
Bitter River goes right west of Garies to the Atlantic Ocean. Where he makes his big bend like a V of the sea, stands on the early map of Veillet bottom, D.W.S. south of the V, 'the stone hubel', and across the river, d.w.s. North, above the right point of the V, 'Zand Kraal'. Sarrisa (a) m does not occur, but the name is preserved to this day, although not on the cadast list. The topographical series 1972 sheet 3017 contains Garies to the Noordoewer of Bitter River and still on 'De Stone Heuvel' the fruitful place 'saries' (so spelled). The Beough Part (We consult now series 1973 on scale 1:50 000) Walk north in the top of the farm 1584. The strip 'saries' Le M.A.w. west of the farm 'Zand Kraal' 434, which was the large farm of the veillet by subdivision. Saries is apparently the western part of Zand Kraal in the old days, so by 1890. Now the member means Sarri or Sarie- exactly what Mr Engelbrecht told, viz. Like Nama Tsara- = 'Staub' (Rest 1960 DNW 58), viament here 'Sandstof'. This includes linguistically directly at the first member of Sarri and of Zand of the two place names. We here mark the usual pattern of double-notice in these north-west districts. The early name that still proclaims his old Dutch era, translates, in whole or in parts, the Older Khoekhoen name. We believe 'Zand Kraal' is also just translating the older inland name, in this case of SAR (R) I (E), who disappeared as a farm name but is still alive, o.A. Also for De Stone Heuvel (cf. Mr Engelbrecht), and vigorously for the built-up fields on it, as indicated. The Member -sa (a) m is possible as Nama Sam- = 'Mutterbrust' (Rest 12). The plain that the sand dust produces is seen as an open chest, says a front, or maybe the dust cloud of dust Think of the calf shape of a mother breast, or to a cow's udder with teats, as Mr Engelbrecht also translated it pussy, viz. as 'dust teats'. The member 'kraal' is not the translation of the Member '(a) m' not, the translation relates only to the ground word.

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Georeference Sources
K 3017 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Engelbrecht GC 1978 Farmer questionnaire per CR Burger Principal 'On the map of the farm is De Klipheubel but it is known as Sarrisam and is always called so. Sarrisam is apparently a Hottentot name and has already received the name because it blows a lot of dust in the summer as the wind. Sarrisam means 'dust clouds' or 'dust peers'. '
afr Engelbrecht GC 1978 Boer Vraelys per CR Burger Skoolhoof 'Op die kaart van die plaas is De Klipheuvel maar dit staan bekend as Sarrisam en word altyd so genoem. Sarrisam is blykbaar ’n Hottentotse naam en het al glo die naam gekry omdat dit in die somer baie stof as die wind waai. Sarrisam beteken ‘Stofwolke’ of ‘Stofspene’.'
eng Bitter River goes right west of Garies to the Atlantic Ocean. Where he makes his big bend like a V of the sea, stands on the early map of Veillet bottom, D.W.S. south of the V, 'the stone hubel', and across the river, d.w.s. North, above the right point of the V, 'Zand Kraal'. Sarrisa (a) m does not occur, but the name is preserved to this day, although not on the cadast list. The topographical series 1972 sheet 3017 contains Garies to the Noordoewer of Bitter River and still on 'De Stone Heuvel' the fruitful place 'saries' (so spelled). The Beough Part (We consult now series 1973 on scale 1:50 000) Walk north in the top of the farm 1584. The strip 'saries' Le M.A.w. west of the farm 'Zand Kraal' 434, which was the large farm of the veillet by subdivision. Saries is apparently the western part of Zand Kraal in the old days, so by 1890. Now the member means Sarri or Sarie- exactly what Mr Engelbrecht told, viz. Like Nama Tsara- = 'Staub' (Rest 1960 DNW 58), viament here 'Sandstof'. This includes linguistically directly at the first member of Sarri and of Zand of the two place names. We here mark the usual pattern of double-notice in these north-west districts. The early name that still proclaims his old Dutch era, translates, in whole or in parts, the Older Khoekhoen name. We believe 'Zand Kraal' is also just translating the older inland name, in this case of SAR (R) I (E), who disappeared as a farm name but is still alive, o.A. Also for De Stone Heuvel (cf. Mr Engelbrecht), and vigorously for the built-up fields on it, as indicated. The Member -sa (a) m is possible as Nama Sam- = 'Mutterbrust' (Rest 12). The plain that the sand dust produces is seen as an open chest, says a front, or maybe the dust cloud of dust Think of the calf shape of a mother breast, or to a cow's udder with teats, as Mr Engelbrecht also translated it pussy, viz. as 'dust teats'. The member 'kraal' is not the translation of the Member '(a) m' not, the translation relates only to the ground word.
afr Bitterrivier loop reg wes van Garies na die Atlantiese oseaan toe. Waar hy van die seekant af sy groot buiging soos ’n V maak, staan op die vroeë kaart van Veillet onderkant, d.w.s. suid van die V, 'De Klip Heuvel', en oorkant die rivier, d.w.s. noord, bokant die regse punt van die V, 'Zand Kraal'. Sarrisa(a)m kom nie hierop voor nie, maar die naam is bewaar tot vandag toe, hoewel nie op die kadasterlys nie. Die Topografiese reeks 1972 vel 3017 Garies bevat aan die noordoewer van Bitterrivier en nog op 'De Klip Heuvel' die vrugbare plek 'Sariesaam' (so gespel). Die be- boude deel (ons raadpleeg nou reeks 1973 op skaal 1:50 000) loop noord- waarts tot Bo-Sariesaam op plaas Kwoap 484. Die strook 'Sariesaam' le m.a.w. wes van die plaas 'Zand Kraal' 434 wat deur onderverdeling die groot plaas van die kaart van Veillet was. Sariesaam was klaarblyklik die westelike deel van Zand Kraal in die ou dae, so teen 1890. Nou beteken die lid Sarri- of Sarie- presies wat mnr Engelbrecht meegedeel het, nl. soos Nama tsara- = 'Staub' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), bepaaldelik hier 'sandstof'. Dit sluit taalkundig direk aan by die eerste lid van Sarri- en van Zand- van die twee plekname. Ons merk hier die gewone patroon van dubbelnamig- heid in hierdie noordwestelike distrikte. Die vroeë naam wat nog sy ou Nederlandse tydperk verkondig, vertaal, in sy geheel of in onderdele, die nog ouer Khoekhoense naam. Ons meen 'Zand Kraal' is ook hier net die vertaling van die ouer inlandse naam, in hierdie geval van Sar(r)i(e)saam, wat as plaasnaam verdwyn het maar as deelnaam nog lewendig is, o.a. ook vir De Klip Heuvel (vgl. mnr Engelbrecht), en bepaaldelik vir die beboude landerye daarop, soos aangedui. Die lid -sa(a)m is moontlik soos Nama sam- = 'Mutterbrust' (Rust 12). Die vlakte wat die sandstof lewer, word gesien as ’n oop bors, se 'n voorbors, of miskien laat die stofwolk se vorm dink aan die kelkvorm van 'n moederbors, of aan 'n koei se uier met spene, soos mnr Engelbrecht dit poeties ook vertaal het, nl. as 'Stof- spene'. Die lid '-kraal' is dan nie die vertaling van die lid '-sa(a)m' nie, die vertaling het net betrekking op die grondwoord.
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