Gasab(Rivier), Kansaap(Riv.)

The name was discussed in th a * 391. Mr JH Burger, the owner of the farm, gave the same statement as the above. Theǃ Nore B is khoe- khoens for the muscat cat, cf. o.a. Shortridge 1934 Mammals I 112. For the exchange of the stem chickens in nei and no of the names for the farm and the animal, cf. o.a. ǀ Ne (i) RAB and JNORAB = Baboon (Kr.- R. 228). Mr Leopernh just couldn't come to the Afrikaans name. And his son, the sergeant, could not help him. Shortridge also gives Nama ǀǀ Arob. The -ro-which can also be reduction morpheme, Dr. Vedder and Mr Krenz laid on a side, the -ro need no diminution, also, it is just a varietal ruling of the lock part. The Adv. Gasa = 'Verierbar' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 66) at GA [ka] = 'Verloren, Verkwinden; ... Sterben '(Kr.-. there). However, this does not clear the story of the naming, the ingredients are clear. Mr Krenz FK 1979 Located the above, as we left it annoyed, and sign as follows: 'I am much older than Daniel Luipernh and got the meaning of the name of his old people. It's not Inoreb - Who will speak great about a mongoose that has been lost? Gas alnirob lies between mountains, and it was 'funny' to get there a small kotehardjie (and of course it was also meat) '

About this item

Gasab(Rivier), Kansaap(Riv.)
Alternative Title
Gasab(Rivier), Kansaap(Riv.)
Georeference Sources
K 3018 AB/BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng lueoperth d 1977 main councilor conversation 'Kasa-lnoreb. 'Lose' is the right word. It's actually a lost thing. Inoreb is a little animal. He walks around in the night and steals the eggs. He's as big as a big cat, but he looks like a tiger's color, it's a little fur. '
afr luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid Gesprek 'Kasa-lnoreb. ‘Verloor' is die regte woord. Dit is eintlik 'n verlore ding. INoreb is 'n klein diertjie. Hy loop in die nag rond en steel die eiers. Hy’s so groot soos 'n groot kat, maar hy lyk omtrent soos ’n tier se kleur, dit is bietjie bont.'
eng The name was discussed in th a * 391. Mr JH Burger, the owner of the farm, gave the same statement as the above. Theǃ Nore B is khoe- khoens for the muscat cat, cf. o.a. Shortridge 1934 Mammals I 112. For the exchange of the stem chickens in nei and no of the names for the farm and the animal, cf. o.a. ǀ Ne (i) RAB and JNORAB = Baboon (Kr.- R. 228). Mr Leopernh just couldn't come to the Afrikaans name. And his son, the sergeant, could not help him. Shortridge also gives Nama ǀǀ Arob. The -ro-which can also be reduction morpheme, Dr. Vedder and Mr Krenz laid on a side, the -ro need no diminution, also, it is just a varietal ruling of the lock part. The Adv. Gasa = 'Verierbar' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 66) at GA [ka] = 'Verloren, Verkwinden; ... Sterben '(Kr.-. there). However, this does not clear the story of the naming, the ingredients are clear. Mr Krenz FK 1979 Located the above, as we left it annoyed, and sign as follows: 'I am much older than Daniel Luipernh and got the meaning of the name of his old people. It's not Inoreb - Who will speak great about a mongoose that has been lost? Gas alnirob lies between mountains, and it was 'funny' to get there a small kotehardjie (and of course it was also meat) '
afr Die naam is bespreek in TH A* 391. Mnr JH Burger, die eienaar van die plaas, het dieselfde verklaring as bostaande gegee. Die ǃnore-b is Khoe- khoens vir die muskeljaatkat, vgl. o.a. Shortridge 1934 Mammals I 112. Vir die wisseling van die stamklinkers in nei- en no- van die name vir die plaas en die dier, vgl. o.a. ǀne(i)rab en jnorab = bobbejaan (Kr.-R. 228). Mnr luiperth kon net nie op die Afrikaanse naam kom nie. en sy seun, die sersant, kon horn ook nie help nie. Shortridge gee vir Nama ook aan ǀǀarob. Die -ro- wat ook verkleiningsmorfeem kan wees, het dr Vedder en mnr Krenz op ’n syspoor gelêi, die -ro- hoef geen diminusie uit te druk nie, ook, dit is wel net ’n wisseluitspraak van die slotdeel. Die adv. gasa = 'verlierbar' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 66) by ga [ka] = 'verloren gehen, ver- schwinden; ...sterben' (Kr.-R. aldaar). Dit maak die verhaaltjie van die naamgewing nie juis duideliker nie, die bestanddele is egter duidelik. Mnr Krenz FK 1979 het bostaande geleës soos ons dit vereers onveran- derd gelaat het, en teken hierby soos volg aan: 'Ek is baie ouer as Daniel luiperth en het die betekenis van die naam van sy ou mense gekry. Dit is nie INoreb nie — wie sal groot praat van ’n muishond wat verlore geraak het? Gasalneirob le tussen berge, en dit was ‘snaaks' om daar ’n klein ka- meelperdjie te kry (en dit was natuurlik ook vleis)'
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