
Forbes 1965 PTSA 20 Identify it with the Tyumi (s) of today, of which it is probably a custom verdict in Bantom. No more detailing of the meaning, not indirect, because we have no certainty that means Tyumi (s), cf. Dr du Plessis 1973 Origin 325-6. Exchange rates are reported by SHEAD CJ 1973 231 which is still o.a. The following forms recorded: Chumi (E) and Gwali (a). The gum rays in the Keiskamma at 3327 AA. Except for the river, the name still appears as Tyume Post and Upper Tyume, both for post offices, at 3226 DB, DIST. Victoria East.

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Georeference Sources
K 3226
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 322 '... and quamed there by a large and water-rich river Gomma is going to relieve that sig in the Chijs Chamma river ...'
afr Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 322 '...en quamen daar meede by een groot en waterrijk rivier Gomma genaamt die sig ontlast in de Chijs Chamma rivier...'
eng Forbes 1965 PTSA 20 Identify it with the Tyumi (s) of today, of which it is probably a custom verdict in Bantom. No more detailing of the meaning, not indirect, because we have no certainty that means Tyumi (s), cf. Dr du Plessis 1973 Origin 325-6. Exchange rates are reported by SHEAD CJ 1973 231 which is still o.a. The following forms recorded: Chumi (E) and Gwali (a). The gum rays in the Keiskamma at 3327 AA. Except for the river, the name still appears as Tyume Post and Upper Tyume, both for post offices, at 3226 DB, DIST. Victoria East.
afr Forbes 1965 PTSA 20 vereenselwig dit met die Tyumi(e) van vandag waarvan dit in Bantoemond waarskynlik 'n aangepaste uitspraak is. Geen nadere aan- duiding van die betekenis nie, ook nie onregstreeks nie, omdat ons geen sekerheid het wat Tyumi(e) beteken nie, vgl. dr Du Plessis 1973 Oorsprong 325-6. Wisseluitsprake word deur Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 231 aangegee wat nog o.a. die volgende vorme opgeteken het: Chumi(e) en Gwali(a). Die Gomma ontlas horn in die Keiskamma op 3327 AA. Behalwe vir die rivier kom die naam nog voor as Tyume Post en Upper Tyume, albei vir poskantore, op 3226 DB, dist. Victoria-Oos.
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