
In th a ** 958 we expressed the preference for the statement of 'Ograbie' as 'bitter pits' because the adjacent two farms on the north are called 'bitter puts'. According to verdict, the first member, 'O-', might be better joining = 1 = 6- = 'salt'. Now we put on the topographical series 1974 skin 3020 Sakrivier that the pan on 'Ograbie East' the name of 'brackom'. Then we look like the '0-' on topographical grounds can connect to Nama ǀ U = 'Brackig' (Rest 1960 DNW 12). Possibly the Afrikaans component 'Brakkom' of the toponimic group in its first member is a translation of the Khoekhoian component. In fact, the grips are bitter, salt and brackish M.B.T. The taste of water is not far apart.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3019 DB/3020 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a ** 958 we expressed the preference for the statement of 'Ograbie' as 'bitter pits' because the adjacent two farms on the north are called 'bitter puts'. According to verdict, the first member, 'O-', might be better joining = 1 = 6- = 'salt'. Now we put on the topographical series 1974 skin 3020 Sakrivier that the pan on 'Ograbie East' the name of 'brackom'. Then we look like the '0-' on topographical grounds can connect to Nama ǀ U = 'Brackig' (Rest 1960 DNW 12). Possibly the Afrikaans component 'Brakkom' of the toponimic group in its first member is a translation of the Khoekhoian component. In fact, the grips are bitter, salt and brackish M.B.T. The taste of water is not far apart.
afr In TH A** 958 het ons die voorkeur uitgespreek vir die verklaring van 'Ograbie' as 'Bitterputs', omdat die aangrensende twee plase aan die noorde albei 'Bitter Puts' heet. Volgens uitspraak sou die eerste lid, 'O-', miskien beter aansluit by =1=6- = 'sout'. Nou stel ons op die Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 3020 Sakrivier vas dat die pan op 'Ograbie East' die naam dra van 'Brakkom'. Dan lyk dit asof ons die '0-' op topografiese gronde kan verbind aan Nama ǀu= 'brackig' (Rust 1960 DNW 12). Moontlik is die Afrikaanse komponent 'Brakkom' van die toponimiese groep in sy eerste lid ’n vertaling van die Khoekhoense komponent. Trouens, die be- grippe bitter, sout en brak m.b.t. die smaak van water le nie ver uitmekaar nie.
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