
The name does not appear on the Census Card of 1891, nor at Veillet, as a farm name on Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 3017 Garies, with the path of Hondeklip Bay to Garies by the farm (no. Q. 6-11 ). On the corresponding topographical map 1973 missing it again. With the information of Mr Agenbag before we seem whether the name has a different meaning than was presented in th a ** 868. Consider deserves the statement directly to the stone bowls with water. With the wisse- ling n and g after a suction patch in mind can be thought of 11Garu- = 'Tire nature' 162).

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Georeference Sources
K 3017 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Agenbag HPM 1978 Farmer questionnaire per Burger Cr Principal 'Naroes, it's a head with stone bowls and every winter, the family pulled up there until the goats have finished lambing. The word naroes are Hottentots for 'Everyone's Drinking Water'. '
afr Agenbag HPM 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Naroes, dit is ’n kop met klipbakke en elke winter het die familie daar saamgetrek tot tyd en wyl die bokke klaar gelam het. Die woord Naroes is Hottentots vir ‘Almal se drinkwater'.'
eng The name does not appear on the Census Card of 1891, nor at Veillet, as a farm name on Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 3017 Garies, with the path of Hondeklip Bay to Garies by the farm (no. Q. 6-11 ). On the corresponding topographical map 1973 missing it again. With the information of Mr Agenbag before we seem whether the name has a different meaning than was presented in th a ** 868. Consider deserves the statement directly to the stone bowls with water. With the wisse- ling n and g after a suction patch in mind can be thought of 11Garu- = 'Tire nature' 162).
afr Die naam verskyn nie op die Sensuskaart van 1891 nie, ook nie by Veillet nie, wel as plaasnaam op Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3017 Garies, met die pad van Hondeklipbaai af na Garies deur die plaas (nr Nam. Q. 6-11). Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 ontbreek dit weer. Met die inligting van mnr Agenbag voor ons lyk dit of die naam ’n ander betekenis het as wat in TH A** 868 aangebied is. Oorweging verdien die verklaring wat regstreeks aansluit by die klipbakke met water. Met die wisse- ling n- en g- na ’n suigklap in gedagte kan gedink word aan 11garu- = 'tiefe Naturzisternen...vom Regenwasser als Becken in steile exponirte Flächen hoherer Felskuppen gehohlt...' (Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 162).
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