
1. According to tradition, as I have already heard from the mouth of older people many years ago, along this river, and in the organization of the farm Oubees, northwest of Suebatsfontein, held a nama mtjie as badge a Black beef skin (which is naturally cut from a black cow skin) around the arm, leg, or seifs worn the neck. Because this tribe kept along the river, the idea was transferred to the river, hence 'black belt river', as set by Gordon.2. Own statement. For me, the statement should rather be sought on topographical terrain. The river originates in Vaalhoek in the organization of Grootvlei pass, from which it bends half-circle-shaped northwards to Kookfontein and from there to Oubees, and from Oubees to the south-west sea. This is the first striking feature, viz. that it flows in the form of half a circle. Secondly, the vegetation plays a role. The river was definitely tightly overgrown with Mimosas or thorn trees, as well as inkbossse (Suaeda spp.) And Ganna. The Mimosas have been cut out over the years, so just few are found, while inkboses and ganna are still quite abundant ... as the black ribbons are a dry river that only walks with good rains, the mimosas would have been naked for long periods of time. have and consequently showed dark in color. Along with the ink bushes and Ganna, it would have appeared as a very striking dark stripe through the pale landscape, and there was the river, as indicated, semicircular flowing, it would have reminded of a black belt in the round of a skin was cut. So about: The 'river that is cut like a black belt in the round of a skin '...' We have named N.A.v. The return of Gordon 1779 discussed in th a ** 891-2. We could bind the names (E) and black ribbons linguistically. The African name today translates the Khoekhoen name from Navar (s). But about history we could not tell anything. That failure, we can now catch up with the above communications.

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Georeference Sources
K 3017
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Swartlintjiesrivier
eng Cornelissen FIA 1978 Pensioner Questionnaire 'The river Swartlintjies walk in the south side of Kookfontein. The same bushman who killed the white man at Subatsfontein decided to kill the Agenbags and other whites of Kookfontein. The Bushman who looked after the old head of the Bushmen the oxen, slept and late arrived at Seebatsfontein. Then the old black ribbons beat the Bushmant terribly. Then he ran to Kookfontein and told the agenbag that Swartlintjies arriving with his people to kill everyone on Kookfontein. Old Agenbag and the Van den Heevers who also stayed on Kookfontein, they went to the Bushmen in the river between Kookfontein and Suebatsfontein. The Bushmen get over and old black ribbons drive ahead on an ox. The Bushmant who ran away shows the old agency who is black ribbons, and then they kill him there and also others of his people. Therefore, the Swartlintjies River is called '.
Burger Cr 1979 Principal, Letter 'I know Swartlintjies River like my hand - from its origins to where he flows into the sea. I lived virtually on his bank for 18 years. Among the inhabitants of the region there are a lot of traditions, but after I go well in everyone, I want to dare to two statements - one according to the tradition, the other my own statement, based on the topography.
afr Cornelissen FIA 1978 Pensioentrekker Vraelys 'Die rivier Swartlintjies loop in die suidekant van Kookfontein. Dieselfde Boesmanbende wat die witman op Soebatsfontein vermoor het, het besluit om die Agenbags en ander witmense van Kookfontein ook te vermoor. Die Boesmantjie wat by die ou hoof van die Boesmans die osse opgepas het, het verslaap en te laat op Soebatsfontein aangekom. Toe het die ou Swartlintjies die Boesmantjie vreeslik geslaan. Toe hardloop hy weg na Kookfontein en vertel die Agenbags dat Swartlintjies aankom met sy mense om almal op Kookfontein te vermoor. Ou Agenbag en die Van den Heevers wat ook destyds op Kookfontein gebly het, hulle gaan le die Boesmans voor in die rivier tussen Kookfontein en Soebatsfontein. Die Boesmans kom verby en ou Swartlintjies ry heel voor op ’n os. Die Boesmantjie wat weggehardloop het, wys vir die ou Agenbag wie Swartlintjies is, en toe skiet hulle hom daar dood en ook ander van sy mense. Daarom is die Swartlintjiesrivier so genoem'. Burger CR 1979 Skoolhoof, Brief 'Ek ken Swartlintjiesrivier soos my hand — van sy oorsprong af tot waar hy uitmond in die see. Ek het vir 18 jaar feitlik op sy oewer gewoon. Onder die inwoners van die geweste leef daar heelwat oorleweringe, maar nadat ek deeglik op almal inge- gaan het, wil ek my aan twee verklarings waag — een volgens die oorlewering, die ander my eie verklaring, gegrond op die topografie.
eng 1. According to tradition, as I have already heard from the mouth of older people many years ago, along this river, and in the organization of the farm Oubees, northwest of Suebatsfontein, held a nama mtjie as badge a Black beef skin (which is naturally cut from a black cow skin) around the arm, leg, or seifs worn the neck. Because this tribe kept along the river, the idea was transferred to the river, hence 'black belt river', as set by Gordon.2. Own statement. For me, the statement should rather be sought on topographical terrain. The river originates in Vaalhoek in the organization of Grootvlei pass, from which it bends half-circle-shaped northwards to Kookfontein and from there to Oubees, and from Oubees to the south-west sea. This is the first striking feature, viz. that it flows in the form of half a circle. Secondly, the vegetation plays a role. The river was definitely tightly overgrown with Mimosas or thorn trees, as well as inkbossse (Suaeda spp.) And Ganna. The Mimosas have been cut out over the years, so just few are found, while inkboses and ganna are still quite abundant ... as the black ribbons are a dry river that only walks with good rains, the mimosas would have been naked for long periods of time. have and consequently showed dark in color. Along with the ink bushes and Ganna, it would have appeared as a very striking dark stripe through the pale landscape, and there was the river, as indicated, semicircular flowing, it would have reminded of a black belt in the round of a skin was cut. So about: The 'river that is cut like a black belt in the round of a skin '...' We have named N.A.v. The return of Gordon 1779 discussed in th a ** 891-2. We could bind the names (E) and black ribbons linguistically. The African name today translates the Khoekhoen name from Navar (s). But about history we could not tell anything. That failure, we can now catch up with the above communications.
afr 1. Volgens oorlewering, soos ek dit reeds baie jare gelede al uit die mond van ouer mense verneem het, het langs hierdie riviertjie, en wel in die orngewing van die plaas Oubees, noordwes van Soebatsfontein, 'n Namastammetjie gehou wat as kenteken 'n swart beesvelriempie (wat natuurlik uit ’n swart beesvel gesny is) om die arm, been, of seifs die nek gedra. Omdat hierdie stam langs die rivier gehou het, is die bena- ming op die rivier oorgedra, vandaar ‘Swarte riem rivier’, soos dit deur Gordon gestel is.2. Eie verklaring. Vir my moet die verklaring eerder op topografiese terrein gesoek word. Die rivier ontspring by Vaalhoek in die orngewing van Grootvlei-pas, waarvandaan dit halfsirkelvormig eers noordwaarts tot by Kookfontein en daarvandaan weswaarts tot by Oubees buig, en van Oubees af suidweswaarts see toe vloei. Dit is die eerste opvallende eienskap, nl. dat dit in die vorm van ’n halwe sirkel vloei. Tweedens speel die plantegroei ’n rol. Die rivier was vroeër beslis dig- begroei met mimosas of doringbome, asook met inkbosse (Suaeda spp.) en ganna. Die mimosas is deur die jare uitgeroei, sodat nog net enkeles te vinde is, terwyl inkbosse en ganna nog redelik volop is...Aangesien die Swartlintjies ’n droë rivier is wat net met goeie reenjare loop, sou die mimosas vir lang tye kaal gewees het en gevolglik donker van kleur vertoon het. Saam met die inkbosse en ganna sou dit as ’n baie opvallende donker streep deur die vaal landskap vertoon het, en daar die rivier, soos reeds aangedui, halfsirkelvormig vloei, sou dit aan 'n swart riem herinner het wat in die rondte uit ’n vel gesny is. So ongeveer: die ‘Riviertjie wat soos ’n swart riem in die rondte uit ’n vel gesny is'...' Ons het die naam n.a.v. die opgawe van Gordon 1779 in TH A** 891-2 bespreek. Ons het die name Noegare(e) en Swartlintjies taalkundig kon bind. Die Afrikaanse naam van vandag vertaal die Khoekhoense naam van Noegare(e). Maar oor die geskiedenis kon ons toe niks meedeel nie. Daardie versuim kan ons nou met bostaande mededelings ten dele inhaal.
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