Tankwa(-Brug, -(S)Karoo, -(S)Rivier)

Thunberg, Masson and Paterson also traveled the Tankwakaroo (cf. Forbes 1965 PTSA 26, 33, 39, 42, 44 and 85). One tends to understand the -kwa (s) in the usual way, as with Griqua, Namaqua, Sunwa (pulled out of -gu, ml. MV. And for reinforcement A-Objectivi: Gua becomes kwa = men, the tan- Men) and the TAN as the normal exchange ruling of San to consider, so that Tankwa bridge, River etc. To understand is 'Bushmans Bridge, Bushman River' etc. To the river also is called the farm 'Tanqua River' su.q. 3-5, Sutherland District, with his old spelling. Which enhances us in the statement of Tan and San as Bushmen is the fact that north-easterly of the farm (3220 CB) lies on BC the cup 'Boesmanskop' and on DA the farm 'Boschmans Hoek' No SU.q.1- 16, all in grade four side 3220. Eq. Further Sonkwasdrif and Du Plessis 1973 investigating 319.

About this item

Tankwa(-Brug, -(S)Karoo, -(S)Rivier)
Alternative Title
Tankwa(-Brug, -(S)Karoo, -(S)Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3219/3220
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Wildschutbook 1749 'Tanquas River, under Roggelants Bergh in a Karroo' [at Botha 1927 PNCP 109.] Van der Merwe N 1774 'Tanquas River' [Moodie 1960 Records 3 36.] Gordon 1778 MS 2 166 '... To Deze Side of Apenberg Walk in Tanquaaas River, the other side of Rogge: to Fish River '. Lichtenstein 1803-6 RISA 2 277 'Jissits Zum Dornflusse ... Hinflies ... 'PNK 1959' Tanqua Bridge ', Dist. Calvinia, carbus stop 151 km from Ceres on route to Calvinia. 'Old name, from Bushman ... and means turbid water'. Smith 1966 CNSAP 32 'Tanqua is Another Form or Sonqua (or Sanqua)'.
afr Wildschutboek 1749 'Tanquas River, Onder Roggelants Bergh in ’t Karroo' [by Botha 1927 PNCP 109.] Van der Merwe N 1774 'Tanquas Rivier' [Moodie 1960 Records 3 36.] Gordon 1778 ms 2 166 '...het water aan deze zyde van Apenberg loopt in Tanquaas rivier, de andere zyde onder roggev: tot na Visrivier'. lichtenstein 1803-6 RISA 2 277 'Jenseits des Windheuvels...fuhren (wir) durch das trockne Bette des Tanqua...Er erhalt...sein Wasser aus dem, hier schon ganz nahen Gebirge, an welchem er vom kleinen Roggevelde bis zum Dornflusse ...hinfliesst...' PNK 1959 'Tanqua Brug', dist. Calvinia, motorbushalte 151 km van Ceres op roete na Calvinia. 'Ou naam, uit Boesman...en beteken Troebel Water'. Smith 1966 CNSAP 32 'Tanqua is another form of Sonqua (or Sanqua)'.
eng Thunberg, Masson and Paterson also traveled the Tankwakaroo (cf. Forbes 1965 PTSA 26, 33, 39, 42, 44 and 85). One tends to understand the -kwa (s) in the usual way, as with Griqua, Namaqua, Sunwa (pulled out of -gu, ml. MV. And for reinforcement A-Objectivi: Gua becomes kwa = men, the tan- Men) and the TAN as the normal exchange ruling of San to consider, so that Tankwa bridge, River etc. To understand is 'Bushmans Bridge, Bushman River' etc. To the river also is called the farm 'Tanqua River' su.q. 3-5, Sutherland District, with his old spelling. Which enhances us in the statement of Tan and San as Bushmen is the fact that north-easterly of the farm (3220 CB) lies on BC the cup 'Boesmanskop' and on DA the farm 'Boschmans Hoek' No SU.q.1- 16, all in grade four side 3220. Eq. Further Sonkwasdrif and Du Plessis 1973 investigating 319.
afr Thunberg, Masson en Paterson het ook die Tankwakaroo deurreis (vgl. Forbes 1965 PTSA 26, 33, 39, 42, 44 en 85). Mens is geneig om die -kwa(s) op die gewone manier te begryp, soos by Griekwa, Namakwa, Sonkwa (saamgetrek uit -gu, ml. mv. en vir versterking a-objectivi: gua word kwa = manne, die Tan-manne) en die Tan- as die normale wisseluitspraak van San- te beskou, sodat Tankwa-brug, -rivier ens. te verstaan is as 'Boesmansbrug, Boesmansrivier' ens. Na die rivier heet ook die plaas 'Tanqua Rivier' Su.Q. 3-5, distrik Sutherland, met sy ou spelling. Wat ons versterk in die verklaring van Tan- as San- as Boesmans is die feit dat noordoostelik van die plaas (3220 CB) le op BC die koppie 'Boesmanskop' en op DA die plaas 'Boschmans Hoek' nr Su.Q.1-16, almal in graadvierkant 3220. Vgl. verder SONKWASDRIF en Du Plessis 1973 Ondersoek 319.
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