
This is farm no civ. Q. 9-1 North West adjacent to Brandvlei and western to Hardervley No. 5350/1918. At Naroogna, a big pan that gave his own name to the big farm. The member is very clear as Nama = BGA- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rest 1960 DNW 70). The palatal = 1 = that alveolar can be articulated, along with the -G and the -n- what is also articulated, the + g - is realized in the spelling of the whites as -gn-. It could often determine us. So over the -gn for = BGA-means vlei or pan we have no doubt. What is the Naroo? It is apparently the same word as Nama ǀǀ Naru = 'Brennen', but then of kernels or wheat grains for coffee (Rest 12, also Kreenley 1889 Wortschatz 242, 'Korn Oder Kaffee Brennen'). Seen is Naroogna then translatable with 'Brandvlei', the name of the adjacent old farm, now a village. We could not yet determine with certainty what the member nominated or preserved in the town name. 'Vlei (-GNA) where for coffee burned (ǀ Naru) is' looked very narrow, but the agreement between Naroogna and Brandvlei, linguistically seen, is hardly mere coincidence, especially if laid on the fact of the symbiosis of the Khoekhoense and African place names for neighbors in this organization. We are open to correction, but provisionally assumes that Brandvlei is the translation of the said naroogna. On the topographical series 1974 sheet 3020 Sakriva is also called the farm name Naroogna for distinction also called the pan as 'Naroognapan', and next to a horn or homestead 'Narogana', but the form on -Gana (for Nama ╪ga- = vlei) Relyed on a later deviant expression in the intercourse.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3020 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
moontlik ou naam van Brandvlei
eng Census card 1891 'Naroogna C 9 1' and on other cards.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Naroogna C 9 1' en op ander kaarte.
eng This is farm no civ. Q. 9-1 North West adjacent to Brandvlei and western to Hardervley No. 5350/1918. At Naroogna, a big pan that gave his own name to the big farm. The member is very clear as Nama = BGA- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rest 1960 DNW 70). The palatal = 1 = that alveolar can be articulated, along with the -G and the -n- what is also articulated, the + g - is realized in the spelling of the whites as -gn-. It could often determine us. So over the -gn for = BGA-means vlei or pan we have no doubt. What is the Naroo? It is apparently the same word as Nama ǀǀ Naru = 'Brennen', but then of kernels or wheat grains for coffee (Rest 12, also Kreenley 1889 Wortschatz 242, 'Korn Oder Kaffee Brennen'). Seen is Naroogna then translatable with 'Brandvlei', the name of the adjacent old farm, now a village. We could not yet determine with certainty what the member nominated or preserved in the town name. 'Vlei (-GNA) where for coffee burned (ǀ Naru) is' looked very narrow, but the agreement between Naroogna and Brandvlei, linguistically seen, is hardly mere coincidence, especially if laid on the fact of the symbiosis of the Khoekhoense and African place names for neighbors in this organization. We are open to correction, but provisionally assumes that Brandvlei is the translation of the said naroogna. On the topographical series 1974 sheet 3020 Sakriva is also called the farm name Naroogna for distinction also called the pan as 'Naroognapan', and next to a horn or homestead 'Narogana', but the form on -Gana (for Nama ╪ga- = vlei) Relyed on a later deviant expression in the intercourse.
afr Dit is plaas nr Civ. Q. 9-1 noordwes grensend aan Brandvlei en westelik aan Hardevley nr 5350/1918. Op Naroogna is 'n groot pan wat sy eie naam aan die groot plaas gegee het. Die lid- -gna is baie duidelik soos Nama =bga- = 'Vley (ohne Wasser)' (Rust 1960 DNW 70). Die palatale =1= wat alveoler geartikuleer kan word, verskyn saam met die -g- as die -n- wat ook alveoler geartikuleer word, die +g- is in die spelling van die Blankes gerealiseer as -gn-. Dit het ons meermale kon vasstel. Oor die -gna vir =bga- betekenende vlei of pan het ons dus geen twyfel nie. Wat is die Naroo-? Dit is blykbaar dieselfde woord as Nama ǀǀnaru = 'brennen', maar dan van pitte of koringkorrels vir koffie (Rust 12, ook Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 242, 'Korn oder Kaffee brennen'). So gesien is Naroogna dan vertaalbaar met ‘Brandvlei’, die naam van die aangrensende ou plaas, nou ’n dorpie. Ons kon nog nie met sekerheid vasstel wat die lid 'Brand-' in die dorpsnaam benoem of bewaar nie. 'Vlei (-gna) waar vir koffie gebrand (ǀnaru) word' lyk baie eng, maar die ooreenkoms tussen Naroogna en Brandvlei, taalkundig gesien, is nouliks blote toeval, veral as gelêt word op die feit van die simbiose van die Khoekhoense en Afrikaanse plekname vir buurgebiede in hierdie orngewing. Ons is oop vir korreksie, maar neem voorlopig aan dat Brandvlei die vertaling is van die gesêllige Naroogna. Op die Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 3020 Sakrivier word naas die plaasnaam Naroogna ter onderskeiding ook genoem die pan as 'Naroognapan', en daarnaas ’n gehug of opstal 'Narogana', maar die vorm op -gana (vir Nama ╪ga- = vlei) berus op 'n latere afwykende uit- spraak in die omgang.
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