Kobe (Ook Groot- En Klein-Kobe), Koebee(Berge), -(Pas), -(Rivier)

PNC decides to play the first or Khoekhoen member of the hybrid compilations submitted to him 'Koebee-'. For further discussion, consult the entry Kobee ... in th a ** 726; Van Zyl also testified there. Interestingly, it is to read what magistrate of Schalkwyk heard from the residents Fit 1979 what he mentioned in another context. He says: 'Mit Etwas Phantasie Connes Ich Mir Auch Ein Bild Von der Given Machen Oder Von Den Lebensum- stands der on behalfor'. Of course, we would like to make sense and word with each other reconciled. And then, from the said circumstances, we can claim that the San and the Khoekhoen have probably passed at least sometimes. Kobe (s) will then relate to it, one can expect Old census card of 1891, ie from nearly a century ago. The alternative name of Kobe - in its application on the river was 'Warkloof', viz. at a particular point. If two names are used for the same place, the one Khoekhens, the other (and usually younger) name Afrikaans, then the youngest name is almost always a legal or indirect translation of the older name. We know from other place names in this ordination that fierce fought. There is the river a row that means war, and the farms baking leaf and fought to the Olifants River north of Vredendal. There is 'War Kloof River' flowing through Calvinia westwards, which then receives the 'small-cow river' (or war river) and flows with the actual Koebees River. The latter is a tributary of Doring River. There are still other place names. 'War' is a constituent member. Now the question arises from all the circumstantial evidence the following: Translate 'War-' We 'Kobe (E)' Then it must also beat linguistically. One can think of an old -Capist word k'auw = 'mechten, pug-nare', recorded at Witsen 1691 (200 years before the date of the census card), and also recorded by Rev Valentine, Kolbe EA (cf. Hott 212). The K'auw then correspond to the co- of the place name here, and the -be- is a lokatiewemorfeem, literally 'war' or 'fighting', 'Ba- toykek'. As expected, the words for 'fight, fight, war 'old. The co - of the place name can also be knotted (on the basis of audio agreement) to what today is called in Nama: ╪Khu = 1979 Language assistant side drawing), in Kr.-r. 1969 NW 258 declared 'in Stucke'. So it looks, everything is taking place, whether this group should be translated around the basic word with 'warsplek'.

About this item

Kobe (Ook Groot- En Klein-Kobe), Koebee(Berge), -(Pas),
Alternative Title
Kobe (Ook Groot- En Klein-Kobe), Koebee(Berge), -(Pas),
Georeference Sources
K 3118 DB, 3119 CC e.a.
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sensuskaart 1891 'Oorlogs Kloof alias Kobes River'; verder plase 'Kobe Vlakte', 'Groot Kobe', 'Klein Kobe' en 'Klein Kobe River'. En op ander jonger kaarte. Survey 1953 'Kobe Mountains, Vanrhynsdorp, 19 miles [31 km] East South East...From Bushman, phonetically pronounced Tjube, other spellings: Kobee & Koebee. Country was originally inhabited by Bushmen and Hottentots. Bushmen used to raid the Hottentot cattle, and the Hottentots watched the ‘coming together' place. This ‘coming together’ place or assembly point or region was called ‘Tjube’, meaning the ‘Assembly Place’. Information supplied by Mr DJ van Zyl and Mr PJ Dreyer'. Form filled in by Magistrate D van Schalkwyk of Vanrhynsdorp. Survey 1955 'Kobepas, dist. Vanrhynsdorp, 15 miles [24 km] east of town. Name of long standing. Hottentot. Pronounced Kobe. The name is from Hottentot or Bushman origin. It is the name of a wild fruit with pips closely posted together like in a pomegranate. This was a gathering place of the Hottentots or Bushmen. The place is surrounded by mountains and the people were close together like the pips, hence the name Kobe. The pass is situated on the farm Groot Kobe Wor. 7:30. Information from PJ Dreyer, advanced in years, been here all his life...' Form sent in by Magistrate D van Schalkwyk. Survey 1956 'Koberivier...No evidence can be traced as to the origin of this name...' Form sent in by Mr HJ Dallman of the Trig. Survey.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Oorlogs Kloof alias Kobes River'; verder plase 'Kobe Vlakte', 'Groot Kobe', 'Klein Kobe' en 'Klein Kobe River'. En op ander jonger kaarte. Survey 1953 'Kobe Mountains, Vanrhynsdorp, 19 miles [31 km] East South East...From Bushman, phonetically pronounced Tjube, other spellings: Kobee & Koebee. Country was originally inhabited by Bushmen and Hottentots. Bushmen used to raid the Hottentot cattle, and the Hottentots watched the ‘coming together' place. This ‘coming together’ place or assembly point or region was called ‘Tjube’, meaning the ‘Assembly Place’. Information supplied by Mr DJ van Zyl and Mr PJ Dreyer'. Form filled in by Magistrate D van Schalkwyk of Vanrhynsdorp. Survey 1955 'Kobepas, dist. Vanrhynsdorp, 15 miles [24 km] east of town. Name of long standing. Hottentot. Pronounced Kobe. The name is from Hottentot or Bushman origin. It is the name of a wild fruit with pips closely posted together like in a pomegranate. This was a gathering place of the Hottentots or Bushmen. The place is surrounded by mountains and the people were close together like the pips, hence the name Kobe. The pass is situated on the farm Groot Kobe Wor. 7:30. Information from PJ Dreyer, advanced in years, been here all his life...' Form sent in by Magistrate D van Schalkwyk. Survey 1956 'Koberivier...No evidence can be traced as to the origin of this name...' Form sent in by Mr HJ Dallman of the Trig. Survey.
eng PNC decides to play the first or Khoekhoen member of the hybrid compilations submitted to him 'Koebee-'. For further discussion, consult the entry Kobee ... in th a ** 726; Van Zyl also testified there. Interestingly, it is to read what magistrate of Schalkwyk heard from the residents Fit 1979 what he mentioned in another context. He says: 'Mit Etwas Phantasie Connes Ich Mir Auch Ein Bild Von der Given Machen Oder Von Den Lebensum- stands der on behalfor'. Of course, we would like to make sense and word with each other reconciled. And then, from the said circumstances, we can claim that the San and the Khoekhoen have probably passed at least sometimes. Kobe (s) will then relate to it, one can expect Old census card of 1891, ie from nearly a century ago. The alternative name of Kobe - in its application on the river was 'Warkloof', viz. at a particular point. If two names are used for the same place, the one Khoekhens, the other (and usually younger) name Afrikaans, then the youngest name is almost always a legal or indirect translation of the older name. We know from other place names in this ordination that fierce fought. There is the river a row that means war, and the farms baking leaf and fought to the Olifants River north of Vredendal. There is 'War Kloof River' flowing through Calvinia westwards, which then receives the 'small-cow river' (or war river) and flows with the actual Koebees River. The latter is a tributary of Doring River. There are still other place names. 'War' is a constituent member. Now the question arises from all the circumstantial evidence the following: Translate 'War-' We 'Kobe (E)' Then it must also beat linguistically. One can think of an old -Capist word k'auw = 'mechten, pug-nare', recorded at Witsen 1691 (200 years before the date of the census card), and also recorded by Rev Valentine, Kolbe EA (cf. Hott 212). The K'auw then correspond to the co- of the place name here, and the -be- is a lokatiewemorfeem, literally 'war' or 'fighting', 'Ba- toykek'. As expected, the words for 'fight, fight, war 'old. The co - of the place name can also be knotted (on the basis of audio agreement) to what today is called in Nama: ╪Khu = 1979 Language assistant side drawing), in Kr.-r. 1969 NW 258 declared 'in Stucke'. So it looks, everything is taking place, whether this group should be translated around the basic word with 'warsplek'.
afr PNK besluit om die eerste of Khoekhoense lid van die hibridiese samestel- lings wat aan horn voorgelê is, te spel 'Koebee-'. Vir verdere bespreking raadpleeg die inskrywing KOBEE... in TH A** 726; gemerk sal word dat mnr DJ van Zyl ook daar getuig het. Interessant is dit om te lees wat magistraat Van Schalkwyk by die inwoners verneem het. Eintlik is die antwoorde net-net 'daarnaas', maar na aanleiding daar- van kan mens amper 'n gedagte van mnr FK Krenz 1979 te pas bring wat hy in ’n ander verband genoem het. Hy se: 'Mit etwas phantasie konnte ich mir auch ein Bild von der Gegend machen oder von den lebensum- standen der Namensgeber'. Ons wil natuurlik graag sin en woord met mekaar versoen. En dan kan ons uit die vermelde omstandighede by Opmeting se segsliede beweer dat die San en die Khoekhoen seker minstens soms met mekaar slaags geraak het. Kobe(e) sal dan daarmee verband hou, kan mens verwag. En dit is presies wat die ou Sensuskaart van 1891, d.w.s. van byna ’n eeu gelede, vertel. Die alternatiewe naam van Kobe- in sy toepassing op die rivier was 'Oorlogkloof', nl. op 'n bepaalde punt. As twee name vir dieselfde plek gebruik word, die een Khoekhoens, die ander (en gewoonlik jongere) naam Afrikaans, dan is die jongste naam byna altyd ’n reg- streekse of ’n onregstreekse vertaling van die ouer naam. Ons weet uit ander plekname in hierdie orngewing dat hierlangs kwaai geveg is. Daar is die rivier TROETROE wat oorlog beteken, en die plase Bakkeleyplaats en Bakleiplaas aan die Olifantsrivier noord van Vredendal. Daar is 'Oorlogs- kloofrivier' wat deur Calvinia weswaarts vloei, wat dan die 'Klein-Koe- beesrivier' (ofte Oorlogsrivier) ontvang en met die eintlike Koebeesrivier saamvloei. laasgenoemde is ’n sytak van Doringrivier. Daar is hierlangs nog ander plekname waarvan 'Oorlog-' 'n samestellende lid is. Nou is die vraag wat uit al die omstandigheidsgetuienis voortvloei die volgende: vertaal 'Oorlog-' ons 'Kobe(e)'? Dan moet dit ook taalkundig klop. Mens kan dink aan ’n Ou-Kaapse woord k’auw = 'vechten, pug- nare', aangeteken by Witsen 1691 (200 jaar voor die datum van die Sensuskaart), en ook opgeteken deur ds Valentyn, Kolbe e.a. (vgl. HOTT 212). Die k’auw stem dan ooreen met die Ko- van die pleknaam hier, en die -be- is ’n lokatiewemorfeem, letterlik 'Oorlog-' of 'Vegplek', 'Ba- kleiplek'. Soos verwag kan word, is die woorde vir 'veg, baklei, oorlog voer' oud. Die Ko- van die pleknaam kan ook geknoop word (op grond van klankooreenkoms) aan wat vandag in Nama heet: ╪khu = verbrysel (Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Kanttekening), in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 258 verklaar as 'in Stucke gehen'. Dit lyk dus, alles tesaam geneem, of hierdie groep plekname rondom die grondwoord Kobe met 'Oorlogsplek' vertaal moet word.
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