
We believe the river 'Cross River' carries a name literally translated from Khoen Groegamma; The farm 'cross river' No. Geo. Q. 7-55 undoubtedly took over his name from the flowing river. The member gammah is like Old-Cape comb = water, fountain, sprout, river e.d.m. (cf. Hott 522 and elsewhere). The member goes (pronounced as 'Good' in English for the Anlaut) Agree so well with Namaǃ Soon = 'queren, curtains' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), and with the covet of Le Vaillent's Koignas, ' Called by The Dutch Dwars River, Cross-River '(Hott 257), that we have every reason to consider Groegamma as the Khoekhoians (ie as well as the old) Naming of Cross River in its translated form. At the southern hanging of the big Swartberg mountains, the brook does Groega. The spruit is actually the Bolope of the Cross River, or otherwise expressed: The Khoekhozen River Gugamma (ǃ Maintain name. The translated (or African) forms now, except for the upper end that is still khoekhens, for the river until he is received by the Olifants River. 'Crossfontein', where Mr Strydom lives / lived, is probably directly or indirectly a translation of the Khoekhoense name.

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Georeference Sources
K 3321 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ook ou naam van Kruisrivier
eng Surveying 1955 'Groegamma, old name, of a gorge, 15 miles [24 km] northeast of Calitzdorp. Comes from Hottentots or Bushmen. The name is pronounced Groegamma, such as 'Good' in English. Le on the farm Kruisrivier. Information according to Mr Strydom of Kruisfontein '.
afr Opmeting 1955 'Goegamma, ou naam, van ’n kloof, 15 myl [24 km] noordoos van Calitzdorp. Kom uit Hottentots of Boesmans. Die naam word uitgespreek Goegamma, soos ‘good’ in Engels. le op die plaas Kruisrivier. Inligting volgens mnr Strydom van Kruisfontein'.
eng We believe the river 'Cross River' carries a name literally translated from Khoen Groegamma; The farm 'cross river' No. Geo. Q. 7-55 undoubtedly took over his name from the flowing river. The member gammah is like Old-Cape comb = water, fountain, sprout, river e.d.m. (cf. Hott 522 and elsewhere). The member goes (pronounced as 'Good' in English for the Anlaut) Agree so well with Namaǃ Soon = 'queren, curtains' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), and with the covet of Le Vaillent's Koignas, ' Called by The Dutch Dwars River, Cross-River '(Hott 257), that we have every reason to consider Groegamma as the Khoekhoians (ie as well as the old) Naming of Cross River in its translated form. At the southern hanging of the big Swartberg mountains, the brook does Groega. The spruit is actually the Bolope of the Cross River, or otherwise expressed: The Khoekhozen River Gugamma (ǃ Maintain name. The translated (or African) forms now, except for the upper end that is still khoekhens, for the river until he is received by the Olifants River. 'Crossfontein', where Mr Strydom lives / lived, is probably directly or indirectly a translation of the Khoekhoense name.
afr Ons meen dat die rivier 'Kruisrivier' ’n naam dra wat letterlik uit Khoe- khoens Goegamma vertaal is; die plaas 'Kruis Rivier' nr Geo. Q. 7-55 het ongetwyfeld sy naam van die daardeur stromende rivier oorgeneem. Die lid -gamma is soos Ou-Kaaps kamma = water, fontein, spruit, rivier e.d.m. (vgl. HOTT 522 en elders). Die lid Goe- (uitgespreek soos 'good' in Engels vir die anlaut) stem darem so goed ooreen met Nama ǃgou = 'queren, kreuzen' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), en met die Koi- van le Vaillent se Koignas, 'called by the Dutch Dwars rivier, Cross-river' (HOTT 257), dat ons alle rede het om Goegamma te beskou as die Khoekhoense (d.w.s. ook as die ou) naam van Kruisrivier in sy vertaalde vorm. Aan die suide- like hang van die Groot Swartberge ontspring die spruit Goegamma. Die spruit is eintlik die boloop van die Kruisrivier, of anders uitgedruk: die Khoekhoense rivier Goegamma (ǃGouǀǀgamma) het sy ou naam vir sy boloop behou, maar vir die res van sy loop het dit nog net die vertaalde vorm van sy naam behou. Die vertaalde (of Afrikaanse) vorm geld nou, behalwe vir die boonste puntjie wat nog Khoekhoens is, vir die rivier tot hy deur die Olifantsrivier ontvang word. 'Kruisfontein', waar mnr Strydom woon/gewoon het, is waarskynlik regstreeks of onregstreeks ’n vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam.
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