
Pettman continues the transformation of the name of Beutler's return on eg. 'Kinighha Olands River' of Arrowsmith and 'Geneka' of Hall (1856) to Quenera of Horne (1895) (1931 SAPN 32-33); Forbes 1965 PTSA 17 followed the trail of Beutler and also established that Caninga is 'The Modern Quinera' and, according to the Topo Cadastral series 1974, Qinira, Qincort. M.a.w. The current name that looks like Bantu is adapted from Khoekhens. The -r- of -ra- In the Xhosa form approached with their UFFERAL GUARALAL the inland gutterale. The 'moose' is relatively stuck in the form of Cana or can (n) A in Old Cape and its adjacent regions (Hott 264-5), in Nama asǃ Cani at Kreen Sin. The -ga in the place name is (according to the translation at Beutler) equal to Old Cape (ǃ) Ka- = 'River' (Hott 430). Cfg. Gantouw, and Du Plessis 1973 investigates 248 under Kinira.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3227 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Qinira
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 302 '... Quamen WY for the Caninga or Elands river river ...'
afr Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 302 '...quamen wy voor de rivier Caninga ofte Elands rivier...'
eng Eland river
afr Elandrivier
eng Pettman continues the transformation of the name of Beutler's return on eg. 'Kinighha Olands River' of Arrowsmith and 'Geneka' of Hall (1856) to Quenera of Horne (1895) (1931 SAPN 32-33); Forbes 1965 PTSA 17 followed the trail of Beutler and also established that Caninga is 'The Modern Quinera' and, according to the Topo Cadastral series 1974, Qinira, Qincort. M.a.w. The current name that looks like Bantu is adapted from Khoekhens. The -r- of -ra- In the Xhosa form approached with their UFFERAL GUARALAL the inland gutterale. The 'moose' is relatively stuck in the form of Cana or can (n) A in Old Cape and its adjacent regions (Hott 264-5), in Nama asǃ Cani at Kreen Sin. The -ga in the place name is (according to the translation at Beutler) equal to Old Cape (ǃ) Ka- = 'River' (Hott 430). Cfg. Gantouw, and Du Plessis 1973 investigates 248 under Kinira.
afr Pettman vervolg die gedaanteverwisseling van die naam van Beutler se opgawe af oor bv. 'Kinigha or Elands River' van Arrowsmith en 'Geneka' van Hall (1856) tot by Quenera van Horne (1895) (1931 SAPN 32-33); Forbes 1965 PTSA 17 het die spoor van Beutler gevolg en ook vasgestel dat Caninga 'the modern Quinera' is en volgens die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1974 vel 3226 Fort Beaufort, Qinira. M.a.w. die huidige naam wat so Bantoe uitsien, is aangepas uit Khoekhoens. Die -r- van -ra- in die Xhosavorm benader met hulle uvulere gutteraal die inlandse gutteraal. Die 'eland' kom betreklik vas voor in die vorm van cana of kan(n)a in Ou-Kaaps en sy aangrensende streke (HOTT 264-5), in Nama as ǃkani by Kroenlein. Die -ga in die pleknaam is (volgens die vertaling by Beutler) gelyk te stel met Ou-Kaaps (ǃ)ka- = 'rivier' (HOTT 430). Vgl. ook GANTOUW, en Du Plessis 1973 Ondersoek 248 onder Kinira.
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