
Preuthority bans Starrenburg to tell the 'story', it's too naturalǃ In Old Cape, the concept is given, cf. Hott 447 for Tya = 'Schamelheyt' and 'Schame Part'; The in Nama (with preventive fluctuation of G- and T (H) - as if within allophonic boundaries) ǀ Gau-S has a nasal that makes us rather look for a form without nasal, eg. at Tao- = shyness (cf. Rest 1960 DNW 52). We assume that what Starrenburg could not tell, relate to a feature that travelers had so much about, viz. That the labia could be so stretched that it looked like a 'apron'. Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 102 Locate the place as 'Klipfonteinberg' in the Vanrhynsdorp district. cfg. Thokoe.

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K 3218 BA
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12.5 km radius
eng Starrenburg 1705 [in Valentyn Se Beschryvingel 95 '... WY reason denely tyd along a mountain, through the Hottentots Thou, after certain Hottentottin (the reasons why are my confesses, but already in nature lyk, to take place here) Thou means in the gongernae language, 't shame part of a woman '.
afr Starrenburg 1705 [in Valentyn se Beschryvingel 95 '...wy reden eenigen tyd langs een berg, door de Hottentots Thou genoemt, na zekere Hottentottin (de redenen waarom zyn my bekent, maar al te natuurlyk, om hier plaats te hebben) het woord Thou betekent in de Gonnemasche taal, ’t schaamt-deel van een vrouw'.
eng Preuthority bans Starrenburg to tell the 'story', it's too naturalǃ In Old Cape, the concept is given, cf. Hott 447 for Tya = 'Schamelheyt' and 'Schame Part'; The in Nama (with preventive fluctuation of G- and T (H) - as if within allophonic boundaries) ǀ Gau-S has a nasal that makes us rather look for a form without nasal, eg. at Tao- = shyness (cf. Rest 1960 DNW 52). We assume that what Starrenburg could not tell, relate to a feature that travelers had so much about, viz. That the labia could be so stretched that it looked like a 'apron'. Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 102 Locate the place as 'Klipfonteinberg' in the Vanrhynsdorp district. cfg. Thokoe.
afr Preutsheid verbied Starrenburg om die 'storie' te vertel, dit is te natuurlikǃ In Ou-Kaaps word die begrip aangegee, vgl. HOTT 447 vir tya = 'schamelheyt' en 'het schaamdeel'; die in Nama (met voorkomende wisseling van g- en t(h)- asof binne allofoniese grense) ǀgau-s het ’n nasaal wat ons eerder aansluiting by ’n vorm sonder nasaal laat soek, bv. by tao- = skaamgevoel (vgl. Rust 1960 DNW 52). Ons neem aan dat wat Starrenburg nie kon vertel nie, betrekking gehad het op ’n kenmerk waaroor reisigers so veel te vertelle gehad het, nl. dat die labia so uitgerek kon word dat dit soos 'n 'voorskoot' gelyk het. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 102 lokaliseer die plek as 'Klipfonteinberg' in die distrik Vanrhynsdorp. vgl. THOKOE.
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