
The -be- is spot-nood, the -s (Fern -) According to spokesman number-two exchange ruling of Nama ǀ Horo = 'Trockener Fladen' (Rust 1960 DNW 42), now changing N and H, which occurs much. Cfg. for this o.a. OU-CAPS IN HOTT 181 E.V. and 5 d 6. On older cards, eg. Vereill, correlates this place with 'Noruby', pointing to an unabigitity of the vowels and makes the other distractions improper. This 'Norabees' is farm Nam.q. 14-13, Dist. Namaqualand, also a 'Norabeesvlei'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3018 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Boonzaaier GPL (Springbok) 1973 Boer letter 'Norabees, farm. Means: Many shovel waters, D.W.S. If a vlei was full of water and dried up, there remain places where there can still be dug for water '. Kennedy IJ 1974 Farmer Conversation 'Inorabees is' dry mist '. It is a terrible bare world, just grassland. There is no firewood, then the people just make dry cattle mistakes '.
afr Boonzaaier GPl (Springbok) 1973 Boer Brief 'Norabees, plaas. Beteken: baie graafwaters, d.w.s. as ’n vlei vol water was en opgedroog het, dan bly daar plekke waar daar nog gegrawe kan word vir water'. Kennedy IJ 1974 Boer Gesprek ' INorabees is ‘droë mis’. Dit is ’n verskriklike kaal wêreld, net graswêreld. Daar is nie vuurmaakhout nie, dan maak die volk net droë beesmisvure'.
eng The -be- is spot-nood, the -s (Fern -) According to spokesman number-two exchange ruling of Nama ǀ Horo = 'Trockener Fladen' (Rust 1960 DNW 42), now changing N and H, which occurs much. Cfg. for this o.a. OU-CAPS IN HOTT 181 E.V. and 5 d 6. On older cards, eg. Vereill, correlates this place with 'Noruby', pointing to an unabigitity of the vowels and makes the other distractions improper. This 'Norabees' is farm Nam.q. 14-13, Dist. Namaqualand, also a 'Norabeesvlei'.
afr Die -be- is plekbenoemend, die -s (fern, sing.) dui moontlik ’n fontein of waterplek aan, by die grondwoord nora- wat volgens segsman nommer-een blykbaar wisseluitspraak is van xora- = graafwater (wisseling n- en x-), volgens segsman nommer-twee wisseluitspraak is van Nama ǀhoro = 'trockener Fladen' (Rust 1960 DNW 42), nou wisseling n- en h-, wat veel voorkom. Vgl. hiervoor o.a. Ou-Kaaps in HOTT 181 e.v. en 5 D 6. Op ouer kaarte, bv. Veillet, korreleer hierdie plek met 'Noruby', wat op ’n onvastheid van die klinkers wys en die ander afleidings moontliker maak. Hierdie 'Norabees' is plaas Nam.Q. 14-13, dist. Namakwaland, daarop ook ’n 'Norabeesvlei'.
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