
We don't get any outside help. The S.A series 1972 Skin 3119 AA Brandkop Scale 1:50 000 and the name itself gives the necessary indication M.B.T. the meaning. Kuboesberg lies on the farm 'OS Hooth Footpath 468'. Just where the Doring River makes a kind of elbow, there is in the bending itself, south of the river, the Kuboesberg, with a pointed 692 meters high. The mountain is round of shape. Square of Horn, separated from each other by a 'port', lies an equally as cup, the 'hat-head', whose name also shows on the round shape. The shape and the name Kuboe brings us at Namaǃ ... Guwu = 'Rund' (Rust 1960 DNW 51) - Changes K and G and -B and -W, are lived. There is, by the way, across Kuboesberg and to the east of him, a farm 'Rondekop 472', named after a 'round' on the farm, and over the farm runs the 'Rondekop River'. The interesting question is whether the Afrikaans 'round 'There is not a younger and translated name from Khoekhens.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3119 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1969 'Kuboesberg, name of a mountain, district Calvinia, 48 miles [74 km] northwest of town. Presumably Hottentots '.
afr Opmeting 1969 'Kuboesberg, naam van 'n berg, distrik Calvinia, 48 myl [74 km] noordwes van dorp. Vermoedelik Hottentots'.
eng We don't get any outside help. The S.A series 1972 Skin 3119 AA Brandkop Scale 1:50 000 and the name itself gives the necessary indication M.B.T. the meaning. Kuboesberg lies on the farm 'OS Hooth Footpath 468'. Just where the Doring River makes a kind of elbow, there is in the bending itself, south of the river, the Kuboesberg, with a pointed 692 meters high. The mountain is round of shape. Square of Horn, separated from each other by a 'port', lies an equally as cup, the 'hat-head', whose name also shows on the round shape. The shape and the name Kuboe brings us at Namaǃ ... Guwu = 'Rund' (Rust 1960 DNW 51) - Changes K and G and -B and -W, are lived. There is, by the way, across Kuboesberg and to the east of him, a farm 'Rondekop 472', named after a 'round' on the farm, and over the farm runs the 'Rondekop River'. The interesting question is whether the Afrikaans 'round 'There is not a younger and translated name from Khoekhens.
afr Ons kry geen buitehulp nie. Die S.A.-reeks 1972 vel 3119 AA Brandkop skaal 1:50 000 en die naam self gee die nodige aanduiding m.b.t. die betekenis. Kuboesberg le op die plaas 'Os Hoek Footpath 468'. Net waar die Doringrivier ’n soort van elmboog maak, daar le in die buig self, suid van die rivierloop, die Kuboesberg, met 'n spits 692 meter hoog. Die berg is rond van vorm. Suidelik van horn, van mekaar geskei deur 'n 'Poort', le 'n ewe hoe koppie, die 'Hoedkoppie', waarvan die naam ook op die ronde vorm wys. Die vorm en die naam Kuboe- bring ons by Nama ǃguwu = 'rund' (Rust 1960 DNW 51) — wisselinge k- en g-, en -b- en -w-, is gewoon. Daar is, terloops, regoor Kuboesberg en ten ooste van horn ’n plaas 'Rondekop 472', genoem na ’n 'Rondekop' op die plaas, en oor die plaas loop die 'Rondekoprivier'. Die interessante vraag is of die Afrikaanse 'Rondekop' daar naby nie ’n jonger en vertaalde naam uit Khoekhoens is nie.
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