
Old Cape for the component -koe of the name that is equal to Starrenburg is Cou (1655), Khoe (1660 at Van Riebeeck) etc., cf. Hott 217. In Nama, the K-of -koe is globalized in ǀ () onion, 'mountain'. Also Raven-HART 1973 VRV 2 4 31 UN Set it equal to the 'modern Klipfonteinberg', and also separated Schead CJ 1973 102. The latter also gives us Thokou, literally 'tho mountain', also as variant on 'thou'. This form he found in some writing. GC Hattingh in the Dutch Reformed Church 25 years old 1933-1958's On p. a piece of history. Today it is called 'Klipfonteinberg'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3218 BA
ou naam van Klipfonteinberg
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Starrenburg 1705 [in Valentyn Se Beschryvinger 96 'This mountain has his name of secure Capitein Tho, who, for a few years, after his bead ... Wanting, in this mountain is devoured by a lion, and therefore through the Hottentots tho cow That is, tho's mountain is called '. Ibid. 99 '... Along the south side of the tho mountain ...' Mossop 1931 VRV 12 259 'Thokoe; Present Name or Locality: Klipfonteinberg, DIST. Vanrhyndorp '.
afr Starrenburg 1705 [in Valentyn se Beschryvingel 96 'Deze berg heeft zyn naam van zekeren Capitein Tho, die, voor eenige jaaren, na zyn Kraal...willende gaan, in dezen berg door een leeuw verslonden is, en daarom door de Hottentots Tho koe, dat is, Tho's berg genaamt'. Ibid. 99 '...langs de Zuidkant van den Tho-berg...' Mossop 1931 VRV 12 259 'Thokoe; present name or locality: Klipfonteinberg, dist. Vanrhynsdorp'.
eng Old Cape for the component -koe of the name that is equal to Starrenburg is Cou (1655), Khoe (1660 at Van Riebeeck) etc., cf. Hott 217. In Nama, the K-of -koe is globalized in ǀ () onion, 'mountain'. Also Raven-HART 1973 VRV 2 4 31 UN Set it equal to the 'modern Klipfonteinberg', and also separated Schead CJ 1973 102. The latter also gives us Thokou, literally 'tho mountain', also as variant on 'thou'. This form he found in some writing. GC Hattingh in the Dutch Reformed Church 25 years old 1933-1958's On p. a piece of history. Today it is called 'Klipfonteinberg'.
afr Ou-Kaaps vir die komponent -koe van die naam wat volgens Starrenburg gelyk is aan 'berg', is cou (1655), khoe (1660 by Van Riebeeck) ens., vgl. HOTT 217. In Nama is die k- van -koe geglottaliseer in ǀ( )ui-, 'berg'. Ook Raven-Hart 1973 VRV 2 4 31 vn stel dit gelyk aan die 'moderne Klipfonteinberg', en ook Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 102. laasgenoemde gee naas ons Thokou, letterlik 'Tho-berg', ook nog as variant op 'Thou'. Hierdie vorm het hy in een of ander geskrif gevind. GC Hattingh in Die N.G. Gemeente van Vredendal 25 jaar oud 1933-1958 se op bl. 25 dat Van der Stel se landtog aangekom het by 'die Berghfontein of Thokoe (Tho se berg)...', na die kaptein Tho. Die ou naam Thokoe of Thoeberg vind ons nie meer terug nie. Dit bewaar fossielsgewyse ’n stukkie geskiedenis. Vandag heet dit 'Klipfonteinberg'.
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