
Forbes 1965 PTSA 84 could determine that Paterson was now in the neighborhood of Sourberg Gate and that Tsimeko or Keurfontein was whether the source marked on Gordon's card as Stroysfontein, probably the latter. The member -Ko is clear. It's like Nama ╪kho-B or -s, 'Der Knochen, Das Bein ''. According to Paterson's statement, the first member must match Khoekhoense words for 'ostrich'. In Old Cape it is Cama, in Kora T'kam-iep (Hott 506), in Nama ǀ Ami-B (Rust 1960 DNW 59), with dental suction sound. In the place name, the TS of the member may be Tsime- this suction flaster, so that Paterson's (TS) -ime then matches the Nama shape (ǀ) -Ami-, and because it is Paterson, it can be. In other words, Paterson's Tsimeko is his spelling of the name that appears at Gordon as Amikoob. Now about the current 'Vogelstruis emptiness' in the Willowmore district. The same identification at SHEAD CJ 1973 Gazette 244.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3323 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Vogelstruis leegte
eng Paterson 1777 NFJ 27 'In the evening we arrived at a place called by the Hottentots, Tsimeko, or Ostrich leg'.
afr Paterson 1777 NFJ 27 'In the evening we arrived at a place called by the Hottentots, Tsimeko, or Ostrich leg'.
eng Forbes 1965 PTSA 84 could determine that Paterson was now in the neighborhood of Sourberg Gate and that Tsimeko or Keurfontein was whether the source marked on Gordon's card as Stroysfontein, probably the latter. The member -Ko is clear. It's like Nama ╪kho-B or -s, 'Der Knochen, Das Bein ''. According to Paterson's statement, the first member must match Khoekhoense words for 'ostrich'. In Old Cape it is Cama, in Kora T'kam-iep (Hott 506), in Nama ǀ Ami-B (Rust 1960 DNW 59), with dental suction sound. In the place name, the TS of the member may be Tsime- this suction flaster, so that Paterson's (TS) -ime then matches the Nama shape (ǀ) -Ami-, and because it is Paterson, it can be. In other words, Paterson's Tsimeko is his spelling of the name that appears at Gordon as Amikoob. Now about the current 'Vogelstruis emptiness' in the Willowmore district. The same identification at SHEAD CJ 1973 Gazette 244.
afr Forbes 1965 PTSA 84 kon vasstel dat Paterson nou in die buurt van Suurbergpoort was en dat Tsimeko of Keurfontein was of die bron wat op Gordon se kaart gemerk is as Struysfontein, waarskynlik laasgenoemde. Die lid -ko is duidelik. Dit is soos Nama ╪kho-b of -s, 'der Knochen, das Bein''. Volgens Paterson se verklaring moet die eerste lid ooreenstem met Khoekhoense woorde vir 'volstruis'. In Ou-Kaaps is dit cama, in Kora t'kam- miep (HOTT 506), in Nama ǀami-b (Rust 1960 DNW 59), met dentale suigklank. In die pleknaam kan die Ts- van die lid Tsime- hierdie suigklap wees, sodat Paterson se (Ts)-ime dan ooreenstem met die Namavorm (ǀ)-ami-, en omdat dit Paterson is, kan dit wees. Met ander woorde, Paterson se Tsimeko is sy spelling van die naam wat by Gordon voorkom as AMIKOOB. nou so ongeveer die huidige 'Vogelstruis leegte' in die distrik Willowmore. Dieselfde identifikasie by Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 244.
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