Keiskie, Keiskie(Berge), Keiskie(Rivier)

Noise' is farm no Clw. Q. 2-29, District Calvinia. The west is 'Annex Keiskie' No. Civ. Q. 31-3 and 'Annex Keiskie' No. 1919-41-2599. These farms lie on the 'Keiskieberge' southwest of Calvinia. On the eastern slopes of the Keiskieberge, the 'Keiskiere River', a western tributary of the War Kloof River. On the corresponding topographical map 1968 also the names 'undercino', 'Keiskie's gate' and 'Keiskie's angle' Sharing Ceeco-cod fern and not 'kei-skie'. On the 1:50 000 topographical series 1964 Skin 3119 DB Keiskie we see just south of the source of 'Keiskie's angle' the peak 'Sandkop'. At the north of the Keiskieberge, just north of the border of the farm 'Nois', there is another 'sandhead'. 'So Keiskie' lie between the two sand heads. The ceis-complex and the sand heads form topographically a unit, we believe there is also a linguistic relationship. Then the first member of the Khoekhozen name, viz. 'Keis-', such as Nama 11Ke- [11khae] = '(River) Sand' (Kr.-. 1969 NW 220), and the member -kie maybe like Nama ǀ (k) onion- = 'stone', 'Mountain' (Hott 340), here 'head'. If, again, we have the phenomenon that the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group translates the Khoekhoen component. The statement is supported by the fact that there are still other place names in the area is what has 'sand' as component, cf. Leistner & Morris 1976 Annals 433.

About this item

Keiskie, Keiskie(Berge), Keiskie(Rivier)
Alternative Title
Keiskie, Keiskie(Berge), Keiskie(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3119 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo-Cadastle Reeks 1966 VEL 3118 Calvinia 'Kiškiie', 'Ikiškie', 'Klarkiervier', 'Kinkieberge'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3118 Calvinia 'Keiskie', 'Annex Keiskie', 'Keiskierivier', 'Keiskieberge'.
eng Noise' is farm no Clw. Q. 2-29, District Calvinia. The west is 'Annex Keiskie' No. Civ. Q. 31-3 and 'Annex Keiskie' No. 1919-41-2599. These farms lie on the 'Keiskieberge' southwest of Calvinia. On the eastern slopes of the Keiskieberge, the 'Keiskiere River', a western tributary of the War Kloof River. On the corresponding topographical map 1968 also the names 'undercino', 'Keiskie's gate' and 'Keiskie's angle' Sharing Ceeco-cod fern and not 'kei-skie'. On the 1:50 000 topographical series 1964 Skin 3119 DB Keiskie we see just south of the source of 'Keiskie's angle' the peak 'Sandkop'. At the north of the Keiskieberge, just north of the border of the farm 'Nois', there is another 'sandhead'. 'So Keiskie' lie between the two sand heads. The ceis-complex and the sand heads form topographically a unit, we believe there is also a linguistic relationship. Then the first member of the Khoekhozen name, viz. 'Keis-', such as Nama 11Ke- [11khae] = '(River) Sand' (Kr.-. 1969 NW 220), and the member -kie maybe like Nama ǀ (k) onion- = 'stone', 'Mountain' (Hott 340), here 'head'. If, again, we have the phenomenon that the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group translates the Khoekhoen component. The statement is supported by the fact that there are still other place names in the area is what has 'sand' as component, cf. Leistner & Morris 1976 Annals 433.
afr Keiskie' is plaas nr Clw. Q. 2-29, distrik Calvinia. Ten weste daarvan is 'Annex Keiskie' nr Civ. Q. 31-3 en 'Annex Keiskie' nr 1919-41-2599. Hierdie plase le aan die 'Keiskieberge' suidwes van Calvinia. Aan die oostelike hange van die Keiskieberge ontspring die 'Keiskierivier', n westelike sytak van die Oorlogskloofrivier. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1968 kom ook nog die name 'Onder-Keiskie', 'Keiskie se Poort' en 'Keiskie se Hoek' voor. Omdat die fonologie van Khoekhoens nie 'n sk- anlautend toelaat nie, weet ons dat die woordver- deling Keis-kie fnoet wees en nie 'Kei-skie' kan wees nie. Op die 1:50 000 Topografiese reeks 1964 vel 3119 DB Keiskie sien ons net suid van die bron van 'Keiskie se Hoek' die spits 'Sandkop'. Aan die noordpunt van die Keiskieberge, net noord van die grens van die plaas 'Keiskie', is daar nog ’n 'Sandkop'. 'Keiskie' le dus tussen die twee Sandkoppe. Die Keis- kie-kompleks en die Sandkoppe vorm topografies 'n eenheid, ons meen daar is ook 'n taalkundige verband. Dan is die eerste lid van die Khoekhoense naam, nl. 'Keis-', soos Nama 11kei- [11khae-] = '(rivier)sand' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 220), en die lid -kie miskien soos Nama ǀ(k)ui- = 'klip', 'berg' (HOTT 340), hier 'kop'. Indien juis, het ons weer die verskynsel dat die Afrikaanse komponent van ’n toponimiese kerngroep die Khoekhoense komponent vertaal. Die verklaring word gesteun deur die feit dat daar in die omgewing nog ander plekname is wat 'Sand' as komponent het, vgl. leistner & Morris 1976 Annals 433.
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