
This name does not occur on maps, not Seifs on the series South Africa 1971 Skin 3018 AA Bovlei scale 1:50 000. It lies in the feliefonous reserve and across the Black Challenge's mountain, viz. opposite its eastern nose. The meaning is the 'divide (reproduced with the -b of the ml. Ekv. For the long gap) where there are Sorobe crops (Kr. Bears ') growth / grown'. Whether the carvail or perhaps bitter, in any case, a species of the solatium, it is found, we do not know. At Krenz FK 1979 Farmer note calls the name sound associative: 'Hasslich; Sorrobes = Hasslich Aussehend '.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3018 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveyor of Kruger AC 1978 'Sorrobib. DIST. Springbok, 65 km southeast of town. Old name, for a gorge '.
afr Opmeting per Kruger AC 1978 'Sorrobib. Dist. Springbok, 65 km suidoos van dorp. Ou naam, vir ’n kloof'.
eng This name does not occur on maps, not Seifs on the series South Africa 1971 Skin 3018 AA Bovlei scale 1:50 000. It lies in the feliefonous reserve and across the Black Challenge's mountain, viz. opposite its eastern nose. The meaning is the 'divide (reproduced with the -b of the ml. Ekv. For the long gap) where there are Sorobe crops (Kr. Bears ') growth / grown'. Whether the carvail or perhaps bitter, in any case, a species of the solatium, it is found, we do not know. At Krenz FK 1979 Farmer note calls the name sound associative: 'Hasslich; Sorrobes = Hasslich Aussehend '.
afr Hierdie naam kom nog nie op kaarte voor nie, seifs nie op die reeks Suid- Afrika 1971 vel 3018 AA Bovlei skaal 1:50 000 nie. Dit le in die Feliefon- teinse reservaat en regoor die Swartklaasriet se Berg, nl. teenoor sy oostelike neus. Die betekenis is wel die 'Kloof (weergegee met die -b van die ml. ekv. vir die langerige kloof) waar daar sorobe-gewasse (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 349 sorobe-s = 'ein Nachtschattengewachs mit gelben, nicht essbaren Beeren') groei/gegroei het'. Of die nastergalplant of miskien bitterappel, in ieder geval 'n spesie van die Solatium, nog daar aangetref word, dit weet ons nie. By Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening roep die naam klank- assosiatief op: 'hasslich; sorrobes = hasslich aussehend'.
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