Gouna, Gouna (Se Laagte)

We couldn't find 'Gouna' on our cards. 'Gouna' and 'Gouna's lows' on the southern part of the farm 'Zandkraal' No. Clw. Q. 2-44, District Calvinia. According to the toponimic pattern, we would expect 'Zandkraal' and 'Gouna' next to their topographical context would also have a mortgage bond. However, in our vocabulary, we find no word for 'sand' that can match the member 'soon' of 'Gouna'. Just over the southwestern boundary of 'Zandkraal' is the farm 'Platte kraal' No. Clw. Q. 2-9. For 'flat' is recorded in Ou-Cape - hold (with anx in front for a clapping sound) (Hott 421), taking into account the viability of H and G (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4 ), Well with 'soon' can match. The member '-na' of 'Gouna' is then like Namaǃ Na- = 'In' (Rest 1960 DNW 33). But we are much more satisfied with without topographical nuclei here, on the sound associative agreement of this name with the Khoekhoian word for the Carpobrotus Edulis, viz. The Ghoena or Gouna (Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 227) for a kind of edible fieldvy. Maybe there is also topographical support for this statement. At 3120 DD and at 3121 CC, 'Vyeboskop' occurs, see the mentioned topographical map. Perhaps the 'Vyebos' is the same as the Gouna (fig), then the names on the wide spread of the plant.

About this item

Gouna, Gouna (Se Laagte)
Alternative Title
Gouna, Gouna (Se Laagte)
Georeference Sources
K 3120 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1972 Skin 3120 Williston 'Gouna', 'Gouna's lows'
afr Topografiese reeks 1972 vel 3120 Williston 'Gouna', 'Gouna se laagte'
eng We couldn't find 'Gouna' on our cards. 'Gouna' and 'Gouna's lows' on the southern part of the farm 'Zandkraal' No. Clw. Q. 2-44, District Calvinia. According to the toponimic pattern, we would expect 'Zandkraal' and 'Gouna' next to their topographical context would also have a mortgage bond. However, in our vocabulary, we find no word for 'sand' that can match the member 'soon' of 'Gouna'. Just over the southwestern boundary of 'Zandkraal' is the farm 'Platte kraal' No. Clw. Q. 2-9. For 'flat' is recorded in Ou-Cape - hold (with anx in front for a clapping sound) (Hott 421), taking into account the viability of H and G (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4 ), Well with 'soon' can match. The member '-na' of 'Gouna' is then like Namaǃ Na- = 'In' (Rest 1960 DNW 33). But we are much more satisfied with without topographical nuclei here, on the sound associative agreement of this name with the Khoekhoian word for the Carpobrotus Edulis, viz. The Ghoena or Gouna (Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 227) for a kind of edible fieldvy. Maybe there is also topographical support for this statement. At 3120 DD and at 3121 CC, 'Vyeboskop' occurs, see the mentioned topographical map. Perhaps the 'Vyebos' is the same as the Gouna (fig), then the names on the wide spread of the plant.
afr Ons kon op ons kaarte geen plaas 'Gouna' opspoor nie. 'Gouna' en 'Gouna se laagte' is op die suidelike deel van die plaas 'Zandkraal' nr Clw. Q. 2-44, distrik Calvinia. Volgens die toponimiese patroon sou ons verwag dat 'Zandkraal' en 'Gouna' naas hul topografiese verband ook taalkundig ’n verband sou he. Ons vind in ons woordeskat egter geen woord vir 'sand' wat met die lid 'Gou-' van 'Gouna' kan ooreenstem nie. Net oor die suidwestelike grens van 'Zandkraal' is die plaas 'Platte- kraal' nr Clw. Q. 2-9. Vir 'plat' is in Ou-Kaaps opgeteken -hou (met ’n x vooraan vir ’n klapklank) (HOTT 421) wat, met inagneming van die ver- wisselbaarheid van h en g (vgl. TH A* 45 by 5 C 4), wel met 'Gou-' kan ooreenstem. Die lid '-na' van 'Gouna' is dan miskien soos Nama ǃna- = 'in' (Rust 1960 DNW 33). Maar ons is baie meer tevrede om sonder topografiese kerne hier Hewers af te gaan op die klankassosiatiewe ooreenkoms van hierdie naam met die Khoekhoense woord vir die Carpobrotus edulis, nl. die ghoena- of gouna (Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 227) vir ’n soort eetbare veldvy. Miskien is daar tog ook vir hierdie verklaring topografiese steun. Op 3120 DD en op 3121 CC kom 'Vyeboskop' voor, kyk die genoemde Topografiese kaart. Dalk is die 'vyebos' dieselfde as die gouna(vy), dan wys die name op die wye verspreiding van die plant.
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