Tanies, Tannies

In cases where two names, the one Afrikaans / Dutch and the other Khoekhens, were recorded for the same place, the (chronologically younger) Afrikaans name is often translating the Khoekhoense. However, we do not believe that this is the case, because we could not find a Khoekhoian word that looks like on Tanical from our Wed Word. If Tan (n) is a Khoekhozen name, as we suspect, the key must be sought elsewhere. To the west of 'De Draay Or Tanical' and adjacent is 'root pit', farm No. Jan. Q. 2-7. On the topographical map here also occurs before 'Rootkuil' and 'Root Kuil River' flowing from the west at 'aunts' in the Sunday River. 'Tanic', 'aunts', 'root pit', 'Rootkuil' and 'Root Kuil River' form a toponimic core group. Also semantic / language expertise there. A connection between the Khoekhoense and Afrikaans elements 'Tan (n)' and 'root'. Already in 1793 Hazner 166 ta ° not recorded as 'bolgif' (Hott 225); According to his description of the plant, it may be the same as Smith 1966 passes 228 as 'poison bulb', including Bodphane Disticha whose Khoekhoen and San poison for their arrows. If we looked in our suspicion, 'root (pit ) (River) 'A translation from the Khoekhoian' Tanic ', the lock-on is the genus exit of the Fern. Sing, which locates a fountain or source here. Interestingly, the tendency is to make 'Tanic' 'aunts' who felt nethmologically as Afrikaans, cf. The name the 'aunts of the turn'.

About this item

Tanies, Tannies
Alternative Title
Tanies, Tannies
Georeference Sources
K 3325 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth 'De Draay Or Tanic', place no. Q. 2-68; and adjacent 'adj. Tannies of the turn '. Topographic Series 1973 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Tannies'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'De Draay or Tanies', plaas nr Uit. Q. 2-68; en aangrensend 'Adj. Tannies van de Draai'. Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Tannies'.
eng In cases where two names, the one Afrikaans / Dutch and the other Khoekhens, were recorded for the same place, the (chronologically younger) Afrikaans name is often translating the Khoekhoense. However, we do not believe that this is the case, because we could not find a Khoekhoian word that looks like on Tanical from our Wed Word. If Tan (n) is a Khoekhozen name, as we suspect, the key must be sought elsewhere. To the west of 'De Draay Or Tanical' and adjacent is 'root pit', farm No. Jan. Q. 2-7. On the topographical map here also occurs before 'Rootkuil' and 'Root Kuil River' flowing from the west at 'aunts' in the Sunday River. 'Tanic', 'aunts', 'root pit', 'Rootkuil' and 'Root Kuil River' form a toponimic core group. Also semantic / language expertise there. A connection between the Khoekhoense and Afrikaans elements 'Tan (n)' and 'root'. Already in 1793 Hazner 166 ta ° not recorded as 'bolgif' (Hott 225); According to his description of the plant, it may be the same as Smith 1966 passes 228 as 'poison bulb', including Bodphane Disticha whose Khoekhoen and San poison for their arrows. If we looked in our suspicion, 'root (pit ) (River) 'A translation from the Khoekhoian' Tanic ', the lock-on is the genus exit of the Fern. Sing, which locates a fountain or source here. Interestingly, the tendency is to make 'Tanic' 'aunts' who felt nethmologically as Afrikaans, cf. The name the 'aunts of the turn'.
afr In gevalle waar twee name, die een Afrikaans/Nederlands en die ander Khoekhoens, vir dieselfde plek opgeteken is, is die (chronologies jonger) Afrikaanse naam dikwels die vertaling van die Khoekhoense. Ons glo egter nie dat dit hier die geval is nie, want ons kon uit ons wo ordvoorraad nie ’n Khoekhoense woord vind wat op Tanies lyk en wat nog met 'draai' verband hou nie. Indien Tan(n)ies wel 'n Khoekhoense naam is, soos ons vermoed, moet die sleutel tot sy betekenis elders gesoek word. Aan die westekant van 'De Draay or Tanies' en aangrensend is 'Wortel Kuil', plaas nr Jan. Q. 2-7. Op die Topografiese kaart kom hier ook nog voor 'Wortelkuil' en 'Wortelkuilrivier' wat vanuit die weste by 'Tannies' in die Sondagsrivier vloei. 'Tanies', 'Tannies', 'Wortel Kuil', 'Wortelkuil' en 'Wortelkuilrivier' vorm ’n toponimiese kerngroep. Ook semanties/taal- kundig bestaan daar o.i. ’n verband tussen die Khoekhoense en Afrikaanse elemente 'Tan(n)ies' en 'Wortel'. Reeds in 1793 het Hazner 166 ta° nie opgeteken as 'bolgif' (HOTT 225); volgens sy beskrywing van die plant kan dit dieselfde wees as wat Smith 1966 CNSAP 228 as 'gifbol' aangee, o.a. Bodphane disticha waarvan die Khoekhoen en San gif vir hul pyle gekry het. Indien ons in ons vermoede gelyk het, is 'Wortel(kuil)(rivier)' 'n vertaling uit die Khoekhoense 'Tanies', die slot -s is die genusuitgang van die fern. sing, wat hier 'n fontein of bron lokativeer. Interessant is die neiging om van 'Tanies' 'Tannies' te maak wat volksetimologies as Afrikaans aangevoel word, vgl. die naam die 'Tannies van de Draai'.
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