
No tips on the meaning are given. Due to the many places at this latitude with ingredient 'GIF (Tree)', 'Gha' and 'Ghaap', all equally significant where such names are treated and the meaning is reduced, we think of Kooue- to the possibility that the word looked here To set is with Namaǃ Guru- = 'Gift' (Rust I960 DNW 27). On the survey of surveying it is said that 'coupo must already be approved'. We do not return the name on the corresponding map for 3119 CC scale 1:50 000 (1972); Its significance will also be the same as for Keykloof, according to our derivation then 'GIF (Pǃ Ant) port'. From the appropriate crops, Pylgif is prepared.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3119 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1968 'Keyrokloof, Dist. Calvinia, name of a gorge 43 miles [69 km] southwest of the town '.
afr Opmeting 1968 'Koeroekloof, dist. Calvinia, naam van n kloof 43 myl [69 km] suidwes van die dorp'.
eng No tips on the meaning are given. Due to the many places at this latitude with ingredient 'GIF (Tree)', 'Gha' and 'Ghaap', all equally significant where such names are treated and the meaning is reduced, we think of Kooue- to the possibility that the word looked here To set is with Namaǃ Guru- = 'Gift' (Rust I960 DNW 27). On the survey of surveying it is said that 'coupo must already be approved'. We do not return the name on the corresponding map for 3119 CC scale 1:50 000 (1972); Its significance will also be the same as for Keykloof, according to our derivation then 'GIF (Pǃ Ant) port'. From the appropriate crops, Pylgif is prepared.
afr Geen wenke oor die betekenis word aangegee nie. vanweë die baie plekke op hierdie breedtegraad met bestanddeel 'gif(boom)', 'gha-' en 'ghaap', almal gelykbetekenend waar sulke name behandel en die betekenis afgelêi is, dink ons by Koeroe- aan die moontlikheid dat die woord hier gelyk te stel is met Nama ǃguru- = 'Gift' (Rust I960 DNW 27). Op die Vraelys van Opmeting word gesê dat 'Koeroepoort alreeds goedgekeur' is. Ons vind die naam nie op die ooreenstemmende kaart vir 3119 CC skaal 1:50 000 (1972) terug nie; die betekenis daarvan sal wel ook dieselfde wees as vir Koeroekloof, volgens ons afleiding dan 'Gif(pǃant)poort'. Uit die be- doelde gewasse word pylgif voorberei.
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