Konnes, Konnes (Se Pan)

It is to read along with the entry in th a ** 758 where we expressed doubts about the suspicion of two pins that Konnes relate to ǀ Hunis = Witgatboom. By way of exception, we do not discuss this entry deductively, but inductively. Our first point of departure is the form of the pan as logged on Skin 3019 AB outpanners of topographical series 1974, scale 1:50 000. The salinous pan is 11 x / 2 km in its length, and at its widest about 4 km. For the Khoekhoven, who, as we now know, see natural phenomena and soil conduction, the pan seems to be a gut, namely the colon. Herdumes are in Nama ǀ Gui-S. The G- Alternates with K- (th is standardized from the 'Consons', in the general non-Khoekhoian ruling as consequences. Around the big pan was a farm. The vast farm was later divided into two, the border line runs about through the center from east to west. The southern half of the pan now falls in the farm with its name derived from the pan, d.w.s. The farm is called Konnes, registered as CIV. Q. 23-8. The northern half of the pan is now in the new large farm registered as No Civ. Q. 21-21. As often done in the early days when the people still knew Nama, the new farm's name is a translation of the old name. However, the translation did not fall primer, but is at a secondary level. The 'large intestine' was constructed in Afrikaans as 'thick belly', the current name. The - (e) s of Konnes are the location. Konnes, in the first instance the name of the large 'floor' or pan, is therefore preserved in the farm name at its lower half, and also in the Afrikaans form of thick belly for the farm on which the northern half of the salt pan lies. We just return to the shapes JGUG, ǀ Kui- and next to it ) Uni and Konn (e) -. In his collectanea 1901, th hah repeatedly mentioned the fact that the nasal vowel of modern Nama is a contraction of a form in which the consonant has been full and independent, and in The transition to a planted vowel a syllable gave and so shortened. Some examples at Hahn: p. 38: 'Gui-axis Aus ǀ Gunias'; p. 52: 'Toan ǀǀ Ob, Flusname Aus Tonanj ǀ OB '...' Hub Aus ǀ Hunub ', p. 63' Goa Aus igona '...' ǀǀ Gu aus ǀǀ Guna '; p. 69' ǀǀ Goab aus gonab ... ', also on BIS. 83, 90 and in many other places. So ǀ Kui-valued as an earlier ǀ Kuni, who stayed in the old pannaam Konn (E) - still stayed. There is therefore no linguistic objection to the equation of the old CC (E) - with the current ǀ GUI, even though it looks a little sought after paper. Connasts then means the 'pan (floor) that is like a bowel or ǀ gui-, d.w.s. ǀ Kuni- corpse '. Note: About the possible chronological relationship of the common phenomenon that is empowered in the case of the common phenomenon. For the nasalized 'Diffong' onion arose by the nasal m or n between the vowels you and I have disappeared. The observation of the vowels is therefore the remnant of the consonant ... The current 'long' vocal indicated by the longitudinal stripe is actually two identical vowels between or a labile (W) or an alveolar (V) Consonant disappeared, eg. There is thee (= the, 'flat'). Apart from living examples, this statement can be substantiated above all doubts by referring to the fact that the tone patterns for genuine dual-piercing words are identical with the for (so-called) one-letter words with a 'long' vocal '.

About this item

Konnes, Konnes (Se Pan)
Alternative Title
Konnes, Konnes (Se Pan)
Georeference Sources
K 3019 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Konnes' and 'Pan or Konnes'. Veillet S.J. Map 'Konnes' and 'Konnes Pan', and on other cards.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Konnes' en 'Pan of Konnes'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Konnes' en 'Konnes Pan', en op ander kaarte.
eng It is to read along with the entry in th a ** 758 where we expressed doubts about the suspicion of two pins that Konnes relate to ǀ Hunis = Witgatboom. By way of exception, we do not discuss this entry deductively, but inductively. Our first point of departure is the form of the pan as logged on Skin 3019 AB outpanners of topographical series 1974, scale 1:50 000. The salinous pan is 11 x / 2 km in its length, and at its widest about 4 km. For the Khoekhoven, who, as we now know, see natural phenomena and soil conduction, the pan seems to be a gut, namely the colon. Herdumes are in Nama ǀ Gui-S. The G- Alternates with K- (th is standardized from the 'Consons', in the general non-Khoekhoian ruling as consequences. Around the big pan was a farm. The vast farm was later divided into two, the border line runs about through the center from east to west. The southern half of the pan now falls in the farm with its name derived from the pan, d.w.s. The farm is called Konnes, registered as CIV. Q. 23-8. The northern half of the pan is now in the new large farm registered as No Civ. Q. 21-21. As often done in the early days when the people still knew Nama, the new farm's name is a translation of the old name. However, the translation did not fall primer, but is at a secondary level. The 'large intestine' was constructed in Afrikaans as 'thick belly', the current name. The - (e) s of Konnes are the location. Konnes, in the first instance the name of the large 'floor' or pan, is therefore preserved in the farm name at its lower half, and also in the Afrikaans form of thick belly for the farm on which the northern half of the salt pan lies. We just return to the shapes JGUG, ǀ Kui- and next to it ) Uni and Konn (e) -. In his collectanea 1901, th hah repeatedly mentioned the fact that the nasal vowel of modern Nama is a contraction of a form in which the consonant has been full and independent, and in The transition to a planted vowel a syllable gave and so shortened. Some examples at Hahn: p. 38: 'Gui-axis Aus ǀ Gunias'; p. 52: 'Toan ǀǀ Ob, Flusname Aus Tonanj ǀ OB '...' Hub Aus ǀ Hunub ', p. 63' Goa Aus igona '...' ǀǀ Gu aus ǀǀ Guna '; p. 69' ǀǀ Goab aus gonab ... ', also on BIS. 83, 90 and in many other places. So ǀ Kui-valued as an earlier ǀ Kuni, who stayed in the old pannaam Konn (E) - still stayed. There is therefore no linguistic objection to the equation of the old CC (E) - with the current ǀ GUI, even though it looks a little sought after paper. Connasts then means the 'pan (floor) that is like a bowel or ǀ gui-, d.w.s. ǀ Kuni- corpse '. Note: About the possible chronological relationship of the common phenomenon that is empowered in the case of the common phenomenon. For the nasalized 'Diffong' onion arose by the nasal m or n between the vowels you and I have disappeared. The observation of the vowels is therefore the remnant of the consonant ... The current 'long' vocal indicated by the longitudinal stripe is actually two identical vowels between or a labile (W) or an alveolar (V) Consonant disappeared, eg. There is thee (= the, 'flat'). Apart from living examples, this statement can be substantiated above all doubts by referring to the fact that the tone patterns for genuine dual-piercing words are identical with the for (so-called) one-letter words with a 'long' vocal '.
afr Dit is te lees saam met die inskrywing in TH A** 758 waar ons twyfel uitgespreek het oor die vermoede van twee segslui dat Konnes in verband te bring is met ǀhunis = witgatboom. By wyse van uitsondering bespreek ons hierdie inskrywing nie deduktief nie, maar induktief. Ons eerste uit- gangspunt is die vorm van die pan soos ingeteken op vel 3019 AB Uitspan- kolk van Topografiese reeks 1974, skaal 1:50 000. Die southoudende pan is 11 x/2 km in sy lengte, en op sy breedste ongeveer 4 km. Vir die Khoekhoense naamgewer wat, soos ons nou weet, natuurverskynsels en bodem- gesteldhede graag antropomorfies sien, lyk die pan meevoerend na ’n derm, by name die dikderm. Gedermte is in Nama ǀgui-s. Die g- wissel af met k- (TH A* 42, aid. 5 A 3), ǀgui- allofoneer met ǀkui-, en die nasaliteit op die -u- is wat oorbly uit die voorvorm ǀkuni- (die' is uit die 'konso- nant' -n-), in die algemene nie-Khoekhoense uitspraak genormaliseer as Konne-. Rondom die groot pan was 'n plaas. Die uitgestrekte plaas is toe later in twee verdeel, die grenslyn loop ongeveer deur die middel van oos na wes. Die suidelike helfte van die pan val nou in die plaas met sy naam wat ontleen is aan die pan, d.w.s. die plaas heet Konnes, geregistreer as Civ. Q. 23-8. Die noordelike helfte van die pan val nou in die nuwe groot plaas geregistreer as nr Civ. Q. 21-21. Soos in die vroeë dae dikwels gedoen is toe die mense nog Nama geken het, is die nuwe plaas se naam 'n vertaling van die ou naam. Die vertaling het egter nie primer uitgeval nie, maar is op 'n sekondêre vlak. Die 'dikderm' is in Afrikaans oorgebring as 'Dik Pens', die huidige naam. Die -(e)s van Konnes is die lokativering. Konnes, in eerste instansie die naam van die groot 'vloer' of pan, is dus bewaar in die plaasnaam aan sy onderste helfte, en ook in die Afrikaanse vorm van Dik Pens vir die plaas waarop die noordelike helfte van die sout- pan le. Ons keer net weer terug na die vorms jgui-, ǀkui- en daarnaas ǀg(k)uni en Konn(e)-. In sy Collectanea 1901 maak Th Hahn herhaaldelik melding van die feit dat die nasale klinker van moderne Nama 'n sametrekking is van ‘n vorm waarin die konsonant -n- vol en selfstandig gehoor was, en in die oorgang tot 'n genasaleerde klinker 'n lettergreep prysgegee het en so verkort is. Enkele voorbeelde by Hahn: bl. 38: 'ǀGui-as aus ǀGunias'; bl. 52: 'TOanǀǀob, Flussname aus TOnanjǀob'...'Hub aus ǀhunub', bl. 63 'ǃgoa aus Igona'... 'ǀǀGu aus ǀǀguna'; bl. 69 'ǀǀgoab aus gonab...', ook op bis. 83, 90 en op baie ander plekke. So word ǀkui- gewaardeer as ’n vroeëre ǀkuni-, wat in die ou pannaam Konn(e)- nog versteen gebly het. Daar is gevolglik geen taalkundige beswaar teen die gelykstelling van die ou Konn(e)- met die huidige ǀgui- nie, al lyk dit op papier bietjie gesog. Konnes beteken dan die 'Pan (vloer) wat soos ‘n derm of ǀgui-, d.w.s. ǀkuni- lyk'. Nota: Oor die moontlike chronologiese verhouding van die al- gemene verskynsel wat voorbeeldsgewys beliggaam is in die geval ǀkhui en ǀkhuni, skryf mnr Haacke nog die volgende: 'Ek sou meen dat ǀkhuni die voorloper van ǀkhui is. Want die genasaleerde 'diftong' ui het ontstaan deurdat die nasale m of n tussen die vokale u en i verdwyn het. Die nasa- lering van die vokale is dus die oorblyfsel van die konsonant...Die huidige 'lang' vokaal wat met die lengtestreep aangedui word, is eintlik twee identiese vokale waartussen of 'n labiele (w) of 'n alveolere (v) konsonant verdwyn het, bv. There word Thee (= The, ‘plat’). Afgesien van le- wende voorbeelde kan hierdie bewering bo alle twyfel gestaaf word deur verwysing na die feit dat die toonpatrone vir egte tweelettergrepige woorde identies is met die vir (sogenaamde) eenlettergrepige woorde met ’n 'lang' vokaal'.
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