
Forbes 1965 PTSA does not identify the place. We believe Barrow's Gowka or Ghowka is the current Kouka River who has the Traka River from the northwest on K 3322 BB on the farm under Traka No. P.A.q.2-19 flow. The Loeriesfontein River is about 9 km and the farm Klein Loerie Fontein no p.a.q.1-29 About 13 km East Woordoos of the said outlet (cf. Topographic Series 1973 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn and Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn). If Loeriesfontein River and Small Loerie Fountain correlate with Barrow's Great Loory Fountain, as we believe, according to Barrow's appointment in the above quotation, there is little doubt that his g (h) Owka is the current Kouka River. For his distraction possible to think about Khoe- = man, man, and ka, old-Cape for 'river', the 'river of the man'? It occurs in different spellings on other maps, eg. At Lichtenstein 1803-6 map 'Chauka Riv.'

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3322 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Koukarivier
eng Barrow 1797 AT1S / 102 '...we skirted the banks of the Traka about ten miles, passed the Gowka or Boor’s river...and arrived at the Great loory fonteyn...' Ibid. 1797-98 kaart 'Ghowka Riv.'
afr Barrow 1797 AT1S / 102 '...we skirted the banks of the Traka about ten miles, passed the Gowka or Boor’s river...and arrived at the Great loory fonteyn...' Ibid. 1797-98 kaart 'Ghowka Riv.'
eng Forbes 1965 PTSA does not identify the place. We believe Barrow's Gowka or Ghowka is the current Kouka River who has the Traka River from the northwest on K 3322 BB on the farm under Traka No. P.A.q.2-19 flow. The Loeriesfontein River is about 9 km and the farm Klein Loerie Fontein no p.a.q.1-29 About 13 km East Woordoos of the said outlet (cf. Topographic Series 1973 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn and Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn). If Loeriesfontein River and Small Loerie Fountain correlate with Barrow's Great Loory Fountain, as we believe, according to Barrow's appointment in the above quotation, there is little doubt that his g (h) Owka is the current Kouka River. For his distraction possible to think about Khoe- = man, man, and ka, old-Cape for 'river', the 'river of the man'? It occurs in different spellings on other maps, eg. At Lichtenstein 1803-6 map 'Chauka Riv.'
afr Forbes 1965 PTSA identifiseer die plek nie. Ons meen Barrow se Gowka of Ghowka is die huidige Koukarivier wat die Trakarivier vanuit die noordweste op K 3322 BB op die plaas Onder Traka nr P.A.Q.2-19 binnevloei. Die loeriesfonteinrivier is omtrent 9 km en die plaas Klein loerie Fontein nr P.A.Q.1-29 omtrent 13 km oosnoordoos van die genoemde uitwateringspunt (vgl. Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn en Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn). Indien loeriesfonteinrivier en Klein loerie Fontein met Barrow se Great loory fonteyn korreleer, soos ons meen, bestaan daar volgens Barrow se aanwysing in die bostaande aanhaling min twyfel dat sy G(h)owka die huidige Koukarivier is. Vir sy afleiding moontlik te dink aan khoe- = mens, man, en -ka, Ou-Kaaps vir 'rivier', die 'Rivier van die man'? Dit kom in verskillende spellinge op ander kaarte voor, bv. by lichtenstein 1803-6 kaart 'Chauka Riv.'
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