
The member nau- is for the 'red' of the place name and will be the word for Namaǃ Now-b What Kr.-. 1969 NW 300 declared 'der rote Ocker'. Then, -Koti must stand for 'sand', as Nama 11khae-S, MV. -ti, now -di, the whole of the composition is compatible with Namaǃ Nau-J ǀ Khaedi, 'red ocher sand grains', topographically based, which is according to Mossop. Because of the tribal, there is still doubt about the second component. Incidentally, we pay attention to a facet of the difficulties with which the nameness is to do if the records are made incomplete: - 'White', cf. Naudau.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3323 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Schrijver 1689 GM RZA 3 105 '...sloegen wij hier ons leger op, de plaats van de Hottentots Naukoti, of Roodsand geheeten...' Mossop 1931 in VRV 12 225 hierby 'Between Roodekrantz and Georgida at the entrance to Zuurberg Poort in the district Uniondale there are several places on the banks of the Oliphants River to which the name Naukoti (Redsand) is applicable. The expedition probably arrived at Oliphants River below the red cliffs at Rondekop...'
afr Schrijver 1689 GM RZA 3 105 '...sloegen wij hier ons leger op, de plaats van de Hottentots Naukoti, of Roodsand geheeten...' Mossop 1931 in VRV 12 225 hierby 'Between Roodekrantz and Georgida at the entrance to Zuurberg Poort in the district Uniondale there are several places on the banks of the Oliphants River to which the name Naukoti (Redsand) is applicable. The expedition probably arrived at Oliphants River below the red cliffs at Rondekop...'
eng The member nau- is for the 'red' of the place name and will be the word for Namaǃ Now-b What Kr.-. 1969 NW 300 declared 'der rote Ocker'. Then, -Koti must stand for 'sand', as Nama 11khae-S, MV. -ti, now -di, the whole of the composition is compatible with Namaǃ Nau-J ǀ Khaedi, 'red ocher sand grains', topographically based, which is according to Mossop. Because of the tribal, there is still doubt about the second component. Incidentally, we pay attention to a facet of the difficulties with which the nameness is to do if the records are made incomplete: - 'White', cf. Naudau.
afr Die lid Nau- is vir die 'Rood-' van die pleknaam en sal die woord vir Nama ǃnou-b wees wat Kr.-R. 1969 NW 300 verklaar as 'der rote Ocker'. Dan moet -koti staan vir 'sand', wel soos Nama 11khae-s, mv. -ti, nou -di, die geheel van die samestelling is verenigbaar met Nama ǃNau-jǀkhaedi, 'Rooi Oker- sandkorrels', topografies gefundeer, wat volgens Mossop juis is. vanweë die stamklinker is daar nog twyfel oor die tweede komponent. Ons let terloops op ’n faset van die moeilikhede waarmee die naamkundige te doen kry as die optekeninge onvolledig gemaak is: Hier is die lid Nau- 'rooi', maar effens verder kom Schrijver se gesêlskap uit by Nau-dau, en dan is Nau- 'wit', vgl. NAUDAU.
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