Biedou, Biedou(Rivier), (-Berge) Ens.

TESTER Hereate, the entry with its older evidence farms should be located as the name was treated in Th * 261 S.V. Bidouw, Bitouw. There we took the statements taken from Botha CG 1926. Pettman 1931 and Smith 1966, who see everyone in the Khoekhoian component the inland name for a plant species, in particular of the Osteospermum moniliferum, just like Dr du Plessis, also, look above. About Bietou cf. o.a. What 1 411- 412; What also knows own as an exchange form of Bietou. The plant name is commonly known as Bitou. We are now of the opinion that the earlier explanation of the names complex with ingredient is not precisely for this area (Clanwilliam region). We believe that Biedou- a compound word is, viz. that it consists of members BI + dew (W). The -dou (W) is the usual word for gate, gap, passage, fit, cf. Nama Dao- = 'The Way Paints (Wegnege Ins Gebirge Hinein) ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 53). For us, the river name is the starting point, the mountain name is taken over. The Biedourivier originates on the north-eastern slopes of the Krakadouberge (note the member - in this name, it is not-like). It then flows into a north-eastern direction received by the Doring River. North of the Biedourivier is the Biedoubae, and south of the river is the Tra-Traberge. On the topographical map, the hypothometric tints see that the short river has paved a 'gate' between the two mountains, the Dao- (or the -da name). The question now is: What does the BI ( e) - Then? We believe the answer is as furnished by two gentlemen who is well abreast of circumstances locally and has provided a substantive motivation, NW 39 is BT-S 'Milchbusch (Euphorbienart)' is clw. Q. 11-24, 'Widouw' No. 5 B 1. The river's name is translated as 'Melkbospoort (River)'. Cfg. Also Widouw, Wiedou (River). where eponymous places t.O.v. The first component was booked, but of places located in another district (Calvinia).

About this item

Biedou, Biedou(Rivier), (-Berge) Ens.
Alternative Title
Biedou, Biedou(Rivier), (-Berge) Ens.
Georeference Sources
K 3219 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo-Cadastral Series 1967 Skin 3218 Clanwilliam 'Bidouw River', 'Bie- Dour River', 'Biedouberge'. Topographic Series 1971 Skin 3218 Clanwilliam 'Biddingouw'; ' Called to a native plant, Biedou or Bietou of the Family Compositae. Most types are very toxic to livestock '. Niehaus HW 1978 Town Clerk Citrusdal & Croucamp PJP 1978 Bank Manager Conversion' One gets this litemy milch there. ... Bidouw means 'Melkbospoort' . '
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1967 vel 3218 Clanwilliam 'Bidouw River', 'Bie- dourivier', 'Biedouberge'. Topografiese reeks 1971 vel 3218 Clanwilliam 'Biedouw'; 'Biedouvallei'. Du Plessis 1973 Ondersoek 74 'Biedouberge...die berge is genoem na 'n inheemse plant, biedou of bietou van die familie Compositae. Die meeste soorte is baie giftig vir vee'. Niehaus HW 1978 Stadsklerk Citrusdal & Croucamp PJP 1978 Bankbe- stuurder Gesprek 'Mens kry hierdie litjiesmelkbos daar. Bidouw beteken ‘Melkbospoort’.'
eng TESTER Hereate, the entry with its older evidence farms should be located as the name was treated in Th * 261 S.V. Bidouw, Bitouw. There we took the statements taken from Botha CG 1926. Pettman 1931 and Smith 1966, who see everyone in the Khoekhoian component the inland name for a plant species, in particular of the Osteospermum moniliferum, just like Dr du Plessis, also, look above. About Bietou cf. o.a. What 1 411- 412; What also knows own as an exchange form of Bietou. The plant name is commonly known as Bitou. We are now of the opinion that the earlier explanation of the names complex with ingredient is not precisely for this area (Clanwilliam region). We believe that Biedou- a compound word is, viz. that it consists of members BI + dew (W). The -dou (W) is the usual word for gate, gap, passage, fit, cf. Nama Dao- = 'The Way Paints (Wegnege Ins Gebirge Hinein) ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 53). For us, the river name is the starting point, the mountain name is taken over. The Biedourivier originates on the north-eastern slopes of the Krakadouberge (note the member - in this name, it is not-like). It then flows into a north-eastern direction received by the Doring River. North of the Biedourivier is the Biedoubae, and south of the river is the Tra-Traberge. On the topographical map, the hypothometric tints see that the short river has paved a 'gate' between the two mountains, the Dao- (or the -da name). The question now is: What does the BI ( e) - Then? We believe the answer is as furnished by two gentlemen who is well abreast of circumstances locally and has provided a substantive motivation, NW 39 is BT-S 'Milchbusch (Euphorbienart)' is clw. Q. 11-24, 'Widouw' No. 5 B 1. The river's name is translated as 'Melkbospoort (River)'. Cfg. Also Widouw, Wiedou (River). where eponymous places t.O.v. The first component was booked, but of places located in another district (Calvinia).
afr Tesaam hiermee moet die inskrywing met sy ouer bewysplase geleës word soos die naam behandel is in TH A* 261 s.v. BIDOUW, BITOUW. Daar het ons die verklarings oorgeneem van Botha CG 1926. Pettman 1931 en Smith 1966 wat almal in die Khoekhoense komponent die inlandse naam vir ’n plantsoort sien, in die besonder van die Osteospermum moniliferum, net soos dr Du Plessis ook, kyk hierbo. Oor bietou vgl. o.a. WAT 1 411- 412; WAT ken ook biedou as 'n wisselvorm van bietou. Die plantnaam is algemeen bekend as bitou. Ons is nou van mening dat die vroeëre verklaring van die naamkompleks met bestanddeel biedou- vir hierdie gebied (Clanwilliam-streek) nie juis is nie. Ons meen dat biedou- n saamgestelde woord is, nl. dat dit bestaan uit die lede bi+ dou(w). Die -dou(w) is maar die gewone woord vir poort, kloof, deurgang, pas, vgl. Nama dao- = 'die Wegpforte (Wegenge ins Ge- birge hinein)...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 53). Vir ons is die riviernaam die begin- punt, die bergnaam is daarvan oorgeneem. Die Biedourivier ontspring aan die noordoostelike hange van die Krakadouberge (let op die lid -dou- in hierdie naam, dit is nie -tou- nie). Dit vloei vervolgens in ’n noordoostelike rigting tot dit deur die Doringrivier ontvang word. Noord van die Biedourivier is die Biedouberge, en suid van die rivier is die Tra-traberge. Op die Topografiese kaart laat die hipsometriese tinte sien dat die kort riviertjie vir horn tussen die twee berge 'n 'poort' gebaan het, die dao- (of die -dou van die naam). Die vraag nou is: wat beteken die Bi(e)- dan? Ons meen die antwoord is soos verstrek deur twee here wat plaaslik goed op hoogte van omstandighede is en ’n aanneemlike motivering verskaf het, nl. dat daar litjiesmelkbos voorkom. Dit klop ook taalkundig. Volgens Kr.-R. 1969 NW 39 is bt-s die 'Milchbusch (Euphorbienart)'. Daarmee word ook die afgelêide name van plase verklaar, soos van 'Bidouw River', nr C is Gr 68/1959, nr A is Gr 68/1959, en nr B is Clw. Q. 11-24, 'Widouw' nr Wor. Q. 5A-9 is net 'n wisseluitspraak van Bidou(w), die variabiliteit -b- en -w- is gewoon, vgl. TH A* 43 by 5 B 1. Die rivier se naam is te vertaal as 'Melkbospoort(rivier)'. Vgl. ook WIDOUW, WIEDOU(RIVIER). waar gelyknamige plekke t.o.v. die eerste komponent bespreek is, maar van plekke wat in ’n ander distrik geleë is (Calvinia).
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