Daasdaap, Dasdap

Dasdap' is a non-perennial river that originates north of 'bleskrans' and walks north-eastwards and then roughly east to 'Sobabee Soutpan'. One of the farms it runs is 'Daas Thaw' No. Nam. Q. 14-15. On the farm, north-east of triangle beacon No. 72 the name 'grass valley' indicated. We believe 'Daas Thaw'7' Dasdap 'means' grass lows ', m.a.w. The Afrikaans name is the translation of the topographically and toponimically corresponding Khoekhoense name. The first member of the name. nl. 'DA (a) s -' is like Nama ǀ Ga- = 'grass (All.)' (Rust 1960 DNW 28), the second member, viz. '-Da (a) P' is like Nama TGAB = 'dry vlei' (Rust 1960 DNW 70), 'Plain' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97), here 'Low'. Strictly Gejroke we would expected to be the nationality of the vowel in 'ǀ * 338) etc. neither realized. For the change of D and G (ǀ gas╪ab next to DA (a) SDA (a) p) cf. HOTT 179-180 and TH A * 47 at 5 E 1. After writing above, we were written by Mr CR Burger, principal of Springbok, a questionnaire of Mr Wa Vollgraaf, a farmer. It stands 'according to information from old environment of environment, DaaseDap: Graslaughter'. Also Burden HW 1978 Farmer QUESTIONNAIRE PER BURGER CR DIES 'It means Grasslagte'

About this item

Daasdaap, Dasdap
Alternative Title
Daasdaap, Dasdap
Georeference Sources
K 3018 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1967 Skin 3018 Loeriesfontein 'Daas Theater'. Topographic Series 1974 Skin 3018 Loeriesfontein 'Dasdap'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1967 vel 3018 loeriesfontein 'Daas Daap'. Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 3018 loeriesfontein 'Dasdap'
eng Dasdap' is a non-perennial river that originates north of 'bleskrans' and walks north-eastwards and then roughly east to 'Sobabee Soutpan'. One of the farms it runs is 'Daas Thaw' No. Nam. Q. 14-15. On the farm, north-east of triangle beacon No. 72 the name 'grass valley' indicated. We believe 'Daas Thaw'7' Dasdap 'means' grass lows ', m.a.w. The Afrikaans name is the translation of the topographically and toponimically corresponding Khoekhoense name. The first member of the name. nl. 'DA (a) s -' is like Nama ǀ Ga- = 'grass (All.)' (Rust 1960 DNW 28), the second member, viz. '-Da (a) P' is like Nama TGAB = 'dry vlei' (Rust 1960 DNW 70), 'Plain' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97), here 'Low'. Strictly Gejroke we would expected to be the nationality of the vowel in 'ǀ * 338) etc. neither realized. For the change of D and G (ǀ gas╪ab next to DA (a) SDA (a) p) cf. HOTT 179-180 and TH A * 47 at 5 E 1. After writing above, we were written by Mr CR Burger, principal of Springbok, a questionnaire of Mr Wa Vollgraaf, a farmer. It stands 'according to information from old environment of environment, DaaseDap: Graslaughter'. Also Burden HW 1978 Farmer QUESTIONNAIRE PER BURGER CR DIES 'It means Grasslagte'
afr Dasdap' is 'n nie-standhoudende rivier wat noord van 'Bleskrans' ontspring en noordooswaarts en dan ongeveer ooswaarts loop tot by 'Sobabe- soutpan'. Een van die plase waaroor dit loop, is 'Daas Daap' nr Nam. Q. 14-15. Op die plaas is noordoos van driehoeksbaken nr 72 die naam 'Gras- laagte' aangedui. Ons meen 'Daas Daap'7'Dasdap' beteken 'Gras- laagte', m.a.w. die Afrikaanse naam is die vertaling van die topografies en toponimies ooreenstemmende Khoekhoense naam. Die eerste lid van die naam. nl. 'Da(a)s-'\ is dan soos Nama ǀga- = 'Gras (allg.)' (Rust 1960 DNW 28), die tweede lid, nl. '-da(a)p', is soos Nama Tgab = 'droë vlei' (Rust 1960 DNW 70), 'vlakte' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 97), hier 'laagte'. Streng ge- sproke sou ons verwag het dat die nasaliteit van die klinker in 'ǀga' in die naam 'Da(a)s •= da(a)p' as -n- gerealiseer sou wees, maar dit is in name soos GADAOS, GAGOAS (TH A* 338) ens. ook nie gerealiseer nie. Vir die wisseling van d en g (ǀGas╪gab naas Da(a)sda(a)p) vgl. HOTT 179- 180 en TH A* 47 by 5 E 1. Nadat dit wat hierbo staan, geskryf was, ont- vang ons per mnr CR Burger, Skoolhoof van Springbok, 'n vraelys van mnr WA Vollgraaf, ’n boer. Daarop staan 'Volgens inligting van ou in- woner van omgewing, beteken Daasdaap: Graslaagte'. Ook Burden HW 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR deel mee 'Dit beteken Graslaagte'
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