
Keuikkop', with Triangle Braken No 19 on it, occurs at the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1966 as 'Karoekop'. On topographical grounds, we believe that 'Keuikkop', although on a more recent card, should be the correct spelling. Just east of Keuikkop is 'Kliphoek'. North of the head is the farm 'Doom Soubattersfontein and De Klip Scheur'. On the map of Veillet SJ Come on the same grade square 'Koeroebeest'. In th a ** 739 we have ' Klipscheur 'considered the translation of' Koeroebeest ', thinking about Koouoe- than equally to Nama 11Guru- =' Quarz, Kieselgrund ... '(Kr.-R. 1969 NW 143). Meanwhile, we also received information from Mr Missenheimer CF 1977 Principal Conversation. He declares Koeroebeest as follows: 'It's this kaiingklip, this brown, or white, kaiingklip'. We assume that this quartz is colored brown, such as a kaiing, cf. What S.V. Kaiingklip. The said 'Kliphoek' and other names in the area with the component 'stone' ('gemsbokklip', 'Blouplatklip', 'clip', 'Vaalklipheuwel' etc.) Support the statement of 'Kouroe' as quartz. Also, we have other names with 'Koeroe-' as component, TW Kooegab 2817 and Koeruur (cup) 2819, with 11Guru connect, cf. th a ** 739 and 740. By Karoe (head), the other spelling of goekwop. However, in th a ** 662, we have the member 'Karoe' connected to Ikaroep = 'kind of Wild Cat', and indication of Engelbrecht SJ 1925 HG 29 5 1925 30.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3019 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1973 Skin 3019 Garies 'Keerykop'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3019 Garies 'Koeroekop'.
eng Keuikkop', with Triangle Braken No 19 on it, occurs at the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1966 as 'Karoekop'. On topographical grounds, we believe that 'Keuikkop', although on a more recent card, should be the correct spelling. Just east of Keuikkop is 'Kliphoek'. North of the head is the farm 'Doom Soubattersfontein and De Klip Scheur'. On the map of Veillet SJ Come on the same grade square 'Koeroebeest'. In th a ** 739 we have ' Klipscheur 'considered the translation of' Koeroebeest ', thinking about Koouoe- than equally to Nama 11Guru- =' Quarz, Kieselgrund ... '(Kr.-R. 1969 NW 143). Meanwhile, we also received information from Mr Missenheimer CF 1977 Principal Conversation. He declares Koeroebeest as follows: 'It's this kaiingklip, this brown, or white, kaiingklip'. We assume that this quartz is colored brown, such as a kaiing, cf. What S.V. Kaiingklip. The said 'Kliphoek' and other names in the area with the component 'stone' ('gemsbokklip', 'Blouplatklip', 'clip', 'Vaalklipheuwel' etc.) Support the statement of 'Kouroe' as quartz. Also, we have other names with 'Koeroe-' as component, TW Kooegab 2817 and Koeruur (cup) 2819, with 11Guru connect, cf. th a ** 739 and 740. By Karoe (head), the other spelling of goekwop. However, in th a ** 662, we have the member 'Karoe' connected to Ikaroep = 'kind of Wild Cat', and indication of Engelbrecht SJ 1925 HG 29 5 1925 30.
afr Koeroekop', met driehoeksbaken nr 19 daarop, kom op die ooreenstemmende Topo-kadastrale kaart 1966 voor as 'Karoekop'. Op topografiese gronde meen ons dat 'Koeroekop', hoewel op 'n meer onlangse kaart, die korrekte spelling moet wees. Net oos van Koeroekop is 'Kliphoek'. Noord van die kop is die plaas 'Doom Soubattersfontein en De Klip- scheur'. Op die kaart van Veillet s.j. kom op dieselfde graadvierkant 'Koeroebees' voor. In TH A** 739 het ons 'Klipscheur' beskou as die vertaling van 'Koeroebees', en wel deur aan Koeroe- te dink as gelyk- staande aan Nama 11guru- = 'Quarz, Kieselgrund...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 143). Intussen het ons ook inligting ontvang van mnr Meissenheimer CF 1977 Skoolhoof Gesprek. Hy verklaar Koeroebees soos volg: 'Dis hierdie kaiingklip, hierdie bruin, of wit, kaiingklip'. Ons neem aan dat hierdie kwarts bruinerig gekleur is, soos 'n kaiing, vgl. WAT s.v. kaiingklip. Die genoemde 'Kliphoek' en ander name in die omgewing met die komponent 'klip' ('Gemsbokklip', 'Blouplatklip', 'Rondeklip', 'Vaalklipheuwel' ens.) verleen steun aan die verklaring van 'Koeroe-' as kwarts. Ook het ons ander name met 'Koeroe-' as komponent, t.w. KOEROEGAB 2817 en KOEROE(KOPPIE) 2819, met 11guru- verbind, vgl. TH A** 739 en 740. By KAROE(KOP), die ander spelling van Koeroekop. het ons egter in TH A** 662 die lid 'Karoe-' verbind aan Ikaroep = 'soort wildekat', en wel op aanwysing van Engelbrecht SJ 1925 Hg 29 5 1925 30.
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