Kregas(Berge), Kregas(Kop), Kregas(Rivier)

On the S.A. The head and the river shared the same name in his Khoekhoeia, in both cases. On the head is land metersbaken No. 60. The river begins at the head and walks north-east in the Renoster River. Another utterance (according to a form completed almost 10 years later) is Kariega for the head and the river, cf. Karie- GA (head) ... The name parts -ga or gas, like Nama -Xa, a morphem that expresses quantity, 'many', viz. of the Kle- (or Karie). Apparently this is meant by the quartery root, earliest recording 'Carriage' (c. 1837), for the Anacampseros ustulata (Smith 1966 CNSAP 280). There is no good reason o.w. to show off the statement of the old locals. On the later maps (as quoted), the entry Kariega and not Krrega (s) - not, and for Kregasberge today said Kregas head.

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Kregas(Berge), Kregas(Kop), Kregas(Rivier)
Alternative Title
Kregas(Berge), Kregas(Kop), Kregas(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3120 CD en CD/DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1955 'Kregas River, a river 33 miles [53 km] north of Sutherland. Accent on the Kle-. Stand in connection with the Kare Stud by the Bushmen used as food. It is claimed that this plant has disappeared. It is a totally different plant of the ordinary kareboom that is still a lot in some parts. The Kregas River runs along the Kregas Mountains Knowledge of local circumstances '. Fornula filled in by the Magistrate of Sutherland, Mr Jac Raubenheimer.
afr Opmeting 1955 'Kregasrivier, 'n rivier 33 myl [53 km] noord van Sutherland. Aksent op die Kre-. Staan in verband met die kareewortel deur die Boesmans as voedsel gebruik. Dit word beweer dat hierdie plant verdwyn het. Dit is 'n totaal verskillende plant van die gewone kareeboom wat in sekere dele plaaslik nog heelwat is. Die Kregasrivier loop langs die Kregasberge. Die inligting is vandag by 'n vergadering van die plaaslike Afdelingsraad by die lede verkry. Hulle is almal ou inwoners met kennis van plaaslike omstandighede'. Forntulier ingevul deur die landdros van Sutherland, mnr JAC Raubenheimer.
eng On the S.A. The head and the river shared the same name in his Khoekhoeia, in both cases. On the head is land metersbaken No. 60. The river begins at the head and walks north-east in the Renoster River. Another utterance (according to a form completed almost 10 years later) is Kariega for the head and the river, cf. Karie- GA (head) ... The name parts -ga or gas, like Nama -Xa, a morphem that expresses quantity, 'many', viz. of the Kle- (or Karie). Apparently this is meant by the quartery root, earliest recording 'Carriage' (c. 1837), for the Anacampseros ustulata (Smith 1966 CNSAP 280). There is no good reason o.w. to show off the statement of the old locals. On the later maps (as quoted), the entry Kariega and not Krrega (s) - not, and for Kregasberge today said Kregas head.
afr Op die S.A.-reeks 1969 vel 3120 CD Rooipoort, en 1971 vel 3120 DC Bo- nekraal (albei skaal 1:50 000) kan die ligging en (vir die rivier) die loop goed nagegaan word. Die kop en die rivier het in sy Khoekhoense deel dieselfde naam, in albei gevalle eenders uitgespreek. Op die kop is land- metersbaken nr 60. Die rivier begin by die kop en loop noordoostelik in die Renosterrivier. 'n Ander uitspraak (volgens ’n formulier wat byna 10 jaar later ingevul is) is Kariega- vir die kop en die rivier, vgl. KARIE- GA(KOP)... Die naamdeel -ga- of -gas- is soos Nama -xa-, ’n morfeem wat hoeveelheid uitdruk, 'baie', nl. van die Kre- (of Karie-). Blykbaar word hiermee bedoel die kareemoerwortel, vroegste optekening 'karriwortel' (c. 1837), vir die Anacampseros ustulata (Smith 1966 CNSAP 280). Daar is geen goeie rede o.w. om die verklaring van die ou plaaslike inwoners af te wys nie. Op die latere kaarte (soos aangehaaldes) is die inskrywing Kariega- en nie Krega(s)- nie, en vir Kregasberge word vandag gesê Kregas- kop.
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