
On Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth becomes the farm name no. 15-24 DIST. Uitenhage spelled 'Gory Lowth'. Adjacent to the east is placed no. 16-21 'Gory Heads' and on the latter, almost on the border between the two farms is garrical heads, a head. According to our Segslides, it is like Nama Xora = Graafwater.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3324 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng PNK 1939 'Garrious saw, place, road carordine quarters between Barroe and Welgevonden. Quite possibly from Gore, a pit dug in the bed of a river ... 'Ibid, Letter of Divisional Council' The old tax registers were reviewed as far as 1874, in the spelling of Gaurel, Groe, and later Gorielewe. On transport and landletters it is gorroel saw. There is a valley or dry river running through the farm, it is driven intended to be germel saw ... a well dug in a river bed ... '
afr PNK 1939 'Gorrielaagte, plaas, daarop padmotordienshalte tussen Barroe en Welgevonden. Heel moontlik van gore, ’n put gegrawe in die bed van ’n rivier...' Ibid, brief van Afdelingsraad 'Die ou belastingsregisters is nagegaan sover terug as 1874, daarin die spelling Gaure laagte, Gorre-, en later Gorielaagte. Op transport- en grondbriewe is dit Gorrielaagte. Daar is 'n laagte of droë rivier wat deur die plaas loop, daar word afgelêi dat bedoel word Gorelaagte...’n put gegrawe in ’n rivierbed...'
eng On Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth becomes the farm name no. 15-24 DIST. Uitenhage spelled 'Gory Lowth'. Adjacent to the east is placed no. 16-21 'Gory Heads' and on the latter, almost on the border between the two farms is garrical heads, a head. According to our Segslides, it is like Nama Xora = Graafwater.
afr Op Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth word die plaasnaam nr Uit.Q. 15-24 dist. Uitenhage gespel 'Gorie laaghte'. Aangrensend aan die oostekant is plaas nr Uit.Q. 16-21 'Gorie Koppen' en op laasgenoemde plaas amper op die grens tussen die twee plase is Gorriekoppe, ’n kop. Volgens ons segsliede is dit soos Nama xora = graafwater.
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