
KNEU is the name of farm Clw. 2-30 to the Nooiens River running eastern in -the Voainraal River, all in the Calvinia district; The farm lies south of the town. We received no indication of the meaning of the name. But the agreement between this Kneu and the Nuy River in Worcester District (the K- set the suction consonant) hit us. Nuy River means 'Wilgerboom River'. Now we first note that in Calvinia district places are in the vicinity of Kenu pointing to the ample presence of the willow tree, places such as 'willbosch' (instead CLW. Q. 1-43) on DA, 'Wilgerboskraal' (Place No. 288/1936) on BB, already on the census card 1891 Two farms 'willow tree' just east of Kneu, at 3120 Ca and then, almost as if he wants to contradict us, the farm 'single Wilgenboom' (No. Clw. Q. 1- 44) at 3119 DA. Salix capensis is in Nama ╪hui-: The K- KNEU corresponds to the ╪, the nasal vowel, as usual with H, a N, a symbiosis that can be clearly observed on the kimograph, ' A further question comes on: Is that river name 'Nooiens River' in its first component does not have a whole nettimological adaptation in Afrikaans of the 'Kenu' River? Then the ground word in the farm name know, and invite in the river name (etc.) - both that it relates to willow trees, and that the farm name the Khoekhoians, the river name the deformed Afrikaans name, the one as Kneu, the other as inviting (-).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3119 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Knu', and different other maps.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Kneu', en verskillende ander landkaarte.
eng KNEU is the name of farm Clw. 2-30 to the Nooiens River running eastern in -the Voainraal River, all in the Calvinia district; The farm lies south of the town. We received no indication of the meaning of the name. But the agreement between this Kneu and the Nuy River in Worcester District (the K- set the suction consonant) hit us. Nuy River means 'Wilgerboom River'. Now we first note that in Calvinia district places are in the vicinity of Kenu pointing to the ample presence of the willow tree, places such as 'willbosch' (instead CLW. Q. 1-43) on DA, 'Wilgerboskraal' (Place No. 288/1936) on BB, already on the census card 1891 Two farms 'willow tree' just east of Kneu, at 3120 Ca and then, almost as if he wants to contradict us, the farm 'single Wilgenboom' (No. Clw. Q. 1- 44) at 3119 DA. Salix capensis is in Nama ╪hui-: The K- KNEU corresponds to the ╪, the nasal vowel, as usual with H, a N, a symbiosis that can be clearly observed on the kimograph, ' A further question comes on: Is that river name 'Nooiens River' in its first component does not have a whole nettimological adaptation in Afrikaans of the 'Kenu' River? Then the ground word in the farm name know, and invite in the river name (etc.) - both that it relates to willow trees, and that the farm name the Khoekhoians, the river name the deformed Afrikaans name, the one as Kneu, the other as inviting (-).
afr Kneu is die naam van plaas Clw. 2-30 aan die Nooiensrivier wat oostelik in -die Draaikraalrivier loop, almal in die distrik Calvinia; die plaas le suid van die dorp. Ons het geen aanduiding ontvang oor die betekenis van die naam nie. Maar die ooreenkoms tussen hierdie Kneu en die Nuyrivier in Worcesterdistrik (die K- stel die suigkonsonant voor) het ons getref. Nuyrivier beteken 'Wilgerboomrivier'. Nou merk ons ten tweede op dat hier in Calviniadistrik plekke in die nabyheid van Kneu is wat wys op die ruim aanwesigheid van die wilgerboom, plekke soos 'Wilgebosch' (plaas Clw. Q. 1-43) op DA, 'Wilgerboskraal' (plaas nr 288/1936) op BB, reeds op die Sensuskaart 1891 twee plase 'Wilgerboom' net oos van Kneu, op 3120 CA en dan, amper asof hy ons wil weerspreek, die plaas 'Enkelde Wilgenboom' (nr Clw. Q. 1-44) op 3119 DA. Salix capensis is in Nama ╪hui-: die K- van Kneu stem ooreen met die ╪, die nasale klinker word, soos gewoonlik saam met h-, ’n n-, ’n simbiose wat op die kimograaf duidelik waargeneem kan word, ’n Verdere vraag kom op: is daardie riviernaam 'Nooiens-rivier' in sy eerste komponent nie ’n volksetimologiese aanpas- sing in Afrikaans van die 'Kneu'-rivier nie? Dan beteken die grondwoord in die plaasnaam Kneu, en in die riviernaam Nooi(ens)- albei dat dit op wilgerbome betrekking het, en dat die plaasnaam die Khoekhoense, die riviernaam die vervormde Afrikaanse naam het, die een as Kneu, die ander as Nooi(-).
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