
We have no other indication than the suction consonant that Khoekhoen originates pretty sure in this area. The name is bean. This is for Farm No Car.Q. 6-16, Carnarvon District. The topographical map changes the member -Boos to -Bos, definitely thinking people. The t'koko is for the koko tree. 'The First Part of the Vernacular Name' Koko 'was formerly used by the Hottentots for the Plants, as was recorded by Ecklom and Zeyher About 1830', according to CA Smith 1966 cnsap 304, giving up the botanical name as the Mayenus Undatus, saffron-like . It is a shrub or forest, and perhaps the conclusion part is changing to -Bos. The ingredient -Boo-S is not quite bright; we probably consider it Khoekhens for the concept 'swirl' What happens in this area in farm and place names in this area; the -ths also locates a water location.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3020 DC/3121 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1967 Skin 3020 Sakrivier 'T'kokoboos'. On corresponding topographical map 1974 'T'kokobos'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1967 vel 3020 Sakrivier 'T'Kokoboos'. Op ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1974 'T'Kokobos'.
eng We have no other indication than the suction consonant that Khoekhoen originates pretty sure in this area. The name is bean. This is for Farm No Car.Q. 6-16, Carnarvon District. The topographical map changes the member -Boos to -Bos, definitely thinking people. The t'koko is for the koko tree. 'The First Part of the Vernacular Name' Koko 'was formerly used by the Hottentots for the Plants, as was recorded by Ecklom and Zeyher About 1830', according to CA Smith 1966 cnsap 304, giving up the botanical name as the Mayenus Undatus, saffron-like . It is a shrub or forest, and perhaps the conclusion part is changing to -Bos. The ingredient -Boo-S is not quite bright; we probably consider it Khoekhens for the concept 'swirl' What happens in this area in farm and place names in this area; the -ths also locates a water location.
afr Ons het geen ander aanduiding nie as die suigkonsonant wat Khoekhoense oorsprong redelik seker maak in hierdie gebied. Die naam is boondien oud. Dit is vir plaas nr Car.Q. 6-16, distrik Carnarvon. Die Topografiese kaart verander die lid -boos tot -bos, bepaald volksetimologies gedink. Die T'Koko- is wel vir die koko-boom. 'The first part of the vernacular name ‘koko’ was formerly used by the Hottentots for the plants, as was recorded by Ecklom and Zeyher about 1830', volgens CA Smith 1966 CNSAP 304, wat die botaniese naam opgee as die Maytenus undatus, saffraanagtig. Dit is 'n struik of bos, en miskien daarom is die slotdeel -boos verander tot -bos. Die bestanddeel -boo-s is nie heeltemal helder nie; ons ag dit heel waarskynlik dat dit Khoekhoens kan wees vir die begrip 'kolk' wat in hierdie omgewing veel voorkom in plaas- en plekname; die -s lokativeer wel ook hier ’n waterplek.
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