
Corransdrift', on the Topo Cadastral Card 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Courans Drift' No. Q. 48-50, was already entered on the section 1890 of Uitenhage as 'Korhans Drift'. In this area, many places occur with a tree name as ingredient. Whether in the campaign, west of Kirkwood in the Sunday River, lies the farm 'Yellowwood tree', and eastern Kirkwood, about the same distance, lies another farm 'yellowwood tree'. Kamegaspruit lies about in between. Many other places keep this tree name, eg. 'Yellowwood' at 3424 AB, 'Geelhoutbos River' at 3324 CA, 'Geelhoutboom River' at 3424 BA / BB. Another other, everyone in this organization. Now we specifically know that the old name of 'Yellowwood River' was in one game form 'Kameka', cf. Cammacha in th Baroe). The yellowwood tree is a sp. of Podocarpus, about which more at Smith 1966 cnsap 222. The Khoekhoian word for the podocarpus is not kept separately for us, but we can assume that Kamega is compiled from the ground word * (-) comb (m) I and - GA (NAM -XA for 'many'), the 'sprout with many (-GA) yellowwood trees'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3325 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1963 'Camegaspruit, old name of a sprout 5 miles [8 km] west of Kirkwood. The verdict of the Word is 'Kamega'. According to Mr JJ du Preez, living in the area for his entire lifetime (he has been 56 years), his grandfather's grandmother called Kamega. Origin and meaning of the word is unknown. located on farm korransdrift '
afr Opmeting 1963 'Kamegaspruit, ou naam van ’n spruit 5 myl [8 km] wes van Kirkwood. Die uitspraak van die wbord is ‘Kamega’. Volgens mnr JJ du Preez, woonagtig in die gebied vir sy hele leeftyd (hy is al 56 jaar), het sy Oupa-grootjie die spruit genoem Kamega. Oorsprong en betekenis van die woord is onbekend. geleë op plaas Korransdrift'
eng Corransdrift', on the Topo Cadastral Card 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Courans Drift' No. Q. 48-50, was already entered on the section 1890 of Uitenhage as 'Korhans Drift'. In this area, many places occur with a tree name as ingredient. Whether in the campaign, west of Kirkwood in the Sunday River, lies the farm 'Yellowwood tree', and eastern Kirkwood, about the same distance, lies another farm 'yellowwood tree'. Kamegaspruit lies about in between. Many other places keep this tree name, eg. 'Yellowwood' at 3424 AB, 'Geelhoutbos River' at 3324 CA, 'Geelhoutboom River' at 3424 BA / BB. Another other, everyone in this organization. Now we specifically know that the old name of 'Yellowwood River' was in one game form 'Kameka', cf. Cammacha in th Baroe). The yellowwood tree is a sp. of Podocarpus, about which more at Smith 1966 cnsap 222. The Khoekhoian word for the podocarpus is not kept separately for us, but we can assume that Kamega is compiled from the ground word * (-) comb (m) I and - GA (NAM -XA for 'many'), the 'sprout with many (-GA) yellowwood trees'.
afr Korransdrift', op die Topo-kadastrale kaart 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Courans Drift' nr Uit. Q. 48-50, is reeds op die Afdelingskaart 1890 van Uitenhage ingeskryf as 'Korhaans Drift'. In hierdie gebied kom baie plekke voor met 'n boomnaam as bestanddeel. Wes van hierdie Kamega- spruit wat wes van Kirkwood in die Sondagsrivier inloop, le die plaas 'Geelhout Boom', en oostelik van Kirkwood, omtrent ewe ver, le 'n ander plaas 'Geelhouteboom'. Kamegaspruit le omtrent tussenin. Baie ander plekke bewaar hierdie boomnaam, bv. 'Geelhout' op 3424 AB, 'Geelhoutbosrivier' op 3324 CA, 'Geelhoutboomrivier' op 3424 BA/BB. ook nog ander, almal in hierdie orngewing. Nou weet ons spesifiek dat die ou naam van 'Yellowwood River' in een spelvorm 'Kameka' was, vgl. CAMMACHA in TH A* 270. Met die genoemde feite voor oe is dit duide- lik dat Kamegaspruit sy Khoekhoense naamgedeelte met redelike seker- heid van die aanwesigheid van die geelhoutboom daar gekry het (eerder as van die aanwesigheid van die Cyphea sp., die baroe). Die geelhoutboom is ’n sp. van Podocarpus, waaroor meer by Smith 1966 CNSAP 222. Die Khoekhoense woord vir die Podocarpus is nie afsonderlik vir ons bewaar nie, maar ons kan seker aanneem dat kamega saamgestel is uit die grond- woord* (-)kam(m)i en -ga- (Nam -xa- vir 'baie'), die 'Spruit met baie (-ga-) geelhoutbome'.
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