
Forbes 1965 PTSA 20A followed Beutler's travel route and said here o.m. 'On The 5th They Rested by Their Conna (Koonap) River ... On The 7th They Were at Their Aga River, Now Spell Kaga, Both Being Attempts to Render The Bushman Word Axa Meaning Rietveldt According to the Journal.' Understand as aga-P or AG-AP, where the -ap indicates 'river', as follow. ǃ āb, otherwise, and perhaps better, than the form of what will be in Nama ╪Axa-B, D.W.S. ╪ā = reed, -xa- for 'Many, abundant', and locative -B, the 'place of many reeds', or 'reedfield'. The Bushman's name corresponds to the Korancaaam Awaap Alw., 'Rietfontein' today, and the form K-aga is the same word with skin, which is lived for old place names, cf. ǃ Hood forǃ â-b, 'River', Agakoe next to Kagakoe etc. In Bantemond, it is adapted to Nyara, with the -r- voiced as a kind of Guttural Triller. Additional support for the declaration of this aga If Riet River is obtained from the fact that a tributary of the current Nyara inflows at 3226 cc at him, the Rietrivier is called (Map 3226 Fort Beaufort), a farm on the west bank of the Nyara bears the name Kaka Kuylen Nr sum. F.3-9. This kaka is to understand as ╪ (k) ā = reed, plusǃ (K) ā = river, so that Aha is the defaced form.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3226 C
Measurement Accuracy
25 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Nyara
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 324 '... and then quamed to eleven uuren by a river through the Bosjesmans AGA ORTE Rietveldt mased ...'
afr Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 324 '...en quamen daarmede te elf uuren by een rivier door de Bosjesmans Aga ofte Rietveldt genaamt...'
eng The place of many reeds, Reedfield
afr Die plek van baie riete, Rietveld
eng Forbes 1965 PTSA 20A followed Beutler's travel route and said here o.m. 'On The 5th They Rested by Their Conna (Koonap) River ... On The 7th They Were at Their Aga River, Now Spell Kaga, Both Being Attempts to Render The Bushman Word Axa Meaning Rietveldt According to the Journal.' Understand as aga-P or AG-AP, where the -ap indicates 'river', as follow. ǃ āb, otherwise, and perhaps better, than the form of what will be in Nama ╪Axa-B, D.W.S. ╪ā = reed, -xa- for 'Many, abundant', and locative -B, the 'place of many reeds', or 'reedfield'. The Bushman's name corresponds to the Korancaaam Awaap Alw., 'Rietfontein' today, and the form K-aga is the same word with skin, which is lived for old place names, cf. ǃ Hood forǃ â-b, 'River', Agakoe next to Kagakoe etc. In Bantemond, it is adapted to Nyara, with the -r- voiced as a kind of Guttural Triller. Additional support for the declaration of this aga If Riet River is obtained from the fact that a tributary of the current Nyara inflows at 3226 cc at him, the Rietrivier is called (Map 3226 Fort Beaufort), a farm on the west bank of the Nyara bears the name Kaka Kuylen Nr sum. F.3-9. This kaka is to understand as ╪ (k) ā = reed, plusǃ (K) ā = river, so that Aha is the defaced form.
afr Forbes 1965 PTSA 20a het Beutler se reisroete gevolg en sê hier o.m. 'On the 5th they rested by their Conna (Koonap) River...On the 7th they were at their Aga River, now spelt Kaga, both being attempts to render the Bushman word axa meaning Rietveldt according to the journal.' Wel te begryp as Aga-p of Ag-ap, waar die -ap dan 'rivier' aandui, soos Na. ǃāb, anders, en miskien beter, as die vorm van wat in Nama sal wees ╪Axa-b, d.w.s. ╪ā = riet, -xa- vir 'baie, volop aan', en lokatief -b, die 'Plek van baie riete', of 'Rietveld'. Die Boesmannaam stem ooreen met die Korannanaam AAKAP alw., 'Rietfontein' vandag, en die vorm K-aga is dieselfde woord met velaar, wat gewoon is vir ou plekname, vgl. ǃkap vir ǃā-b, 'rivier', Agakoe naas Kaggakoe ens. In Bantoemond is dit aangepas tot Nyara, met die -r- uitgespreek as ’n soort van gutturale triller. Bykomstige steun vir die verklaring van hierdie Aga as Rietrivier word uit die feit verkry dat ’n sytak van die huidige Nyara wat op 3226 CC by horn invloei, die Rietrivier heet (kaart 3226 Fort Beaufort), ’n Plaas aan die westelike oewer van die Nyara dra die naam Kaka Kuylen nr Som. F.3-9. Hierdie Kaka is te verstaan as ╪(K)ā = riet, plus ǃ(k)ā = rivier, sodat Aga die gedevelariseerde vorm daarvan is.
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