
The mountain was visited by travelers, eg. By Masson in 1774, the name of the mountain appears on different maps, with many spelling variations. The -kamma is like Nama ǀǀ gam-i = water, but the first member is still declared. Krenz FK 1974 Farmer Note Analyze the name SO: 'MA-TSI ǀǀ Gamma = Give Water', simply descending on the sound boost. There is another possibility. At the foot of the Matsikamma Mountains, eastern mountain mass, the farm 'MATSICAMMA ALIAS DE KUYLEN' No..Q. 7-26, also at 3118 dB. Subsequently, the spelling of the alias, still in early Dutch, 'De Kuylen', it is conceivable that the usual pattern here also emerges and that 'De Kuylen' translates the inland name. It will not surprise us as a matsiekamma means the ǀǀ gamma or water in the pits or matsie, and that the mountain and the farm have a name that is still kept for us in his first ingredient. For an o.i. Clear connection looks the apparently related matsap.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3118 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Wildshuttake 1745 in Botha 1927 PNCP 107 'Matskamma, Dist. Of rhyns town '. Ibid. 1753 'Mascammas Berg'. 'Matziekamma on 1895 Map'. Van Zyl PM Librarian questionnaire 'Matzikammaberg, east of Vanrhyns town, FM tower on it. Means 'plenty of water', water on top of the mountain running into a waterfall to the east '.
afr Wildschutboek 1745 in Botha 1927 PNCP 107 'Matskamma, dist. Van Rhyns- dorp'. Ibid. 1753 'Mascammas Berg'. 'Matziekamma on 1895 map'. Van Zyl PM Bibliotekaresse Vraelys 'Matzikammaberg, oos van Vanrhyns- dorp, FM-toring daarop. Beteken ‘Baie water’, water bo-op die berg wat in ’n waterval na die ooste afloop'.
eng The mountain was visited by travelers, eg. By Masson in 1774, the name of the mountain appears on different maps, with many spelling variations. The -kamma is like Nama ǀǀ gam-i = water, but the first member is still declared. Krenz FK 1974 Farmer Note Analyze the name SO: 'MA-TSI ǀǀ Gamma = Give Water', simply descending on the sound boost. There is another possibility. At the foot of the Matsikamma Mountains, eastern mountain mass, the farm 'MATSICAMMA ALIAS DE KUYLEN' No..Q. 7-26, also at 3118 dB. Subsequently, the spelling of the alias, still in early Dutch, 'De Kuylen', it is conceivable that the usual pattern here also emerges and that 'De Kuylen' translates the inland name. It will not surprise us as a matsiekamma means the ǀǀ gamma or water in the pits or matsie, and that the mountain and the farm have a name that is still kept for us in his first ingredient. For an o.i. Clear connection looks the apparently related matsap.
afr Die berg is deur reisigers besoek, bv. deur Masson in 1774, die naam van die berg verskyn op verskillende kaarte, met baie spelling variasies. Die -kamma is wel soos Nama ǀǀgam-i = water, maar die eerste lid is nog on- verklaar. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening ontleed die naam so: 'Ma-tsi-ǀǀgamma = Gee water', bloot afgaande op die klankbousel. Daar is nog ’n moontlikheid. Aan die voet van die Matsikammaberge, oostelik van die bergmassa, le die plaas 'Matsiekamma alias De Kuylen' nr Wor.Q. 7-26, ook op 3118 DB. Blykens die spelling van die alias, nog in vroeë Neder- lands, 'De Kuylen', is dit denkbaar dat ook hier die gewone patroon na vore kom en dat 'De Kuylen' die inlandse naam vertaal. Dit sal ons nie verbaas nie as Matsiekamma beteken die ǀǀgamma of water in die kuile of matsie, en dat die berg en die plaas ’n naam het wat in sy eerste bestanddeel nog toevallig daarin vir ons bewaar is. Vir 'n o.i. duidelike verband kyk die klaarblyklik verwante MATSAP.
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