
Sabic is farm no Clw. Q. 7-37, District Namaqualand, located southwest of Garies where one of our two lives resides. In th a ** 997 we expressed the suspicion that the farm and the Sabicop might have received their names from the Sabbie tree. This is apparently forgotten. The names are related to rice ants, we now learn from the people there locally. We still have a place name that join the pronunciation of 'TSeibie' and 'Sebbie', cf. Tgybie (head). TSeibie and Sebbie are the pronunciation of the Whites of Nama Iglbe, for 'Hottentots Pray' derived from the termite nymphs or larvae. If Sabies exchange ruling of this word, it means the 'place where frost rice nests occur'. It is then in accordance with what we parties shared. If anyone believes that the distance between Sabies andǃ Gibe's is a little big to completely convince, then we show on a sentence in Dr. Vedder 1923 The Bergdama 1 75 'Es Gibt Noch Eine Zwite Art Fliegender Ameisen, the AM Spatings NahmithTag Voor Sonnuntergang Zu Schwarmen Pflegt. Werden Igabes Grannt '. They are the 'Knechte Grossen Ameisen'. Sabies may be conceivable to the Igabes ants that swipe at sunset. Sound manociative is well consistent and .i. There is an advantage over the statement of 'Hottentotsryfontein' ('fountain' because of the index of Sabie-S). The realization of the word inputǃ G- In Nama as S (in S-Abies) in Blank Mouth. sometimes as ts-. fell on.

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K 3017 DA
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12.5 km radius
eng Missenheimer CF 1977 Principal Conversation 'Sabies are Tseibic. The Hot tentots have eaten the rice ants. Look, the rice average has different stages. If he had the red head, they didn't eat him. Then if he is the TSeibie, they didn't eat him either. It is the larva, he is white, it has eaten. ' Nieuwoudt Yes 1977 Town Clerk Conversation 'Sabies get his name from the red rice. These are actually Sebebies [or Sibbies] '.
afr Meissenheimer CF 1977 Skoolhoof Gesprek 'Sabies is tseibies. Die Hot- tentotte het die rysmiere geeet. Kyk, die rysmier het verskillende stadiums. As hy die rooi kop het, het hulle horn nie geeet nie. Dan as hy die tseibie is, het hulle horn ook nie geeet nie. Dit is die larwe, hy is wit, dit het hulle geeet.' Nieuwoudt JA 1977 Stadsklerk Gesprek 'Sabies kry sy naam van die rooi rysmier. Dit is eintlik sebbies [of sibbies]'.
eng Sabic is farm no Clw. Q. 7-37, District Namaqualand, located southwest of Garies where one of our two lives resides. In th a ** 997 we expressed the suspicion that the farm and the Sabicop might have received their names from the Sabbie tree. This is apparently forgotten. The names are related to rice ants, we now learn from the people there locally. We still have a place name that join the pronunciation of 'TSeibie' and 'Sebbie', cf. Tgybie (head). TSeibie and Sebbie are the pronunciation of the Whites of Nama Iglbe, for 'Hottentots Pray' derived from the termite nymphs or larvae. If Sabies exchange ruling of this word, it means the 'place where frost rice nests occur'. It is then in accordance with what we parties shared. If anyone believes that the distance between Sabies andǃ Gibe's is a little big to completely convince, then we show on a sentence in Dr. Vedder 1923 The Bergdama 1 75 'Es Gibt Noch Eine Zwite Art Fliegender Ameisen, the AM Spatings NahmithTag Voor Sonnuntergang Zu Schwarmen Pflegt. Werden Igabes Grannt '. They are the 'Knechte Grossen Ameisen'. Sabies may be conceivable to the Igabes ants that swipe at sunset. Sound manociative is well consistent and .i. There is an advantage over the statement of 'Hottentotsryfontein' ('fountain' because of the index of Sabie-S). The realization of the word inputǃ G- In Nama as S (in S-Abies) in Blank Mouth. sometimes as ts-. fell on.
afr Sabies is plaas nr Clw. Q. 7-37, distrik Namakwaland, geleë suidwestelik van Garies waar een van ons twee segsliede woonagtig is. In TH A** 997 het ons die vermoede uitgespreek dat die plaas en die Sabieskop daarop moontlik van die sabbieboom hulle name gekry het. Dit is klaarblyklik ver- keerd. Die name staan in verband met rysmiere, verneem ons nou van die mense daar plaaslik. Ons het nog ’n pleknaam wat aansluit by die uitspraak van 'tseibie' en 'sebbie', vgl. TGYBIE(KOP). Tseibie en sebbie is die uitspraak deur die Blankes van Nama Iglbe-, vir 'hottentotsrys' wat verkry word van die termietenimfe of larwes. As Sabies wisseluitspraak van hierdie woord is, dan beteken dit die 'Plek waar ryp rysmierneste voorkom'. Dit is dan in ooreenstemming met wat ons segsliede ons mee- gedeel het. As iemand egter meen dat die afstand tussen Sabies en ǃgibe-s bietjie groot is om heeltemal te oortuig, dan wys ons op 'n sin in dr Vedder 1923 Die Bergdama 1 75 'Es gibt noch eine zweite Art fliegender Ameisen, die am spaten Nachmittag vor Sonnenuntergang zu schwarmen pflegt. Diese werden Igabes genannt'. Hulle is die 'Knechte der grossen Ameisen'. Sabies kan denkbaar betrekking he op die Igabes-miere wat teen sononder uitswerm. Klankassosiatief is dit goed bestaanbaar en het o.i. daarin ‘n voorsprong bo die verklaring van 'Hottentotsrysfontein' ('fontein' vanweë die indeks -s van Sabie-s). Die realisasie van die woord- inset ǃg- in Nama as s (in S-abies) in Blankemond. soms as ts-. val op.
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