
Dwaswouw' is farm No. Q. 5-51, District Calvinia. To the north of Dwaswebou is 'stone bowl' No Civ. Q. 4-37 bounding Dwasdouw to the north-west and northeast. About Dwasdouw runs about northward a non-perennial river swinging westward. On the over-voicing topographical map 1968, the river is given to its westward turn as 'Klipbakkloof'. 'Klipbak', 'Klipbakkloof' and 'Dwasdouw' form topographically a unit. The question is whether there is also a linguistic relationship between the names. The closing member of Dwaswouw, viz. -Douw, like Nama Dao- = port, road, gorge (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 53). Then the first member, astringent, means 'stone bowl'. 'Felshohle' is in Nama ǀǀ Hoas (Kr.-R. 187) that may be soundly able to match. Then 'Klipbakkloof' may be a translation of the Khoekhoense name 'Dwasdouw'. Krenz FK 1978 Farmer note sets the question whether 'Diemo Kerkloof' cannot also be a possibility, at doa- = diver, and dao- = gap, road, but then there is the phonetic objection that nasali- been realized.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3119 AC/AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 3118 Calvinia 'Dwasdouw'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3118 Calvinia 'Dwasdouw'.
eng Dwaswouw' is farm No. Q. 5-51, District Calvinia. To the north of Dwaswebou is 'stone bowl' No Civ. Q. 4-37 bounding Dwasdouw to the north-west and northeast. About Dwasdouw runs about northward a non-perennial river swinging westward. On the over-voicing topographical map 1968, the river is given to its westward turn as 'Klipbakkloof'. 'Klipbak', 'Klipbakkloof' and 'Dwasdouw' form topographically a unit. The question is whether there is also a linguistic relationship between the names. The closing member of Dwaswouw, viz. -Douw, like Nama Dao- = port, road, gorge (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 53). Then the first member, astringent, means 'stone bowl'. 'Felshohle' is in Nama ǀǀ Hoas (Kr.-R. 187) that may be soundly able to match. Then 'Klipbakkloof' may be a translation of the Khoekhoense name 'Dwasdouw'. Krenz FK 1978 Farmer note sets the question whether 'Diemo Kerkloof' cannot also be a possibility, at doa- = diver, and dao- = gap, road, but then there is the phonetic objection that nasali- been realized.
afr Dwasdouw' is plaas nr Wor. Q. 5-51, distrik Calvinia. Ten noorde van Dwasdouw is 'Klipbak' nr Civ. Q. 4-37 wat Dwasdouw aan die noord- weste en noordooste begrens. Oor Dwasdouw loop ongeveer noordwaarts ’n nie-standhoudende rivier wat op Klipbak weswaarts swaai. Op die oor- eenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1968 word die rivier na sy weswaartse wending aangegee as 'Klipbakkloof'. 'Klipbak', 'Klipbakkloof' en 'Dwasdouw' vorm topografies ’n eenheid. Die vraag is of daar ook ’n taalkundige verband tussen die name is. Die slotlid van Dwasdouw, nl. -douw, is soos Nama dao- = poort, pad, kloof (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 53). Dan moet die eerste lid, Dwas-, 'Klipbak' beteken. 'Felshohle' is in Nama ǀǀhoas (Kr.-R. 187) wat klankmatig miskien met 'Dwas-' kan ooreenstem. Dan is 'Klipbakkloof' moontlik 'n vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam 'Dwasdouw'. Krenz FK 1978 Boer Aantekening stel die vraag of 'Dui- kerkloof' nie ook ’n moontlikheid kan wees nie, by doa- = duiker, en dao- = kloof, pad, maar dan is daar die fonetiese beswaar dat die nasali- teit nie gerealiseer is nie.
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