
Apparently an easy case, see the statements of Botha and (in parts of Botha) of Du Plessis. Gona, Kona- is the chief, the -qua (s) or -kwa are the people or men, out -gu- for MV. . The During the Olifants River Land Surveyor 45 on it), but no place named, or with the number like on the census card; Well on the cadastre an unnumbered farm 'Koevlei A'. On the corresponding skin of the topographical range 1968 comes Konakwa (s) in its entirety - there the mountain carries the replacement name Koeivlei Mountain, and the homestead is on its western hang is 'cow are' on Skin 3118 CC & CD Doring Bay 1965 Scale 1:50 000 Again only the mountain name Koeivleiberg and western adjacent 'Koeivlei A' and 'Annex Koeivlei'. Koeivlei Mountain then displaced coachwa (s) mountain (s). The question is whether we have the usual pattern here, viz. That the Afrikaans name is a translation of the old name. In Old Cape, a Cow Goie, Gojes (1691, 1708) and T'goos (1775-6, cf. Hott 345), which corresponds well with the Konkwa (for changing g- and K- look 5 a 3 in th a * 42). Gona can be here as Nama ǀǀ Go-N-A, the -n- Comm, PI., The -A for the A-Objectivi. The -kwa then joins the African member -vlei of Koeivlei, and at the Nama Word + Ga- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rest 1960 DNW 70). The -kwa (S), parent such as (per census card 1891) -Quas, may be just the 'official' spelling in the State Channel of the official who had to enter the name and adapt it 'enhancing' to the for him known exit of tribal names. Inadvertently he founded confusion when he wrote the exit -ka or -coa as -qua. See the exchange points 'Cana-Ka' and 'Cana-cha' as at SHEAD regarded the conclusion part , with hesitation earlier set under Konakwas (mountain) in th a ** 755. This determination destroys the possibility we saw at one time, viz. that the Gonakwa once split at a time, the kernel then remained behind In the 'tribal' in the Eastern Province, the other part went and finally came in South West Africa just south of the top stem at the Kuiseb's underflow. A missionary declared the name Gonakwa there as the people who ǀǀ gona = under (cf. The Gonakwa A, look at Severead) nothing else is not as the old Khoekhozen name that has not been lost but who survives in his Afrikaans translation as 'Koeivlei', and who also became applicable on the mountain there, whose southern peaks of 1300 meters Above sea level, the highest point on CC and CD.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3118 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
miskien ou naam van Koeivleiberg
eng Census Card 1891 'Konaquas Berg' for Farm Nr Cl (W). 6-7, and 'Konaquas Mountain' for the mountain on it. Botha 1927 PNCP 31 '... The Cochoqua Were Ruled by the Chief Cocho and the Gonaqua at Gona. In the Van Rhynsdorp District We Find Konaquas Mountain, Probably Referring to the Latter ... 'Du Plessis 1973 investigates 123' Konakwaberge ... Again a mountain name reminiscent of an extinct Hottentotstam ... 'Several CJ ​​1973 Gazette 106 'Konaqua MTS, of Rhynsdorp. Syn [onms] Canakaberg, Kanacaberg'.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Konaquas Berg' vir plaas nr Cl(w). 6-7, en 'Konaquas Mountain' vir die berg daarop. Botha 1927 PNCP 31 '...the Cochoqua were ruled by the chief Cocho and the Gonaqua by Gona. In the Van Rhynsdorp district we find Konaquas Berg, probably referring to the latter...' Du Plessis 1973 Ondersoek 123 'Konakwaberge...weer eens 'n bergnaam wat herinner aan 'n uitgestorwe Hottentotstam...' Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 106 'Konaqua Mts, Van Rhynsdorp. Syn[onyms] Kanakaberg, Kanachaberg'.
eng Apparently an easy case, see the statements of Botha and (in parts of Botha) of Du Plessis. Gona, Kona- is the chief, the -qua (s) or -kwa are the people or men, out -gu- for MV. . The During the Olifants River Land Surveyor 45 on it), but no place named, or with the number like on the census card; Well on the cadastre an unnumbered farm 'Koevlei A'. On the corresponding skin of the topographical range 1968 comes Konakwa (s) in its entirety - there the mountain carries the replacement name Koeivlei Mountain, and the homestead is on its western hang is 'cow are' on Skin 3118 CC & CD Doring Bay 1965 Scale 1:50 000 Again only the mountain name Koeivleiberg and western adjacent 'Koeivlei A' and 'Annex Koeivlei'. Koeivlei Mountain then displaced coachwa (s) mountain (s). The question is whether we have the usual pattern here, viz. That the Afrikaans name is a translation of the old name. In Old Cape, a Cow Goie, Gojes (1691, 1708) and T'goos (1775-6, cf. Hott 345), which corresponds well with the Konkwa (for changing g- and K- look 5 a 3 in th a * 42). Gona can be here as Nama ǀǀ Go-N-A, the -n- Comm, PI., The -A for the A-Objectivi. The -kwa then joins the African member -vlei of Koeivlei, and at the Nama Word + Ga- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rest 1960 DNW 70). The -kwa (S), parent such as (per census card 1891) -Quas, may be just the 'official' spelling in the State Channel of the official who had to enter the name and adapt it 'enhancing' to the for him known exit of tribal names. Inadvertently he founded confusion when he wrote the exit -ka or -coa as -qua. See the exchange points 'Cana-Ka' and 'Cana-cha' as at SHEAD regarded the conclusion part , with hesitation earlier set under Konakwas (mountain) in th a ** 755. This determination destroys the possibility we saw at one time, viz. that the Gonakwa once split at a time, the kernel then remained behind In the 'tribal' in the Eastern Province, the other part went and finally came in South West Africa just south of the top stem at the Kuiseb's underflow. A missionary declared the name Gonakwa there as the people who ǀǀ gona = under (cf. The Gonakwa A, look at Severead) nothing else is not as the old Khoekhozen name that has not been lost but who survives in his Afrikaans translation as 'Koeivlei', and who also became applicable on the mountain there, whose southern peaks of 1300 meters Above sea level, the highest point on CC and CD.
afr Klaarblyklik ’n maklike geval, sien die verklarings van Botha en (ten dele van Botha oorgeneem) van Du Plessis. Gona-, Kona- is die stamhoof, die -qua(s) of -kwa is die mense of mans, uit -gu- vir mv. ml., plus die uithef- fende -a: 'Gonamense', 'Gonavolk'. Veral bekend is die Gonakwas van die oostelike Provinsie. Met hierdie bergnaam is ons egter in die huidige distrik van Vredendal, aan die Atlantiese oseaan, net suid van die uitmon- dingspunt van die Olifantsrivier. Op vel 3118 Calvinia van die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 kom die naam vir die berg voor as 'Konakwaberge' (sonder die bindings-s), en die westelike helfte*heet daar 'Koeivleiberg' (met landmetersbaken 45 daarop), maar geen plaas met die naam nie, of met die nommer soos op die sensuskaart nie; wel is op die kadaster ’n on- genommerde plaas 'Koevlei A'. Op die ooreenstemmende vel van die Topografiese reeks 1968 kom Konakwa(s)berg(e) in die geheel nie voor nie — daar dra die berg die vervangende naam Koeivleiberg, en die opstal aan sy westelike hang is 'Koeivlei'. Op vel 3118 CC & CD Doringbaai 1965 skaal 1:50 000 het ons weer net die bergnaam Koeivleiberg en westelik aangrensend 'Koeivlei A' en 'Annex Koeivlei'. Koeivleiberg het dan Ko- nakwa(s)berg(e) verdring. Die vraag is of ons hier die gewone patroon het, nl. dat die Afrikaanse naam ’n vertaling van die ou naam is. In Ou-Kaaps was 'n koei goies, gojes (1691, 1708) en t'goos (1775-6, vgl. HOTT 345), wat goed ooreenstem met die Ko- van Konakwa- (vir wisseling g- en k- kyk 5 A 3 in TH A* 42). Gona- kan hier dan wees soos Nama ǀǀgo-n-a, die -n- comm, pi., die -a vir die a-objectivi. Die -kwa sluit dan aan by die Afrikaanse lid -vlei van Koeivlei, en by die Namawoord +ga- = 'Vley (ohne Wasser)' (Rust 1960 DNW 70). Die -kwa(s), ouer soos (per sensuskaart 1891) -quas, is moontlik net die 'offisiele' spelling in die staatskan- toor van die amptenaar wat die naam moes inskryf en dit 'verbeterend' aanpas by die vir horn bekende uitgang van stamname. Onbedoeld het hy verwarring gestig toe hy die uitgang -ka of -coa gaan skryf het as -qua. Kyk die wisselspellings 'Kana-ka-' en 'Kana-cha-' soos by Skead t.o.v. die slotdeel aangegaan is. Indien juis, wat volgens ons oortuiging die geval is, dan het die pleknaam niks met n stamnaam te doen nie, soos ons, met huiwering vroeër gestel het onder KONAKWAS(BERG) in TH A** 755. Hierdie vasstelling vernietig die moontlikheid wat ons op 'n keer gesien het, nl. dat die Gonakwa eens op ’n tyd gesplits het, die kern het dan agtergebly in die 'stamland' in die Oostelike Provinsie, die ander deel het getrek en eindelik te lande gekom in Suidwes-Afrika net suid van die Top- naarstam by die Kuiseb se onderloop. 'n Sendeling het die naam Gonakwa daar verklaar as die mense wat ǀǀgona = onder (vgl. bv. Rust 1960 DNW 65) woon, in teenstelling met die wat bo, op die top ('Topnaars') woon. Konakwa(s)berg(e) het geen toponimiese verband met die stam van die Gonakwa nie. Die -kwa- is ’n verkeerd-begrepe of wanspelling van wat in Nama ╪ga- heet, betekenende 'vlei'. Ons meen dat Konaka- (-ka vir -kwa, kyk by Skead) niks anders is nie as die ou Khoekhoense naam wat nie verlore geraak het nie maar wat voortleef in sy Afrikaanse vertaling as 'Koeivlei', en wat ook toepasbaar geword het op die berg daar, waarvan die suidelike spits 1300 meter bo seespieel uitstaan, die hoogste punt op CC en CD.
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