort het. Die weduwee Nei het die plaas in 1828 aan mnr T.C. White, ’n 1820-Setlaar, verkoop, en hy het dit vernoem tot Table Hill Farm (nou Table Farm), want in die middel van die plaas staan ’n platkop-tafeǃberg...Mnr Francis White het vir my gesê dat prof. PR Kirby...’n verklaring gegee het. Hy skryf dat die plaas wat op die samevloeiing van drie riviertjies staan, ’n natuurlike en gewone uitspanplek op pad na Grahamstad was. Die water was daar, die weiveld was daar...toe die wadrywers daar aangekom het, het hulle geskreeu: ‘Noutoeǃ Span maar uitǃ’, en daarna het die plek en plaas die naam gekry...’’[Mnr Skead twyfel aan die waarheid van die storie.]
eng Referring to Cory tells Forbes 1965 PTSA 88 O.A. 'In 1810 Preparations Were Made At Nuisto For the Establishment of the First Permanent Military Headquarters in the Zuurveld, But The Site was Abandoned Shortly Afterwards in Favor of the Position Where Grahamstown Now Stands'. The starting point was undoubtedly the river, 'closely river' at Meijer. Of the river, the name went on the place and then on the farm, it looked after it. The question that also made Mr Severad to us is whether the name is adapted from Khoekhens, or it was originally Dutch / Afrikaans. If we go down on the old spellings, it no doubt that it was Khoekhens. It comes eg. With a suction consonant before, so on the top producer series 1965 sheet 3326 East London, there as the name of farm No. Q.5-7, spelled 'T'noutoe or Table Farm', district Albany.
About the meaning we do not indicate in our material. Many farm names in the area are given N.A.V. A color, and the area is rich in ocher soil. In fact, the eccapas nearly uncovered such colored layers laid down in the eccath period. If we have to give a statement that is first and foremost sound association and look geographically, then it will be (s) now / noutoo / now TIO etc. ǃ Now- [ǃ Nau-L = 'Ockernein' (Rust 1960 DNW 46), to agree with the first member of the name, and as Namaǃ HU- = ground, earth, bottom (Rust Aid. 18), Already in 1655 by De Flacourt next to holding as TA (Hott 368), to agree with the second member of the name. Of course, the statement is open to correction if it happens that more and better data is obtained. Meanwhile, Mr Severad shows (to whom the above was submitted) in a letter GED. 21 3 1977 note that according to Mr Francis White's drift on nook where the wagons strung, 'in the old days the names saved Drift and Red Ground'; Mr Francis White's brother, Mr TC White, farms on the adjacent farm Hilton whose name was originally 'Roode turn'. The said Lord considers the derivation of now as 'oker ground' as very likely.
afr Met verwysing na Cory vertel Forbes 1965 PTSA 88 o.a. 'In 1810 preparations were made at Noutoe for the establishment of the first permanent military headquarters in the Zuurveld, but the site was abandoned shortly afterwards in favour of the position where Grahamstown now stands'. Die beginpunt was ongetwyfeld die rivier, 'Noutoos Rivier' by Meijer. Van die rivier het die naam op die plek en toe op die plaas oorgegaan, na dit lyk. Die vraag wat ook mnr Skead aan ons gestel het, is of die naam aangepas is uit Khoekhoens, dan wel of dit oorspronklik Nederlands/Afrikaans was. As ons afgaan op die ou spellings van die naam, dan ly dit geen twyfel dat dit Khoekhoens was nie. Dit kom bv. met ’n suigkonsonant voor, so op die Topo- kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 3326 East london, daar as die naam van plaas nr Aly. Q.5-7, gespel 'T’Noutoe or Table Farm', distrik Albany. Oor die betekenis kry ons geen aanduiding in ons materiaal nie. Baie plaasname in die omgewing is gegee n.a.v. ’n kleur, en die gebied is ryk aan okergrond. Trouens, die Eccapas hier naby ontbloot sulke gekleurde lae wat neergelê is in die Eccatydperk. As ons ’n verklaring moet gee wat eerstens klankassosiatief gefundeer is en geografies moontlik lyk, dan sal dit wees om (De) Noutoe/Noutoo/Nou Tio ens., met 'n suigkonsonant vooraan, te verstaan as betekenende 'Okergrond', soos Nama ǃnou- [ǃnau-l = 'Ockerstein' (Rust 1960 DNW 46), om ooreen te stem met die eerste lid van die naam, en soos Nama ǃhu- = grond, aarde, bodem (Rust aid. 18), reeds in 1655 deur De Flacourt naas hou opgegee as ta (HOTT 368), om ooreen te stem met die tweede lid van die naam. Die verklaring is natuurlik oop vir regstelling indien dit gebeur dat meer en beter gegewens ingewin word. Intussen wys mnr Skead (aan wie bostaande voorgelê is) in ’n brief ged. 21 3 1977 daarop dat volgens mededeling van mnr Francis White die drif op Noutoe waar die waens uitgespan het, 'in die ou dae die name Red Drift en Red Ground gedra het'; mnr Francis White se broer, mnr TC White, boer op die aangrensende plaas Hilton waarvan die naam oorspronklik was 'Roode Draai'. Die genoemde here ag die afleiding van Noutoe as 'Okergrond' as baie waarskynlik.
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