Doega, Doega(Draai), Doega (Extension)

No distraction is given. Inquiry then was done without success. According to our maps, no place is under the name 'Doega' registered, Well there is a farm 'Doega extension' No. Fountain 'To the north - actually it's just a narrow slip. Then there are 3119 DA Platberg (scale 1:50 000) another 'Doega' to the War Kloof River, which is above the buffalo head fountain westward. So it looks as if the farm buffalo head fountain that lies between this Doega and the farm Doega Extension, also part of the original Doega. We now know that the -ga of Doega is heard like the Ga of Go (Mr Strauss, the owner). It can then match Nama -Xa- = much, abundant, viz. to do. If the do-join buffalo head fountain, then possibly 'the place of many (-exa) buffalo' (Ou-Cape T'aouw 1691 for D'Aouw, look Hott 235), in this case the t 'or His normal variant D 'the 'slaughter with the tongue' (Strauss). But if the DoE joins the fire of O.A. The farm Hukhoek to the south of Doegas or from Fire Gorge west of the homestead Dowa, then as Nama Dao or Dau = 'Brennen' (Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 57), but in this case without a gestational lounge that is heard according to Mr Strauss. For the time being, the 'place of many buffaloes', by means of a proposal. We still notice that the census card 1891 does not occur, even if it is, according to rough return, very old.

About this item

Doega, Doega(Draai), Doega (Extension)
Alternative Title
Doega, Doega(Draai), Doega (Extension)
Georeference Sources
K 3119 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng PNK S.J. [1942? ' From second application 'doodadraai ... in Bushmantaal, the D was pronounced with a blow of the tongue ... The 'G' expressed as in ...' (The applicant for a carbus stop is one Mr Strauss :) ' My late father and mother who was one of the earliest movers, about 1830 ,. Lived here ... '(Adv. JS Davel writes 6 6 1942 to renew the application for a' stopping '; he is Mr Strauss's son-in-law and heir. From his letter another sentences). 'The name Doega is original a Bushman word for the region whose original homestead later became the center. The first pioneers applied the word on the farm, although none of them registered any farm under the name. The place Doega is well known by the entire northwest to the Orange River ... '
afr PNK s.j. [1942?] 'Doegadraai...die -draai is bygevoeg om verwarring te vermy...Verafrikaanste uitspraak uit die tyd van die vroegste Blanke ko- loniste'. Uit tweede aansoek 'Doegadraai...In Boesmantaal is die D met ’n slag van die tong uitgespreek... die ‘g’ uitgespreek soos in gaan...' (Die aansoeker vir 'n motorbushalte is ene mnr Strauss:) 'My oorlede vader en moeder wat een van die vroegste intrekkers was, ongeveer 1830,. het hier gewoon...' (Adv. JS Davel skryf 6 6 1942 om die aansoek te hernieu vir ’n 'stopplek'; hy is mnr Strauss se skoonseun en erfgenaam. Uit sy brief nog enkele sinne). 'Die naam Doega is oor- spronklik 'n Boesmanwoord vir die streek waarvan die oorspronklike opstal later die middelpunt geword het. Die eerste pioniers het die woord op die plaas toegepas, hoewel niemand van hulle enige plaas onder die naam geregistreer het nie. Die plek Doega is baie bekend deur die hele Noordweste tot aan die Oranjerivier...'
eng No distraction is given. Inquiry then was done without success. According to our maps, no place is under the name 'Doega' registered, Well there is a farm 'Doega extension' No. Fountain 'To the north - actually it's just a narrow slip. Then there are 3119 DA Platberg (scale 1:50 000) another 'Doega' to the War Kloof River, which is above the buffalo head fountain westward. So it looks as if the farm buffalo head fountain that lies between this Doega and the farm Doega Extension, also part of the original Doega. We now know that the -ga of Doega is heard like the Ga of Go (Mr Strauss, the owner). It can then match Nama -Xa- = much, abundant, viz. to do. If the do-join buffalo head fountain, then possibly 'the place of many (-exa) buffalo' (Ou-Cape T'aouw 1691 for D'Aouw, look Hott 235), in this case the t 'or His normal variant D 'the 'slaughter with the tongue' (Strauss). But if the DoE joins the fire of O.A. The farm Hukhoek to the south of Doegas or from Fire Gorge west of the homestead Dowa, then as Nama Dao or Dau = 'Brennen' (Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 57), but in this case without a gestational lounge that is heard according to Mr Strauss. For the time being, the 'place of many buffaloes', by means of a proposal. We still notice that the census card 1891 does not occur, even if it is, according to rough return, very old.
afr Geen afleiding word gegee nie. Navraag daarna is gedoen sonder sukses. Volgens ons kaarte is nog geen plaas onder die naam 'Doega' geregistreer nie, wel is daar ’n plaas 'Doega Extension' nr Civ. Q. 18-63 geregistreer. Die plaas le tussen 'Brandhoek' aan die suide en 'Buffels Kop Fontein' aan die noorde — eintlik is dit net ’n smal strokie. Dan is daar op 3119 DA Platberg (skaal 1:50 000) nog ’n 'Doega' aan die Oorlogskloofrivier Wat bokant die Buffels Kop Fontein weswaarts verbystroom. Dit lyk dus of die plaas Buffels Kop Fontein wat tussen hierdie Doega en die plasie Doega Extension le, ook deel was van die oorspronklike Doega. Ons weet nou dat die -ga van Doega gehoor word soos die ga- van gaan (mnr Strauss, die eienaar). Dit kan dan ooreenstem met Nama -xa- = baie, volop, nl. aan Doe-. As die Doe- aansluit by Buffels Kop Fontein, dan moontlik ‘Die plek van baie (-xa-) buffels’ (Ou-Kaaps t'aouw 1691 vir d’aouw, kyk HOTT 235), in hierdie geval is die t' of sy normale variant d’ die 'slag met die tong' (Strauss). Maar as die Doe- aansluit by die Brand- van o.a. die plaas Brandhoek aan die suide van Doegas of van Brandkloof wes van die opstal Doega, dan soos Nama dao of dau = 'brennen' (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 57), maar in hierdie geval sonder 'n begelêi- dende tongslag wat juis gehoor is volgens mnr Strauss. Voorlopig dan liewer die ‘Plek van baie buffels’, by wyse van ’n voorstel. Ons merk nog op dat op die Sensuskaart 1891 geen 'Doega' voorkom nie, al is dit, volgens ruwe opgawe, baie oud.
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