Keuna, -(Rivier), Keunas(Kop)

Keuna is the name of farm no gr. Q. 13-54 A name that is also carried by 'Keuna River', a tributary of the Kariega River, and further through 'Keunaskop'. Keunaskop now lies on the farm 'table head' no. 1-17, but Tafelkop is cut off from the earlier greater keuna, so Keunaskop probably (so we believe) laid on Keuna. The spelling was given according to the Topo Cadastral series 1967 sheet 3222 Beaufort West. At later cards, the old established spelling is reported as 'Kunnawater' and 'Ku-Naskop'. On this head is land surveyor No. 39. The statement given above does not convince us. It's hard to believe that the well-known 'ganna' will change without reason to the unknown keuna or kunna.

About this item

Keuna, -(Rivier), Keunas(Kop)
Alternative Title
Keuna, -(Rivier), Keunas(Kop)
Georeference Sources
K 3223 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1954 'Keuna River, District Aberdeen. River 28 miles [45 km] WESTERNESS. Old name. Accent on the -na- of Keuna. The whole area through which the river runs is overgrown with a bracket or brackish salad called 'Kanna', with the result that later than referred to this area, was spoken as the 'Kanna', which was changed in the Volksmond later to 'Keunna'. The river flowing through this is now called the Keunna River. Located on farm table head AB 1-17. Obtain information from old residents of the district '.
afr Opmeting 1954 'Keunarivier, distrik Aberdeen. Rivier 28 myl [45 km] wesnoordwes. Ou naam. Aksent op die -na- van Keuna-. Die hele gebied waardeur die rivier loop, is begroei met ’n brakbos of brakslaai wat genoem word ‘kanna’, met gevolg dat later as na hierdie area verwys word, gepraat was as die ‘Kanna’, wat in die volksmond later verander is na ‘Keunna’. Die rivier wat hierdeur vloei, word nou genoem die Keunnarivier. geleë op plaas Tafel Kop Ab 1-17. Inligting van ou inwoners van die distrik verkry'.
eng Keuna is the name of farm no gr. Q. 13-54 A name that is also carried by 'Keuna River', a tributary of the Kariega River, and further through 'Keunaskop'. Keunaskop now lies on the farm 'table head' no. 1-17, but Tafelkop is cut off from the earlier greater keuna, so Keunaskop probably (so we believe) laid on Keuna. The spelling was given according to the Topo Cadastral series 1967 sheet 3222 Beaufort West. At later cards, the old established spelling is reported as 'Kunnawater' and 'Ku-Naskop'. On this head is land surveyor No. 39. The statement given above does not convince us. It's hard to believe that the well-known 'ganna' will change without reason to the unknown keuna or kunna.
afr Keuna is die naam van plaas nr GR. Q. 13-54 ’n naam wat gedra word ook deur 'Keunarivier', 'n sytak van die Kariegarivier, en verder nog deur 'Keunaskop'. Keunaskop le nou op die plaas 'Tafel Kop' nr Ab. 1-17, maar Tafelkop is wel afgesny van die vroeër groter Keuna, sodat Keunaskop waarskynlik (so meen ons) op Keuna gelê het. Die spelling is gegee volgens die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1967 vel 3222 Beaufort-Wes. Op later kaarte word die ou gevestigde spelling aangegee as 'Kunnawater' en 'Ku- naskop'. Op hierdie kop is landmetersbaken nr 39. Die verklaring wat hierbo gegee is, oortuig ons glad nie. Dit is moeilik om te glo dat die bekende 'ganna' sonder rede gaan verander na die onbekende keuna of kunna.
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