
According to the spelling, one would think of a head where the Trichocaulon piliferum occurs, that beloved veld food of the Khoekhoen. This is possible. But we think we have to do here with a homonimic case. First of all, there are a number of names in this grade square with 'poison', such as 'poison head' on AB, less than 6 km northeast of Ghaapkop, 'Gifheads' on CA, and 'Gifvlei' on AC , cf. S.A If Ghab, Guap (with the -a-long or 'short'), and 'poison' is spelledǃ G (h) AB, pronounced Iglaab. The proximity of Ghaapkop. 943 meters above sea level, to poison head northeast and 926 meters high, give reasonable assurance that the choice between the two homes in this case must fall in favor ofǃ G (h) a-b = 'poison'. The -b of the ml. EKV. Tell that the name refers to a mountain / head, at least here. Literally 'poison head', a head where the plant grows from which pylgif is produced.

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Georeference Sources
K 3020 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1969 'Ghaapkop, Dist. Calvinia, 26 * / 2 miles [42 km] north of Brandvlei '
afr Opmeting 1969 'Ghaapkop, dist. Calvinia, 26*/2 myl [42 km] noord van Brandvlei'
eng According to the spelling, one would think of a head where the Trichocaulon piliferum occurs, that beloved veld food of the Khoekhoen. This is possible. But we think we have to do here with a homonimic case. First of all, there are a number of names in this grade square with 'poison', such as 'poison head' on AB, less than 6 km northeast of Ghaapkop, 'Gifheads' on CA, and 'Gifvlei' on AC , cf. S.A If Ghab, Guap (with the -a-long or 'short'), and 'poison' is spelledǃ G (h) AB, pronounced Iglaab. The proximity of Ghaapkop. 943 meters above sea level, to poison head northeast and 926 meters high, give reasonable assurance that the choice between the two homes in this case must fall in favor ofǃ G (h) a-b = 'poison'. The -b of the ml. EKV. Tell that the name refers to a mountain / head, at least here. Literally 'poison head', a head where the plant grows from which pylgif is produced.
afr Volgens die spelling sou mens dink aan ’n kop waar die Trichocaulon piliferum voorkom, daardie geliefde veldkos van die Khoekhoen. Dit is moontlik. Maar ons meen ons het hier te doen met ’n homonimiese geval. In die eerste plek is daar 'n aantal name in hierdie graadvierkant met be- standdeel 'gif’, soos 'Gifkop’’ op AB, minder as 6 km noordoos van Ghaapkop af, 'Gifkoppe' op CA, en 'Gifvlei' op AC, vgl. S.A.-reeks 1976 vel 3020 AB Verdorskolk, skaal 1:50 000. Ghaap, die Trichocaulon, word gespel o.a. as ghab, guaap (met die -a- lank of 'kort'), en 'gif' word gespel ǃg(h)ab, uitgespreek ook Ighaab. Die nabyheid van Ghaapkop. 943 meter bo seespieel, aan Gifkop noordoostelik daarvan en 926 meter hoog, gee redelike sekerheid dat die keuse tussen die twee homo- nieme in hierdie geval moet uitval ten gunste van ǃg(h)a-b = 'gif'. Die -b van die ml. ekv. vertel dat die naam na ’n berg/kop verwys, altans hier. letterlik 'Gifkop', 'n kop waar die plant groei waaruit pylgif vervaardig word.
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