
It is the same name with the same statement as GAMS 2918 BB. The syllable distribution will be GHA-AMS, with -am- = mouth, and with transmission a water furniture, source, fountain e.d.m. The VR. EKV. This specifically indicates a source name. The GHA will be declared as the 'grass' (understand the IGA grass) that also occurs here at the 'large water', and not the 'big water' itself (LG. Reproduced with -am-, as stated ). 'Ghams' come as a farm name on topo-cadastral series 1966 sheet 3017 Garies (9076/1953). So: Nama ǀ gha- = grass, and -am- = mouth / fountain, literally 'Grasfontein'. Cfg. Also Dams (Berg).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3017 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Agenbach MM 1978 Evangelaan questionnaire per burger cr Principal 'Ghams. Hottentot name meaning 'heavy sand'. ' Agenbach HPM 1978 Farmer questionnaire per burger cr Principal 'Adventure A was also known as Ghams, Hottentot's name, it means' big water '. Here, earlier, there was a tremendous strong fountain or eye, as the old people called it ... '
afr Agenbach MM 1978 Evangeliedienaar Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Ghaams. Hottentotse naam wat beteken ‘Swaar sand’.' Agenbach HPM 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Avontuur A was ook bekend as Ghaams, Hottentotse naam, dit beteken ‘Groot water’. Hier was vroeër ’n geweldige sterk fontein of oog, soos die ou mense dit genoem het...'
eng It is the same name with the same statement as GAMS 2918 BB. The syllable distribution will be GHA-AMS, with -am- = mouth, and with transmission a water furniture, source, fountain e.d.m. The VR. EKV. This specifically indicates a source name. The GHA will be declared as the 'grass' (understand the IGA grass) that also occurs here at the 'large water', and not the 'big water' itself (LG. Reproduced with -am-, as stated ). 'Ghams' come as a farm name on topo-cadastral series 1966 sheet 3017 Garies (9076/1953). So: Nama ǀ gha- = grass, and -am- = mouth / fountain, literally 'Grasfontein'. Cfg. Also Dams (Berg).
afr Dit is wel dieselfde naam met dieselfde verklaring as GAMS 2918 BB. Die lettergreepverdeling sal wees Gha-ams, met -am- = mond, en by oordrag ’n watermond, bron, fontein e.d.m. Die vr. ekv. -s dui hier spesifiek ’n bronnaam aan. Die gha- sal te verklaar wees as die 'gras' (verstaan die Iga-gras) wat hier by die 'groot water' ook voorkom, en nie die 'groot water' self nie (lg. weergegee met -am-, soos vermeld). 'Ghaams' kom as plaasnaam nog voor op Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3017 Garies (9076/1953). Dus: Nama ǀGha- = gras, en -am- = mond/fontein, letterlik 'Grasfontein'. Vgl. ook DAMS(BERG).
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