Tootobie, Tootabi

The station is in the Albany district, ong. 5 km from Alicedale. The track runs along the Bushman River. The station name is spelled tootabi, apparently according to the general verdict, cf. the statement of the spokesman. The name comes from the places west of the station, currently two farms, but on the cards still spelled tootobia (second syllable -to). 'Great' and 'small tootobie' are farms numbers alx. Q. 5-4 and Q. 1-7, district Alexandria (three districts come together), cf. Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth. The S.A series 1968 sheet 3325 BD Paterson still gives the two farms to 'Tootobie Valley' and 'Tootabi Forest Reserve'. The name is well established and has wide application. The younger shape is tootabi, apparently divided into Toota plus BI, with the member -bi contemplating a (honey) at, according to the derivation of the spokesman. We get no support whatsoever for this. Just above tootobie le 'Brakfontein' no sum. Q. 18-1. Brakbos, also brackets, is in Nama Dawe, a word that is well joining the Tabi of Tootabi, but now the older form, as converted. Not-tabi, but -tobia. We suffice with mentioning the facts we possess, and we declare that we have not yet demonstrated the statement of Mr Du Preez ('fat honey (place)') linguistically, always added that we are provisionally on the state - Pointed that the name Khoekhens is. Mr CJ Severad 1979 letter did for our fieldwork. The pronunciation of people there for Tootabi is 'Thidebe'. Prof. H. Pahl's there is no connection between Thidebe and an Xhosa word. Thidebe (or then tootabie) is also regional name. 'All People, Black and White, Questioned on the Locality of Thidebe Gave IT as Lying South of the Acidberg Range Just West of Alicedale, and Stated That It Did Not Spread Over On To The North Face of the Range There. One Black Informant ... Define it as Lying Between the Ridge of the Suurberg at Oli- Fanta Head to Just North of Paterson Village, and West of the Bushmans River ... '

About this item

Tootobie, Tootabi
Alternative Title
Tootobie, Tootabi
Georeference Sources
K 3325 BD en 3326 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng PNK 1947 Questionnaire 'Tootabi, siding southeast of Alicedale. Old name. Of hotnot origin. It means 'fat honey'. The 'BI' of Tootabi refers to the honeybee. Due to the fat honey that the Hottentots found in the cliffs of the mountains in this area earlier, the name of Tootabi, fat honey, was given. Judgment, with the accent on the Too. The old homestead Tootabi belonged to Mr SP du Preez [the informant of the above] father '.
afr PNK 1947 Vraelys 'Tootabi, sylyn suidoos van Alicedale. Ou naam. Van Hotnot-herkoms. Dit beteken ‘Vet heuning’. Die ‘bi' van Tootabi verwys na die heuningby. Weens die vet heuning wat die Hottentotte vroeër jare in die kranse van die berge in hierdie omgewing gevind het, is die naam Tootabi, vet heuning, gegee. Uitspraak Toetabi, met die aksent op die Too. Die ou opstal Tootabi het aan mnr SP du Preez [die informant van bostaande] se vader behoort'.
eng The station is in the Albany district, ong. 5 km from Alicedale. The track runs along the Bushman River. The station name is spelled tootabi, apparently according to the general verdict, cf. the statement of the spokesman. The name comes from the places west of the station, currently two farms, but on the cards still spelled tootobia (second syllable -to). 'Great' and 'small tootobie' are farms numbers alx. Q. 5-4 and Q. 1-7, district Alexandria (three districts come together), cf. Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth. The S.A series 1968 sheet 3325 BD Paterson still gives the two farms to 'Tootobie Valley' and 'Tootabi Forest Reserve'. The name is well established and has wide application. The younger shape is tootabi, apparently divided into Toota plus BI, with the member -bi contemplating a (honey) at, according to the derivation of the spokesman. We get no support whatsoever for this. Just above tootobie le 'Brakfontein' no sum. Q. 18-1. Brakbos, also brackets, is in Nama Dawe, a word that is well joining the Tabi of Tootabi, but now the older form, as converted. Not-tabi, but -tobia. We suffice with mentioning the facts we possess, and we declare that we have not yet demonstrated the statement of Mr Du Preez ('fat honey (place)') linguistically, always added that we are provisionally on the state - Pointed that the name Khoekhens is. Mr CJ Severad 1979 letter did for our fieldwork. The pronunciation of people there for Tootabi is 'Thidebe'. Prof. H. Pahl's there is no connection between Thidebe and an Xhosa word. Thidebe (or then tootabie) is also regional name. 'All People, Black and White, Questioned on the Locality of Thidebe Gave IT as Lying South of the Acidberg Range Just West of Alicedale, and Stated That It Did Not Spread Over On To The North Face of the Range There. One Black Informant ... Define it as Lying Between the Ridge of the Suurberg at Oli- Fanta Head to Just North of Paterson Village, and West of the Bushmans River ... '
afr Die stasie le in die distrik Albany, ong. 5 km suidelik van Alicedale. Die spoor loop hier langs die Boesmansrivier. Die stasienaam word gespel Tootabi, blykbaar volgens die algemene uitspraak, vgl. die verklaring van die segsman. Die naam kom van die plekke wes van die stasie, tans twee plase, maar op die kaarte steeds gespel Tootobie (tweede lettergreep -to-). 'Groot' en 'Klein Tootobie' is plase nommers Alx. Q. 5-4 en Q. 1-7, distrik Alexandria (drie distrikte kom hier saam), vgl. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth. Die S.A.-reeks 1968 vel 3325 BD Paterson gee nog naas die twee plase aan 'Tootobie Valley' en 'Tootabi Forest Reserve'. Die naam is goed gevestig en het wye toepassing. Die jonger vorm is Tootabi, blykbaar te verdeel in Toota- plus bi, met die lid -bi bete- kenende ’n (heuning)by, volgens die afleiding van die segsman. Taalkundig kry ons hiervoor geen steun hoegenaamd nie. Net bokant Tootobie le 'Brakfontein' nr Som. Q. 18-1. Brakbos, ook brakplekke, is in Nama dawe-, ’n woord wat goed aansluit by die -tabi van Tootabi, maar nou is die ouer vorm, soos oorgelêwer. nie -tabi nie, maar -tobie. Ons volstaan met die noem van die feite waaroor ons beskik, en ons verklaar dat ons die verklaring van mnr Du Preez ('Vet-heuning-(plek)') taalkundig nog nie bewysbaar vind nie, altyd bygesê dat ons ons voorlopig op die stand- punt gestel het dat die naam Khoekhoens is. Mnr CJ Skead 1979 Brief het intussen vir ons veldwerk gedoen. Die uitspraak van mense daar vir Tootabi is 'Thidebe'. Prof. H. Pahl se daar is geen verband tussen Thidebe en 'n Xhosawoord nie. Thidebe (of dan Tootabie) is daar ook streeknaam. 'All people, black and white, questioned on the locality of Thidebe gave it as lying south of the Suurberg range just west of Alicedale, and stated that it did not spread over on to the north face of the range there. One black informant ... defined it as lying between the ridge of the Suurberg at Oli- fantskop to just north of Paterson village, and west of the Bushmans River...'
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