Kanagas, Kanagas(Berg(En)

Kanaga (s) mountain is the name of a subdivision called 'Annex Koevlei' and 'Koevlei A', and on the southern boundary of both proposed mentioned today, according to Cited Series 1965, a piece of 'be- Works Countries 'named' Annex Kanagasbergen ', according to his multi-fold form in Dutch relatively old. The whole piece is called' Cow Vlei 'today was Canagas by 1890 (census card). Along each other lies the pieces of land / bouland With the inland name and with the translated name in Dutch (cow) or in Afrikaans (cow), TW in the first member. The Khoekhoense name is recorded as Konakwas-, which is severely misleading, as well as Canaga (s) - or -Cha (s) -, which occurred in the process of transformation to Afrikaans as snacks (read: KNA-Select), Today's snacks, or translated as cow / cow. The closing components -berg (s) / (and) and / or moun- tain (s) were added. For the discussion of the meaning referred to the lemma Konakwas (mountain (s)).

About this item

Kanagas, Kanagas(Berg(En)
Alternative Title
Kanagas, Kanagas(Berg(En)
Georeference Sources
K 3118 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Kanaga (s) mountain is the name of a subdivision called 'Annex Koevlei' and 'Koevlei A', and on the southern boundary of both proposed mentioned today, according to Cited Series 1965, a piece of 'be- Works Countries 'named' Annex Kanagasbergen ', according to his multi-fold form in Dutch relatively old. The whole piece is called' Cow Vlei 'today was Canagas by 1890 (census card). Along each other lies the pieces of land / bouland With the inland name and with the translated name in Dutch (cow) or in Afrikaans (cow), TW in the first member. The Khoekhoense name is recorded as Konakwas-, which is severely misleading, as well as Canaga (s) - or -Cha (s) -, which occurred in the process of transformation to Afrikaans as snacks (read: KNA-Select), Today's snacks, or translated as cow / cow. The closing components -berg (s) / (and) and / or moun- tain (s) were added. For the discussion of the meaning referred to the lemma Konakwas (mountain (s)).
afr Kanaga(s)berg is die naam van 'n onderverdeling wat vandag heet 'Annex Koevlei' en 'Koevlei A', en aan die suidelike grens van albei voorge- noemdes is vandag nog, volgens aangehaalde reeks 1965, 'n stuk 'be- werkte lande' met die naam 'Annex Kanagasbergen', volgens sy meer- voudsvorm in Nederlands betreklik oud. Die hele stuk wat vandag 'Koei- vlei' heet, was Kanagas- teen 1890 (Sensuskaart). langs mekaar le die stukke grond/bouland met die inlandse naam en met die vertaalde naam in Nederlands (Koe-) of in Afrikaans (Koei-), t.w. in die eerste lid. Die Khoekhoense naam is opgeteken as Konakwas-, wat erg misleidend is, ook as Kanaga(s)- of -cha(s)-, wat in die proses van omvorming tot Afrikaans voorgekom het as Knakies (lees: Kna-kies), vandag Knakkies, of wat vertaal is as Koe-/Koeivlei-. Die slotkomponente -berg(e)/(en) en/of Moun- tain(s) is toegevoeg. Vir die bespreking van die betekenis word verwys na die lemma KONAKWAS(BERG(E)).
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