
There is no indication that the name means. Usually the member is translated with water, river, and a few times with fountain. In fact, this is one of our earliest records and arrives in 1626 as Chtammey. Gordon's detrimental of the fact that juice mamma is a small estuary, the question arises whether -Camma here is not the approximately ou- Cape word for (river) mouth. In Old Cape, 'mouth' was recorded as Kam, Quam, Xgamm, Tkchamma, and so on (Hott 392). It often appears in namaname as ingredient, and then defaces as - (k) ams. Of course, the difference between the concepts 'water' and 'erasure' is not large and -Camma can be used for both. Since the suction consonant in the sound building of Khoekhens is not before the -s consistent, it is questionable whether Gordon's T- as a Schnalz has been judged. Can the TSAAP, now SAP, perhaps stand for 'Bushman' (Nama SA-B)? So: Boesman (s) mouth? This river was twice signed in anonymous on Wentzel's map, and the Sundays River flows from west to east within just below the completion of the Courney from east to west in Sundays. It was Bushman World, in fact, in fact, the Bushmans River, of which one inland name sacolka also contains the element, according to us, the meaning of 'Bushman'. Sapkamma had to be a big farm that apparently could appear on either side of the Kariega River. The name 'sapkamma' is carried by farm. 10-50, thereon an eponymous siding, and by the adjacent 'juice' or Witbooys Kraal 'no ..q.10-51. If the statement is correct that the member' SAP 'means' Boesman '(cf. Cr. -R. 1969 NW 338 SA-B = 'BUSCHMANN', and Sonkwasdrif The name was preserved in the rise 'Witbooys Kraal'. The place statement then contains a piece of petrified history. The name is also carried by the mountain at the foot of which the station lies, viz. by Sapkammasberg.

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Georeference Sources
K 3325 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Gordon 1792 MS 5 126 'Tsaap Camma is a small mouth of a river that comes from Naba.hi against overcoursui and an hour of Beoaste Sondags RIV: Walks in sea somtyds'.
afr Gordon 1792 ms 5 126 'tSaap Camma is een kleine mond van een rivier dat uit naba.hi tegen over Courneui uitkomt en een uur beoosten Sondags riv: in zee somtyds loopt'.
eng There is no indication that the name means. Usually the member is translated with water, river, and a few times with fountain. In fact, this is one of our earliest records and arrives in 1626 as Chtammey. Gordon's detrimental of the fact that juice mamma is a small estuary, the question arises whether -Camma here is not the approximately ou- Cape word for (river) mouth. In Old Cape, 'mouth' was recorded as Kam, Quam, Xgamm, Tkchamma, and so on (Hott 392). It often appears in namaname as ingredient, and then defaces as - (k) ams. Of course, the difference between the concepts 'water' and 'erasure' is not large and -Camma can be used for both. Since the suction consonant in the sound building of Khoekhens is not before the -s consistent, it is questionable whether Gordon's T- as a Schnalz has been judged. Can the TSAAP, now SAP, perhaps stand for 'Bushman' (Nama SA-B)? So: Boesman (s) mouth? This river was twice signed in anonymous on Wentzel's map, and the Sundays River flows from west to east within just below the completion of the Courney from east to west in Sundays. It was Bushman World, in fact, in fact, the Bushmans River, of which one inland name sacolka also contains the element, according to us, the meaning of 'Bushman'. Sapkamma had to be a big farm that apparently could appear on either side of the Kariega River. The name 'sapkamma' is carried by farm. 10-50, thereon an eponymous siding, and by the adjacent 'juice' or Witbooys Kraal 'no ..q.10-51. If the statement is correct that the member' SAP 'means' Boesman '(cf. Cr. -R. 1969 NW 338 SA-B = 'BUSCHMANN', and Sonkwasdrif The name was preserved in the rise 'Witbooys Kraal'. The place statement then contains a piece of petrified history. The name is also carried by the mountain at the foot of which the station lies, viz. by Sapkammasberg.
afr Daar is geen aanduiding wat die naam beteken nie. Gewoonlik word die lid -kamma (-camma) vertaal met water, rivier, en enkele kere met fontein. Dit is trouens een van ons vroegste optekeninge en kom in 1626 voor as chtammey. Gordon se benadrukking van die feit dat Sapkamma ’n klein riviermond is, laat die vraag ontstaan of -camma hier nie die ongeveer gelykluidende Ou- Kaapse woord vir (rivier)mond is nie. In Ou-Kaaps is 'mond' opgeteken as kam, quam, xgamm, tkchamma ensovoorts (HOTT 392). Dit verskyn dikwels in Namaname as bestanddeel, en dan gedevelariseer as -(k)ams. Die verskil tussen die begrippe 'water' en 'uitwatering' is natuurlik nie groot nie en -camma kan vir albei gebruik word. Aangesien die suigkonsonant in die klankbou van Khoekhoens nie voor die -s bestaanbaar is nie, is dit twyfelagtig of Gordon se t- as 'n schnalz te beoordeel is. Kan die tSaap-, nou Sap-, miskien vir 'Boesman' staan (Nama Sa-b)? Dus: Boesman(s)mond? Hierdie riviertjie is twee keer naamloos ingeteken op Wentzel se kaart, en vloei die Sondagsrivier van wes na oos binne net onderkant die uitmonding van die Coerney van oos na wes in die Sondags. Dit was Boesmanswêreld, verder ooswaarts le trouens die Boesmansrivier waarvan die een inlandse naam SAKOlKA ook die element bevat in, na ons meen, die betekenis van 'Boesman'. Sapkamma moes ’n groot plaas gewees het wat blykbaar weerskante van die Kariegarivier kon gelê het, na dit voorkom. Die naam 'Sapkamma' word gedra deur plaas Uit.Q. 10-50, daarop ’n gelyknamige sylyn, en deur die aangrensende 'Sapkamma or Witbooys Kraal' nr Uit.Q.10-51. As die verklaring korrek is dat die lid 'Sap-' beteken 'Boesman' (vgl. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 338 Sa-b = 'der Buschmann', en SONKWASDRIF ens.), en Sapkamma dan 'Boesmansmond' of '-water' is, dan lyk dit tog of ons die gevolgtrekking nie kan omseil nie dat die bepaalde Boesman se naam bewaar is in die toenaam 'Witbooys Kraal'. Die plekverklaring bevat dan ’n stukkie versteende geskiedenis. Die naam word ook gedra deur die berg aan die voet waarvan die stasie le, nl. deur Sapkammasberg.

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