
These corneroe should not be confused with Hoeko 3321 just east of Ladismith. Cornoe is farm no sum. Q. 8-1, apparently an old farm that was on the pull of New Year's Driver to Dirkskraal and Kommadagga (Forbes there). The farm is still lying in the district Somerset East's East Lighting corner west of Alicedale. Just like prof. Forbes assumes that the name of origin Khoens is. We are still on the meaning of the meaning. Forbes suspects a connection with Sparrman's name that goes out on -t'ku, d.w.s. The word has a suction consonant in front. We want to see if there is no rusty key here, m.a.w. Or here is not a farm that preserves the old name. Then the name must also have a distressed or at least a satisfactory agreement with T'ku, or with how-cow. We believe this is here again. To its eastern farm line, corneru is bounded by farm 'Doornkom' No. Aly. Q. 16-1 (Top Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 3326 East London). At the corresponding topographical map 1968 is below Doornkom still 'small tower' and 'Doornhoek', appears to be the Dutch spelling, the latter is also an old name, just like corneroe. Thorn tree is in Nama ǀǀ Khu-. All the considerations of geographical and linguistic nature make it possible that the member koe of how-cow is the Khoekhoian word for 'thorn (tree)'. For the first member, we did suggest, but no seifs conditional security. Meanwhile, we received a letter 1979 from Mr CJ Severead from which we quote: 'Ihukuku, for Steyn's River (Given on Maps as Stein ('s) River, a name not Known to anyone in that area), Enters Bushman's River's Right Bank 6 km NNW or Alicedale Town. This name must surely Series 1968 Scale 1:60 000 Skin 3325 BD Paterson) entering 3326 AC in the Bomsmans River, viz. Ihukuwa, at the Khoekhoian name corneroe, is a name that had previously had a wide application and was a kind of regional name. Ihukuka must be declared in the same way as corneroe of which it is an adaptation, but namely has an outstanding excuse, in the sense, that it applies in Xhosa now for Steins River. Cornoe over both shores of the Bushman's four, and Steins River walks on the southern boundary of the corner, from west to east, to water as tributary in the Bushman River. The geographical connection is clear.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3325 BB/BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Forbes 1965 PTSA 50 '[Sparrman se] Kurekoiku, or t'Kurekoi t’Ku, a half-day’s trek from Alicedale towards Kommadagga, may have been...on the farm called Hoekoe. This name suggests a connection with t’ku, the latter half of the Hottentot word...'
afr Forbes 1965 PTSA 50 '[Sparrman se] Kurekoiku, or t'Kurekoi t’Ku, a half-day’s trek from Alicedale towards Kommadagga, may have been...on the farm called Hoekoe. This name suggests a connection with t’ku, the latter half of the Hottentot word...'
eng These corneroe should not be confused with Hoeko 3321 just east of Ladismith. Cornoe is farm no sum. Q. 8-1, apparently an old farm that was on the pull of New Year's Driver to Dirkskraal and Kommadagga (Forbes there). The farm is still lying in the district Somerset East's East Lighting corner west of Alicedale. Just like prof. Forbes assumes that the name of origin Khoens is. We are still on the meaning of the meaning. Forbes suspects a connection with Sparrman's name that goes out on -t'ku, d.w.s. The word has a suction consonant in front. We want to see if there is no rusty key here, m.a.w. Or here is not a farm that preserves the old name. Then the name must also have a distressed or at least a satisfactory agreement with T'ku, or with how-cow. We believe this is here again. To its eastern farm line, corneru is bounded by farm 'Doornkom' No. Aly. Q. 16-1 (Top Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 3326 East London). At the corresponding topographical map 1968 is below Doornkom still 'small tower' and 'Doornhoek', appears to be the Dutch spelling, the latter is also an old name, just like corneroe. Thorn tree is in Nama ǀǀ Khu-. All the considerations of geographical and linguistic nature make it possible that the member koe of how-cow is the Khoekhoian word for 'thorn (tree)'. For the first member, we did suggest, but no seifs conditional security. Meanwhile, we received a letter 1979 from Mr CJ Severead from which we quote: 'Ihukuku, for Steyn's River (Given on Maps as Stein ('s) River, a name not Known to anyone in that area), Enters Bushman's River's Right Bank 6 km NNW or Alicedale Town. This name must surely Series 1968 Scale 1:60 000 Skin 3325 BD Paterson) entering 3326 AC in the Bomsmans River, viz. Ihukuwa, at the Khoekhoian name corneroe, is a name that had previously had a wide application and was a kind of regional name. Ihukuka must be declared in the same way as corneroe of which it is an adaptation, but namely has an outstanding excuse, in the sense, that it applies in Xhosa now for Steins River. Cornoe over both shores of the Bushman's four, and Steins River walks on the southern boundary of the corner, from west to east, to water as tributary in the Bushman River. The geographical connection is clear.
afr Hierdie Hoekoe moet nie verwar word met HOEKO 3321 net oos van ladismith nie. Hoekoe is plaas nr Som. Q. 8-1, klaarblyklik ’n ou plaas wat aan die trekpad was van Nuwejaarsdrif na Dirkskraal en Kommadagga (Forbes aldaar). Die plaas le nog net in die distrik Somerset-Oos se ooste like hoekie wes van Alicedale. Net soos prof. Forbes neem ons aan dat die naam van oorsprong Khoekhoens is. Oor die betekenis is ons nog oninge- lig. Forbes vermoed ’n verband met Sparrman se naam wat op -t’Ku uit- gaan, d.w.s. die woord het vooraan ’n suigkonsonant. Ons wil kyk of daar nie erens hier 'n verroeste sleutel is nie, m.a.w. of hier nie ’n plaas is wat die ou naam vertaald bewaar nie. Dan moet die naam ook taalkundig ’n ontwyfelbare of minstens ’n bevredigende ooreenkoms he met t’Ku, of met Hoe-koe. Ons meen dit is hier ook weer die geval. Aan sy oostelike plaas- lyn word Hoekoe begrens deur plaas 'Doornkom' nr Aly. Q. 16-1 (Topo- kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 3326 East london). Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1968 is onderkant Doornkom nog 'Kleindoringkom' en 'Doornhoek', blykens die Nederlandse spelling is laasgenoemde wel ook 'n ou naam, net soos Hoekoe. Doringboom is in Nama ǀǀkhu-. Al die oorwegings van geografiese en taalkundige aard maak dit moontlik dat die lid -koe van Hoe-koe die Khoekhoense woord is vir 'doring(boom)'. Vir die eerste lid het ons wel suggesties, maar nog geen seifs voorwaardelike sekerheid nie. Intussen het ons ’n brief 1979 ontvang van mnr CJ Skead waaruit ons aanhaal: 'iHukuwa, for Steyn’s River (given on maps as Stein(’s) River, a name not known to anyone in that area), enters Bushman’s River’s right bank 6 km NNW of Alicedale town. This name must surely have some connection with the farmname Hoekoe, a very old name on maps, and which lies on the northern reaches of the catchment area...' Skead het bepaald gelyk dat die Xhosanaam vir Steinsrivier (so gespel op o.a. S.A.-reeks 1968 skaal 1:60 000 vel 3325 BD Paterson) wat op 3326 AC in die Boemsmansrivier inloop, nl. iHukuwa, aan die Khoekhoense naam Hoekoe ontleen is, ’n naam wat vroeër ’n wye toepassing gehad het en ’n soort van streeknaam was. Ihukuwa moet op dieselfde manier verklaar word as Hoekoe waarvan dit ’n aanpassing is, maar wat naamkundig ’n enigsins verskowe toepassing het, in die sin naamlik dat dit in Xhosa nou vir Steinsrivier geld. Hoekoe le oor beide oewers van die Boesmansri- vier, en Steinsrivier loop aan die suidelike grens van Hoekoe verby, van wes na oos, om as sytak in die Boesmansrivier uit te water. Die geografiese verband is duidelik.
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