
Here is probably meant by the watappelbos, in Nama Iganube, by prof. COMPTON identified as a Royena, and recorded by Wikar 1779 as Kalouweep, with change-and-and -1 and -n-, and also with -w versus -B-, D.W.S. Kalouwe - is 'dialectical' for Iganube. Wikar calls the Kalouwep a 'wild crescent'. Look further in Hott 526.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3017 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1960 'Knoeniebiekop, 20 miles [32 km] west of Caries. Old name for a head. From Hottentot. Have no certainty in terms of correct game form. The name comes from the Hottentot and relates to a certain forest in that organization as apricot forest. It lies on the farm Tierberg where Mr De Villiers, the owner, has grown '.
afr Opmeting 1960 'Knoeniebiekop, 20 myl [32 km] wes van Caries. Ou naam vir ’n kop. Uit Hottentot. Het geen sekerheid wat korrekte spelvorm betref nie. Die naam is afkomstig uit die Hottentottaal en het betrekking op ’n sekere bos bekend in daardie orngewing as Appelkoosbos. Dit le op die plaas Tierberg waar mnr De Villiers, die eienaar, opge- groei het'.
eng Here is probably meant by the watappelbos, in Nama Iganube, by prof. COMPTON identified as a Royena, and recorded by Wikar 1779 as Kalouweep, with change-and-and -1 and -n-, and also with -w versus -B-, D.W.S. Kalouwe - is 'dialectical' for Iganube. Wikar calls the Kalouwep a 'wild crescent'. Look further in Hott 526.
afr Hier word waarskynlik bedoel die wildeappelkoosbos, in Nama Iganube-, deur prof. Compton geidentifiseer as ’n Royena, en deur Wikar 1779 opge- teken as kalouwep, met wisseling -k- en -g-, -1- en -n-, en ook met -w- teenoor -b-, d.w.s. kalouwe- is 'dialekties' vir Iganube-. Wikar noem die kalouwep ’n 'wilde aprikooze'. Kyk verder in HOTT 526.
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