Garagams, Karkams

The place, with a post office and a store, is on the main road between Kamieskroon and Garies. At the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1966 only the name 'Garagams' occurs. Just east of it is 'jumping'. The Nama Water for Water is ǀǀ GAMS (Rest 1960 DNW 72), also ǀǀ Kams (Hott 522) that matches linguistically with the second member of the place name. If we here again have the phenomenon that the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group translates the Khoekhoian component, 'Springwater' is translating 'Garagams' / 'Karkams'. The second member, as outlined above, does not problem. However, we find no word for 'jumping' that can satisfy us with 'Gara' or 'car'. Unless we follow the guidance of Mr Krenz FK 1979 Farmer's recording that thinks 11kara = ' Gross ', the whole' Grosses Wasser ', of which' Springwater 'is actually an unrighteous translation. cf. Also Karkams.

About this item

Garagams, Karkams
Alternative Title
Garagams, Karkams
Georeference Sources
K 3017 BD
kyk ook KARKAMS
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1973 Skin 3017 Garies 'Garagams', 'Karkams'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3017 Garies 'Garagams', 'Karkams'.
eng The place, with a post office and a store, is on the main road between Kamieskroon and Garies. At the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1966 only the name 'Garagams' occurs. Just east of it is 'jumping'. The Nama Water for Water is ǀǀ GAMS (Rest 1960 DNW 72), also ǀǀ Kams (Hott 522) that matches linguistically with the second member of the place name. If we here again have the phenomenon that the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group translates the Khoekhoian component, 'Springwater' is translating 'Garagams' / 'Karkams'. The second member, as outlined above, does not problem. However, we find no word for 'jumping' that can satisfy us with 'Gara' or 'car'. Unless we follow the guidance of Mr Krenz FK 1979 Farmer's recording that thinks 11kara = ' Gross ', the whole' Grosses Wasser ', of which' Springwater 'is actually an unrighteous translation. cf. Also Karkams.
afr Die plek, met ’n poskantoor en n winkel, is aan die hoofpad tussen Kamieskroon en Garies. Op die ooreenstemmende Topo-kadastrale kaart 1966 kom net die naam 'Garagams' voor. Net oos daarvan is 'Springwa- ter'. Die Namawoord vir water is ǀǀgams (Rust 1960 DNW 72), ook ǀǀkams (HOTT 522) wat taalkundig met die tweede lid van die pleknaam ooreenstem. Indien ons hier weer die verskynsel het dat die Afrikaanse komponent van ’n toponimiese kerngroep die Khoekhoense komponent vertaal, is 'Springwater' die vertaling van 'Garagams'/'Karkams'. Die tweede lid lewer, soos hierbo uiteengesit, geen probleem nie. Ons vind egter in ons bronne geen woord vir 'spring' wat ons bevredigend kan ver- bind met 'Gara-' of 'Kar-' nie. tensy ons hierin die leiding volg van mnr Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening wat dink aan 11kara = 'gross', die geheel 'Grosses Wasser', waarvan 'Springwater' eintlik dan ’n onregs- treekse vertaling is. Vgl. ook KARKAMS.
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