Ouss, Ook Ous, Oes, Oos, Koets

Also, a farm that has the name, spelled on the map of the Namaqualand Divisional Council 'Ouss OR Poplier Bosch', otherwise only Ouss, Clw.Q. 7-37 on height K 3017 BB. Laidler writes it (with the d ǀ) as a east, but with tongue and meaning he is just next to it. The ground word is like Namaǃ Au-b, -s = 'der neck, der nacken', d.w.s. It lies in a neck (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 30). The shape carriage, better, has the skeleta in front, exactly as it was heard in the 'neck' (cf. Hott 399-400). Without this (for our happy) recording of Laidler, we (as in fact others have already done) it wanted to identify with ǀ Ous, ǀ Aus = fountain, source, cf. e.g. Mrs. Black above. The meaning then is the 'place (-s) at or in the mountain neck (ǃ Au orǃ Old)'. The added name 'poplar forest' for the farm is planted from elsewhere, and when the tree is brought from elsewhere. The town of Kamieskroon was constructed on a portion of the farm 'carriage / harvest / ous / tkous' by Mrs. Charlotta van Wyk (grandmother Tollie) was sold to the village layers (cf. O.A. Mrs. MC Swart's mentioned article above).

About this item

Ouss, Ook Ous, Oes, Oos, Koets
Alternative Title
Ouss, Ook Ous, Oes, Oos, Koets
Georeference Sources
K 3017 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Kamieskroon
eng Census card 1891 m3 / 1719 'ts.c.ous'. Veillet S.J. map ' Is Descriptive of the Position, Probably of A Kraal, Between the Shoulders or Two Ranges of Hills '. Black Mc Mrs. 1973 Kamieskroon fifty 89 'Carriage (crop or tkous) ... means digit ...'
afr Sensuskaart 1891 M3/1719 'Ts.c.Ous'. Veillet s.j. kaart ''Ous or Populier Bos', direk onderkant Bowesdorp gemerk Laidler PW 1927 Man 150 'Dǀoos, now Oes or Koets (the present village of Kamieskroon), ‘between the shoulders'. Is descriptive of the position, probably of a kraal, between the shoulders of two ranges of hills'. Swart MC mev. 1973 Kamieskroon vyftig 89 'Koets (Oes of Tkous)...beteken syferwatertjie...'
eng Also, a farm that has the name, spelled on the map of the Namaqualand Divisional Council 'Ouss OR Poplier Bosch', otherwise only Ouss, Clw.Q. 7-37 on height K 3017 BB. Laidler writes it (with the d ǀ) as a east, but with tongue and meaning he is just next to it. The ground word is like Namaǃ Au-b, -s = 'der neck, der nacken', d.w.s. It lies in a neck (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 30). The shape carriage, better, has the skeleta in front, exactly as it was heard in the 'neck' (cf. Hott 399-400). Without this (for our happy) recording of Laidler, we (as in fact others have already done) it wanted to identify with ǀ Ous, ǀ Aus = fountain, source, cf. e.g. Mrs. Black above. The meaning then is the 'place (-s) at or in the mountain neck (ǃ Au orǃ Old)'. The added name 'poplar forest' for the farm is planted from elsewhere, and when the tree is brought from elsewhere. The town of Kamieskroon was constructed on a portion of the farm 'carriage / harvest / ous / tkous' by Mrs. Charlotta van Wyk (grandmother Tollie) was sold to the village layers (cf. O.A. Mrs. MC Swart's mentioned article above).
afr Ook 'n plaas wat nog die naam het, op die kaart van die Afdelingsraad van Namakwaland gespel 'Ouss or Populiersbosch', anders net Ouss, Clw.Q. 7-37 op hoogte K 3017 BB. Laidler skryf dit (met die Dǀ) as ǀOos, maar met tongslag en betekenis is hy net daarnaas. Die grondwoord is soos Nama ǃau-b, -s = 'der Hals, der Nacken', d.w.s. dit le in 'n nek (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 30). Die vorm Koets, beter is Koes, het die velaar vooraan, presies soos dit in Ou- Kaaps vir 'nek' gehoor was (vgl. HOTT 399-400). Sonder hierdie (vir ons gelukkige) optekening van Laidler sou ons (soos trouens ander reeds gedoen het) dit wou vereenselwig het met ǀous, ǀaus = fontein, bron, vgl. bv. mev. Swart hierbo. Die betekenis dan is die 'Plek (-s) by of in die bergnek (ǃau- of ǃou-)'. Die toegevoegde naam 'Populier Bos' vir die plaas is van later, en wel toe die boomsoort, van elders gebring, daar geplant is. Die dorp Kamieskroon is aangelê op 'n gedeelte van die plaas 'Koets/Oes/Ouss/Tkous' wat deur mev. Charlotta van Wyk (Ouma Tollie) aan die dorpsuitleggers verkoop is (vgl. o.a. mev. MC Swart se genoemde artikel hierbo).

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