
Mrs. Van Zyl would like to know the meaning. We have no other indications except the sound image and the fact that milk bushes occur on top of the Bokkeveld Mountains, O.A. appears farm names such as 'milkbos back', 'milkboom', both east of Nieuwoudtville. Bie, exchange form of Nama dei- for 'milk' has been recorded in 1652 by Van Riebeeck (cf. Hott 382), and the member -koe- vote well with Nama Gui- = 'der Milch- Busch' (Rust 1960 DNW 42). The change k- (from K-OE) and G (from G-UI) is normal, in fact, for the ear of the white in the early years Allonfo- down k- and g in fact. The -Eo- gets its sound value as in Afrikaans, the -ui- as in German. The Fern. Sing, - suggests that the name can be that of a fountain or settlement (eg. a kraal). The meaning is probably 'milkBosphontein'. Now it is striking that the farm Bokoes no longer appears on the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 sheet 3118 Calvinia, not at all at the corresponding topographical series 1968, but we still find it on the series 1972 scale 1:50 000, and then as 'Beekoes' head' (on the farm Grasberg 642), and as 'Upper Beekoes' and 'bottom Beekoes' (on Claudskraal 645). The homestead (with telephone connection) and the bead lies on bottom of Biekoes where The fountain could also have been located that gave the farm the name, , a forest with a latex or milking juice, and with the member bidding means 'milk', the name is almost further explained by complementation to adapt to his Afrikaans form.

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K 3119 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Van Zyl JM 1978 Housewife Order Form 'Bick '
afr Van Zyl JM 1978 Huisvrou Bestelvorm 'Biekoes...Dit is ’n familieplaas van wyle oom Willem loubser en le noord van Nieuwoudtville, ongeveer 6 myl, net 'n hanetreetjie van die Vanrhynspas af, bo-op die Bok- keveldsberge...'
eng Mrs. Van Zyl would like to know the meaning. We have no other indications except the sound image and the fact that milk bushes occur on top of the Bokkeveld Mountains, O.A. appears farm names such as 'milkbos back', 'milkboom', both east of Nieuwoudtville. Bie, exchange form of Nama dei- for 'milk' has been recorded in 1652 by Van Riebeeck (cf. Hott 382), and the member -koe- vote well with Nama Gui- = 'der Milch- Busch' (Rust 1960 DNW 42). The change k- (from K-OE) and G (from G-UI) is normal, in fact, for the ear of the white in the early years Allonfo- down k- and g in fact. The -Eo- gets its sound value as in Afrikaans, the -ui- as in German. The Fern. Sing, - suggests that the name can be that of a fountain or settlement (eg. a kraal). The meaning is probably 'milkBosphontein'. Now it is striking that the farm Bokoes no longer appears on the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 sheet 3118 Calvinia, not at all at the corresponding topographical series 1968, but we still find it on the series 1972 scale 1:50 000, and then as 'Beekoes' head' (on the farm Grasberg 642), and as 'Upper Beekoes' and 'bottom Beekoes' (on Claudskraal 645). The homestead (with telephone connection) and the bead lies on bottom of Biekoes where The fountain could also have been located that gave the farm the name, , a forest with a latex or milking juice, and with the member bidding means 'milk', the name is almost further explained by complementation to adapt to his Afrikaans form.
afr Mev. Van Zyl wil graag die betekenis weet. Ons het geen ander aanduidings nie behalwe die klankbeeld en die feit dat melkbosse bo-op die Bokkeveldsberge voorkom, o.a. blykens plaasname soos 'Melkbos Rug', 'Melkboom', albei oos van Nieuwoudtville. Bie-, wisselvorm van Nama dei- vir 'melk', is al in 1652 deur Van Riebeeck opgeteken (vgl. HOTT 382), en die lid -koe- stem goed ooreen met Nama gui- = 'der Milch- busch' (Rust 1960 DNW 42). Die wisseling k- (van k-oe-) en g- (van g-ui-) is normaal, trouens, vir die oor van die Blanke in die vroeë jare allonfo- neer k- en g- in feite. Die -oe- kry sy klankwaarde soos in Afrikaans, die -ui- soos in Duits. Die fern. sing, -s dui aan dat die naam die van 'n fontein of nedersetting (bv. ’n kraal) kan wees. Die betekenis is waarskynlik 'Melkbosfontein'. Nou is dit opvallend dat die plaas Biekoes nie meer op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3118 Calvinia voorkom nie, ook glad nie op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese reeks 1968 nie, maar wel vind ons dit nog op die reeks 1972 skaal 1:50 000, en dan as 'Biekoes se Kop' (op die plaas Grasberg 642), en as 'Bo-Biekoes' en 'Onder-Biekoes' (op Claudskraal 645). Die opstal (met telefoonverbinding) en die kraal le op Onder-Biekoes waar ook die fontein geleë kon gewees het wat aan die plaas die naam gegee het, nl. die fontein by die melkbosse. Die Khoekhoense naam is besonder interessant in die opsig dat Nama gui-s die betekenis het van 'melkbos' (Euphorbia sp.), 'n bos met 'n lateks of melkag- tige sap, en met die lid Bie- wat 'melk' beteken, word die naam amper by wyse van aanvulling nog verder verduidelik om by sy Afrikaanse vorm aan te pas.
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